
chēng wèi
  • title;appellation;state;prefix
称谓 [chēng wèi]
  • (1) [appellation]∶人们由于亲属和其他方面的相互关系,以及由于身分、职业等等而得来的名称。如:母亲、老师、首长等

  • (2) [title] ∶称呼

  • (3) [state]∶述说;陈述

称谓[chēng wèi]
  1. 亲属称谓是亲属制度在语言中的反应。

    Kinsfolk appellation is the kinfolks system reflection in language .

  2. 海南汉语方言姑姨舅类亲属称谓研究

    On the Appellation of Relatives in the Chinese Dialects of Hainan

  3. 他们终于准备放弃“新披头士乐队”这一称谓。

    They are finally ready to drop the tag ' the new Beatles ' .

  4. 我不喜欢“家庭主妇”这个称谓。

    I hated the label ' housewife ' .

  5. 墙上涂写着一些带有种族歧视的称谓。

    Racial epithets were scrawled on the walls .

  6. 事实上人们对垃圾债券的称谓有误,所以产生了误解。

    The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed , and therefore misunderstood .

  7. 他们觉得女权主义者这个称谓太抬举她们了。

    They thought the feminist label was too worthy .

  8. 他想给“幸福”一个更为科学的新称谓,准确地说即“愉悦型重度情感障碍”。

    He 'd like ' happiness ' to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label , to wit ' Major affective disorder , pleasant type ' .

  9. 这个称谓让人联想到一只长得过大却尚未离开母亲育儿袋的有袋类动物。

    The name suggests the image of an overgrown marsupial that hasn 't left its mother 's pouch .

  10. 称谓的语用含义及翻译&谈《名利场》人物对话称谓sir的汉译

    Pragmatic Implication and Translation of English Titles & About Chinese Translation of the Title Sir in Fictional Conversations in Vanity Fair

  11. 但是,Myanmar已经逐渐成为标准的称谓,尤其是在缅甸国内。

    But Myanmar has gradually become standard , especially inside the country itself .

  12. 因此,骨髓内的干细胞是一个混合干细胞群,目前有关文献用骨髓源干细胞(bonemarrow-DERIVEDSTEMCELLS,BMDSCs)来称谓这群细胞。

    The term " bone marrow derived-stem cells ( BMDSCs )" has been therefore used to indicate such special population of stem cells from bone marrow in some articles recently .

  13. SOHO是人们对自由职业者的另一种称谓,同时亦代表一种自由、弹性的工作方式。

    SOHO is the perception of the liberal professions another title , but also on behalf of a free and flexible ways of working .

  14. 新的中性性别称谓“Mx”将加入“Mr”“Mrs”“Miss”和“Ms”的队伍,成为驾照以及其他正式文件上的性别称谓。这是数十年来官方承认称谓的首次变更。

    A new gender neutral title ' Mx ' is to join the honorifics ' Mr , Mrs , Miss and Ms ' on driving licences and other official documents , the first change to officially recognised titles in decades .

  15. 他称,无论是网站的下拉选框还是其他地方,称谓都有变得正式的趋势,用Mr和Mrs标识丈夫和妻子这样的传统关系,或者用Dr和Lord标识职业身份。

    He said titles , whether on online drop-down boxes or elsewhere , tended to be formal and enforce traditional relationships such as those between husband and wife , as in Mr and Mrs , or even profession such as Dr or Lord .

  16. SSBN是美国海军对弹道导弹核潜艇的分类称谓。

    SSBN is the United States Navy 's hull classification symbol for a fleet ballistic nuclear missile submarine .

  17. 根据Scollon的划分,可以分别从权力、距离、强加程度这三个构成面子理论(或礼貌体系)的要素来分析英汉称谓用语在实现面子理论中的相似之处以及差异。

    According to Scollon 's division of face theory ( or politeness system ), the similarities and differences of the realization of politeness theory in English and Chinese forms of address can be discussed from the three main factors relatively power , distance , and weight of imposition .

  18. 白马语是濒危语言,研究白马语亲属称谓词汇有重大意义。

    There is great significance of studying the Baima kinship terms .

  19. 汉英社交称谓语对比分析

    A Comparison and Analysis of Address Forms in Chinese and English

  20. 英美语言中女性称谓语分析

    Analysis of the Female Address Form in British and American English

  21. 第九部分,三身代词构成的复合称谓。

    Part nine , the compound appellations composed of personal pronoun .

  22. 汉语称谓及其缺位现象的文化思考

    Cultural reflection on Chinese appellation and the phenomena of its absence

  23. 令留学生头疼的称呼汉、苗族亲属称谓文化特征之比较

    A Comparison of the Form of Address between Miao and Han

  24. 我国新《合同法》有关规定的称谓应规范化;

    Some terms of the New Contract Law should be standardized .

  25. 英汉亲属称谓对比与分析

    The Comparison and Analysis of Kinship Titles in English and Chinese

  26. 拟亲属称谓在汉语社交称呼行为中的运用

    Application of Fictive Use of KT in Chinese Social Address Behavior

  27. 称谓语超常规使用的调整功能

    On the Adjustment Function of Appellation Words ' Ultra Convention Use

  28. 亲属称谓语外化现象增多,外化范围扩大;

    Generalization phenomenon of kinship terms increased and the range expanded .

  29. 现代汉语中的称谓语和称呼语

    Appellation and Address in g Terms in Modern Ch in ese

  30. 汉语、英语、日语亲属称谓对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Address Forms in Chinese , English and Japanese