
fēi jūn shì qū
  • demilitarized zone
非军事区[fēi jūn shì qū]
  1. 该地区可能会成为非军事区。

    The area could be turned into a demilitarized zone .

  2. 本图中的防火墙仿效用于公司内部网与互联网之间防火墙的传统非军事区(DMZ)设置。

    Firewalls in this picture emulate the traditional demilitarized zone ( DMZ ) setup for corporate firewalls between the intranet and Internet .

  3. 他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。

    He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them .

  4. 如果用户选择非军事区的设置页,用户不能这样做的双WAN设置在这里。

    If users select DMZ in setup page , users could not do the Dual WAN setting here .

  5. 此外,划分南北两韩的非军事区?DMZ?内,清除地雷的工作亦在同时进行之中。

    In addition , the work to clear landmines in the Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ ), which separates South and North Korea , is also in progress .

  6. 去年,韩国在非军事区(DemilitarizedZone)通过扩音喇叭播放Apink和BigBang等演出团体的流行歌曲。对此,朝鲜威胁称,如果不停止广播,将发动“全面战争”。

    Last year , South Korea blasted pop songs by acts like Apink and BigBang over loudspeakers in the Demilitarized Zone , leading the North to threaten " all-out war " if the broadcasts did not cease .

  7. 我们5天的行程包括平壤、朝韩紧张的边境上的非军事区(DMZ)以及位于山区的朝鲜开国领导人金日成(KimIl-sung)的出生地万景台(Mangyongdae)。

    Our five-day trip took us to Pyongyang , to the demilitarised zone on the tense border with South Korea and to Mangyongdae , a mountainous region that is the birthplace of Kim Il Sung , the nation 's founder .

  8. 据路透社报道,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马将于本周日访问朝韩之间的非军事区(DMZ),旨在向朝鲜施压,让其放弃核武计划。随后他将参加在首尔举行的核安全峰会。

    US President Barack Obama is seeking to increase pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapon programs by visiting the Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ ) on the border between the two Koreas on Sunday before a nuclear security summit in Seoul , Reuters reported .

  9. 会出现在这个非军事区的周围?

    Are around here when the dmz 's up there ?

  10. 这个非军事区已经发展成为具备双重用途的边界缓冲带。

    The DMZ has evolved into a dual purpose barrier .

  11. 交战国双方同意在他们之间建立一个非军事区。

    The two nations at war agreed to demilitarize a zone between them .

  12. 我们正在非军事区拆除地雷。

    We 're defusing land mines in the dmz .

  13. 随便你唱歌,随便你步行去非军事区。

    Go sing all you want , go walk to DMZ all you want .

  14. 在非军事区的时候。

    While being an officer at the dmz .

  15. 李钟秀(刘亚仁饰)是一名默默无闻的送货司机,在非军事区附近工作。

    Jongsu ( Ah-in Yoo ) is an unassertive delivery driver who works near the DMZ .

  16. 新闻报道称,叙利亚军队进入戈兰高地非军事区。

    Several news reports say Syrian troops have entered the demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights .

  17. 在随后的日子里,双方均撤回军队,在中间留出了一个非军事区。

    In the days that followed , both sides pulled back , leaving a demilitarized zone between them .

  18. 他在非军事区找不到猎物,只见对方边界内有个敌兵打瞌睡。

    With no quarry to be found in the demilitarised zone , North spotted a dozing enemy across the border .

  19. 尽管名字不同,但这个分隔朝鲜和韩国的非军事区是地球上最重要的军事化边界。

    Despite its name , the demilitarized zone that separates North and South Korea , is the most heavily militarized border in earth .

  20. 二恶英是一种化学合成剂,曾在越南战争中用于清除丛林,在朝鲜半岛非军事区周边也使用过。

    Dioxin is a compound of the chemical , previously used to clear jungles during the Vietnam War and along the Korean Demilitarized Zone .

  21. 医生说:星期六以色列军队闯入非军事区,与数十名手持石块的巴勒斯坦青年发生冲突,并且毙一名14岁的少年。

    Israeli troops enforcing a curfew clashed with dozens of young Palestinian stone-throwers saturday , and a14-year-old was killed by army fire , doctors said .

  22. 三个月前他获得了银色空军飞行胸章,随后被派往韩国,驻扎在非军事区附近,为期一年。

    Three months earlier , he had earned his silver wings and begun a one-year assignment in South Korea , stationed near the demilitarized zone .

  23. 其中一个开放的地点是坐落在将南北朝鲜分隔开的非军事区的板门店“停战村”。

    Among these is the " truce village " of Panmunjom , located in the demilitarized zone ( DMZ ) separating North and South Korea .

  24. 在我访问朝鲜期间的所到之处,食品是充足的、女侍者是漂亮的、非军事区士兵的身高高于平均水平。

    In the North Korea I visited , the food was ample , the waitresses were pretty and the soldiers at the DMZ taller than average .

  25. 在非军事区服役的士兵听韩国音乐,当他们转移到朝鲜其它地区后,他们就一直唱这些歌。

    The soldiers who serve near the DMZ hear South Korean music and then they keep singing them when they move to other parts of the country .

  26. 白宫官员说,奥巴马星期天将视察非军事区的美国部队。奥巴马在首尔参加一次备受关注的核安全峰会之前,将首次视察驻非军事区美军。

    White House officials say Mr. Obama will visit with American forces Sunday at the DMZ , making it his first event before a high-profile Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul .

  27. 到了陆地上,火种在士兵们的护送下最终运抵非军事区的最北端,让朝鲜也可以看到。

    Onshore , it was escorted by soldiers who eventually carried the flame to the northernmost edge of the demilitarized zone , where it could be seen from North Korea .

  28. 奥巴马将于峰会开始前访问朝韩之间的非军事区,白宫表示,此举是表示对韩国的强烈支持。

    Mr Obama is due to visit the demilitarised zone shortly before the summit starts in what the White House has called a strong show of support for South Korea .

  29. 有一次,美国军事指挥部要活捉一个北越士兵,以证明「河内破坏停战协议,派军队入非军事区」的指控。

    Once , the US Military Command wanted a North Vietnamese soldier taken prisoner to prove allegations that Hanoi was breaking truce terms by sending troops into the demilitarised area .

  30. 如果战争重启,韩国将是赢家,但这一进程将带来巨大伤亡,届时炮火将覆盖整个非军事区。

    If it came to war the South Koreans would prevail , but would suffer a lot of casualties in the process given the number of artillery shells across the DMZ .