
zhuān yǒu míng cí
  • proper noun
专有名词 [zhuān yǒu míng cí]
  • [proper noun] 标示一个特定的人或物的名词,不带限定性修饰语,在英语中通常要大写字头--亦称专名

专有名词[zhuān yǒu míng cí]
  1. 如果N1、N2属于同一名词小类:N为无生专有名词或方位名词,则N+N为并列结构;

    N1 、 N2 belong to same kinds of nouns : if they are both proper noun without life or local noun , it is the co-ordinate structure ;

  2. 专有名词的翻译原则和技巧

    Some Principles and Techniques in the Translation of Proper Noun

  3. 四方研究所和东英吉利亚大学的微生物基因组学教授马克·帕伦建议采用一个固有的专有名词清单来重新命名,因为B.1.617.2这样的标签不好念也不好记。

    Mark Pallen , professor of microbial genomics at the Quadram Institute and University of East Anglia , suggested alternatives that use a pre-generated list of proper nouns because labels like B.1.617.2 are so tricky to pronounce and remember .

  4. 作业B(15%)运用你在课堂上学过的专有名词、分析架构或概念,来分析某个私人或工作上的真实谈判经历。

    Analytic Journal Assignment B ( 15 % ) Analyze a " real-world " negotiation experience from your personal or professional life using the terminology , frameworks , and concepts from the course .

  5. DARE包含了6万个词汇和专有名词,Hall说这些单词可以显示使用人来自何处。

    DARE contains almost sixty thousand words and terms . Ms. Hall says these can show where the people who use them are from .

  6. 命名实体抽取(NamedEntityExtraction,NEE)的任务主要是从文本中抽取出专有名词和有意义的短语并加以归类。它是自然语言处理的一项重要技术。

    The task of Named Entity Extraction ( Named Entity Extraction , NEE ) is to extract and classify proper nouns and meaningful phrases from the text .

  7. 不要把奔驰F015称为“汽车”,因为我们的汽车词典里还没有一个专有名词能形容它——用铝合金精雕细琢而成,形似太空飞船的豪华座驾。

    Don 't call the Mercedes F 015 a " car . " In fact , our automotive lexicon doesn 't yet have a word for the sculpted-aluminum land-bound spaceship-limousine .

  8. 要映射指向专有名词的LDAP属性,可将空白节点的类型指定为lmap:ObjectProperty。

    To map an LDAP property that points to a distinguished name , designate the blank node to be of the lmap : ObjectProperty type .

  9. 这种现象已经足以拥有一个专有名词:“一分钱效应”(“Thepennygap”)&让顾客为你的产品或服务付出第一分钱往往是最为艰难的一关。

    This phenomenon was broad enough to get its own name : " The penny gap " & the hardest part is to get your customer to pay you the first penny .

  10. 提出了一种基于专有名词优先的中文分词方法:利用专业词典、通用词典和同义词词典相结合的词典机制,优先切分专有名词,对粗分结果利用Trigram模型进行消歧而获取最终结果。

    Design a Chinese word segmentation algorithm based on priority special name : using dictionary mechanism which combine synonyms dictionary , general dictionary and special dictionary , cut the sentences by special name firstly , and get the segmentation result of disambiguating with Trigram mode lastly .

  11. 翻译专有名词的标准是什么?

    What are the criteria for the translation of proper nouns ?

  12. 谈借助网络翻译商务文献中的专有名词

    Translation of Proper Names in the Business Literature by the Internet

  13. 那有个专有名词,不是吗?

    There 's a word for that , isn 't there ?

  14. 英汉互译中的韩国语专有名词音译问题

    Korean Proper Names : Their Transliteration in English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation

  15. 第四章,网络服装类专有名词的定语的特点。

    Chapter IV , The attributive of apparels proper nouns features .

  16. 基于动态规划算法的专有名词切分

    Trends Dynamic State Segmentation of Named Entity Based on Dynamic Programming

  17. 英语专有名词普通化后的商业文明

    On the Business Civilization following the Generalization of English Proper Nouns

  18. 常见英语专有名词中的文化含义浅析

    Analysis of Cultural Meaning of English Common used Special Nouns

  19. 事实上我觉得这样的俯卧撑有个专有名词叫做“山赛俯卧撑”

    Actually those pushups have a name called " the cheater pushups "

  20. 你会注意到专有名词的第一个字母是大写的。

    You will note that proper nouns begin with a capital letter .

  21. 试选出以下句子中的专有名词。

    B.Pick out the proper nouns in the following sentences .

  22. 前者主要体现在典故、专有名词和双关语等方面;

    The former is manifested in allusions , proper names , and puns .

  23. 采用聚类、评价的方法自动获取中文专有名词上下文模式;

    Automatic generation of outer - pattern using the clustering and evaluation algorithm ;

  24. 也谈专有名词普通化

    Some remarks on transforming proper nouns into common nouns

  25. 基于动态贝叶斯网的中文专有名词识别

    Chinese Proper Names Recognition Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network

  26. 专有名词用大写字母。

    Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter .

  27. 专有名词-的起源,历史研究和名称的使用。

    Onomastics-the study of the origin , history , and use of names .

  28. 本章叙述了网络服装类专有名词语料的采集、整理过程和语料库的概况。

    This chapter describes the collection , collation and profiles of this corpus .

  29. 基于属性标记的专有名词自动识别研究

    Recognition of Chinese Proper Noun Based on Attribute Tag

  30. 用专有名词来说明,就是氦的转动惯量降低了。

    Technically , the helium 's rotational inertia decreases .