
  • 网络non-being;nonbeing;non-existence;not-being;being
  1. 克尔恺郭尔通过分析焦虑概念揭示出生存中的非存在(non-being)是有限性与无限性、可能性与必然性不可调和的根源。

    Through analysing the phenomenon of anxiety , Kierkegaard points out that there is non-being in the process of existence . This non-being makes it impossible to harmonize the finitude and the infinitude , the necessity and possibility .

  2. 自由的创造,使非存在成为存在。

    By the way of free creating , the non-being becomes Being .

  3. 具有强Allee效应的半线性椭圆方程正解的存在性和非存在性

    Existence and Nonexistence of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equation With Inhomogeneous Strong Allee Effect

  4. Sein不是存在者,而是非存在,由此,海德格尔建构了追问无的形而上学。

    " Sein " is not an entity but " non-existence " . Heidegger thus established the metaphysics of questioning " nihility " .

  5. 图上Z~2可扩作用的非存在性

    The Non-Existence of Expansive Z ~ 2 Actions on Graphs

  6. 非存在威胁着存在,它带给存在的是有限性。

    Non-exsitence threats exsitence , and it brings existence limit .

  7. 具有指数增长的非线性p-双调和问题解的存在性和非存在性

    Existence and Nonexistence of Solutions of Nonlinear p-Biharmonic Problem with Exponential Growth

  8. 一句话,关于非存在的任何陈述怎么可能是正确的陈述呢?

    How can any such statement of non-existence be true ?

  9. 绝热气动力学方程组整体光滑解的存在性与非存在性

    Existence and nonexistence of globally smooth solution to thermally insulated gas dynamics equations

  10. 调和映射的一个非存在性定理

    A Non - existence Theorem for Harmonic Maps

  11. 而克尔恺郭尔的主体性正是面对非存在的主体性,从而是面对绝对的他者而生存的激情。

    The subjectivity of Kierkegaard is the passion to exist in face of this non-being .

  12. 具耗散项拟线性双曲方程组柯西问题整体解的存在性与非存在性

    Existence and Nonexistence of Globally Smooth Solutions of Cauchy Problem of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems with Dissipative Terms

  13. p-调和映照的非存在性定理

    Nonexistence theorems for p-harmonic maps

  14. 因为你不可能认识也无法言说非存在&这是不可能的;因为可以想象与存在是统一的。

    For thou couldst not know that which is-not nor utter it ; for the same thing can be thought as can be .

  15. 通过积分平均技巧,将多维问题的振动性转化为二阶泛函微分不等式最终正解的非存在性。

    By the integral averaging techniques , the multi-dimensional oscillation problems are reduced to the nonexistence of eventually positive solutions of second-order functional differential inequalities .

  16. 意向论很好地解决了幻觉对象的非存在性问题,但它无法一致地解释意向状态和意向对象的关系。

    Intentionalism well explains the nonexistence of the object of hallucination , but it cannot coherently account for the relationship of intentional state and intentional object .

  17. 佛陀坚持说,这后一个层次是不可描述的,即便以存在与非存在角度也不可能,因为言辞只适于有限事物。

    The Buddha insists that this level is indescribable , even in terms of existence or nonexistence , because words work only for things that have limits .

  18. 讨论其上关系取反和复合,指出其复合是基于相容性而非存在性;

    The basic reverse and composing operations are discussed , and it is pointed out that the composition of extended rectangle relations is based on consistency not existence .

  19. 给出了问题径向正解的非存在性,解的振荡性及有界性的充分条件,并对有界解进行了估计。

    The nonexistence theorem of radial positive solution , sufficient conditions of oscillation and boundedness of radial solution and estimation for bounded solution are given in this paper .

  20. 特别是,在知识经济条件下,企业的日常行为和创新决策几乎总是镶嵌在特定的知识网络情境中,而非存在于完全独立的孤岛里。

    It is especially the case under the knowledge economy condition , where firms ' daily activity and innovative conducts are always embedded in the knowledge network context , not taking place in " isolated islands " .

  21. 那么,该怎样解释存在悖论;指称非存在的空名是否能担当句子的主词;在断定某物不存在同时,是不是已经预设了某物存在。

    How to explain this paradox situation , how to deal with it ? whether " empty name " can bear the sentence ' subject ; Conclude that something does not exist , at the same time , whether predetermined something is there .

  22. 关于ODE非局部存在性定理的讨论

    Discussion on Global Existence Theorem of ODE

  23. 而高Si含量的TiSiN复合膜中的Si3N4界面相以非晶态存在,薄膜的硬度也相应降低。

    Whereas , in the composite film of larger silicon content , Si_ 3N_ 4 phase existed as amorphous and resulted in a decrease in hardness .

  24. 你是一个非肉体存在的肉体延伸。

    You Are a Physical Extension of That Which is Non-physical .

  25. 微分方程解的非整体存在性问题

    Some Non-global Existent Theorems for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations

  26. 非有效存在债权具有可转让性。

    Ineffective existence of claims can be transferred .

  27. 鼠之成害,非鼠存在之原状,乃人为所致。

    Rat harm was not the inevitable outcome of its existence , but man-made .

  28. 和谐伦理学宣言&为了所有生物和非生物存在的和谐发展

    Manifesto of Harmonious Ethics & for Harmonious Development of Living Beings and Abiotic Existence

  29. 因此它超越于我们善与恶,是与非,存在和不存在的观念。

    It is therefore beyond our conceptions of good and evil , right and wrong , existence and non-existence .

  30. 看多者则反驳称,中国的官方债务负担并不高,所谓的隐性债务更多是想象的,而非切实存在的。

    China boosters retort that the official debt load is small and that hidden liabilities are more imaginary than real .