
zhuān yè biāo zhǔn
  • professional standards;specialty standard
  1. 因此,许多专业标准化团体或工业组织已采用XML及基于XML的模式语言来定义商业词汇和模型。

    As a result , domain-specific standards bodies and industry initiatives have started to adopt XML and XML-based schema languages to specify both their vocabularies and content models .

  2. 此工具具备有强大的搜索功能和高效的PDF显示及处理能力,本身体积小巧,运行快速并且显示精确,可以将当前流行的任何一种文档格式转换成专业标准的PDF文档。

    With powerful search ability and high-performance PDF displaying and processing , it is small , fast and accurate for converting any popular file formats to professional quality PDF files .

  3. 西米德兰兹郡警局的专业标准部门表示将调查此事,分享该照片的警察MarkTissington也将接受内部纪律调查,不过有消息称他不会因此事受到训斥。

    This is being considered by West Midlands Police 's Professional Standards Department and the officer who shared the picture , PC Mark Tissington , referred himself to the internal discipline unit . Sources say he is unlikely to be reprimanded .

  4. 我们的服务已获得FIATA及IATA的认可,符合国际公认的专业标准及程序。

    Recognized by FIATA and IATA our provision of services is in compliance to the industry standards and procedures .

  5. 提出以经过热水老化后的ABS塑料湿态试样的拉伸及冲击强度性能项目来评判它的耐湿热老化性能,确定了试验条件和性能合格指标,已采用在有关的专业标准之中。

    It is suggested that the tensile strength and impact strength of wet ABS sample through hot water aging may be used to judge its damp & heat aging properties . The test condition and qualified target has been determined and be used in related specialized standard .

  6. 简述了永磁联轴器的特点与应用,起草了CLT、CLN型永磁联轴器的专业标准,给出了系列尺寸与编制说明。

    In this paper , Features and applications of magnetic coupling is briefly discussed , professional standard about CLT , CLN couplings is drawn up , and range dimensions and explanation are given .

  7. 使用结果表明,大亚湾核电厂的IDOSE符合国家有关专业标准的要求,也与国际原子能机构(IAEA)职业照射信息系统(ISOE)的要求接轨。

    Its application shows that IDOSE meets the requirements of the concerning occupational standards of the state and matches with the requirements of IAEA / ISOE .

  8. 西米德兰兹郡警局的总督察JulianHarper表示:“专业标准部门正在调查此事,我们从此前的问询中得知,这是一次由于对警犬和警察产生误解的轻松交流。我们将对此事进行调查。”

    DCI Julian Harper , from West Midlands Police , said : ' The Professional Standards Department is looking into this , early enquiries suggest it is a light-hearted exchange as a result of a misunderstanding around a police dog and a police officer . The matter will be investigated . '

  9. 非专业标准分度号的工业铜热电阻的换算分析

    The Conversion Analysis of the Nonprofessional Graduation Mark Industry Copper Thermistor

  10. 磷肥工业氟回收产品的近况中华人民共和国专业标准复混肥料

    Recent Development of Fluoride - recovery Products in Phosphate Fertilizer Industry

  11. 论钾长石制钾肥的开发前景中华人民共和国专业标准复混肥料

    On Prospects for Development of Potassic Fertilizer Production from Potash Feldspar

  12. 中小型复混肥料生产企业中的几个问题中华人民共和国专业标准复混肥料

    Some issues present in medium & small scale compound fertilizer enterprises

  13. 混凝土膨胀剂发展步入新阶段&实施JC476-1998《混凝土膨胀剂》专业标准的讨论

    A New Stage in the Development of Expansive Agents for Concrete

  14. 中华人民共和国专业标准钙镁磷肥磷酸镁铵的性质、制备方法及应用

    The properties , preparation method and application of ammonium magnesium phosphate

  15. 双师型教师专业标准的解构与重构

    Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Double Type Teachers ' Specialty Standard

  16. 越南小学教师专业标准的研制及启示

    Studies and Establishment of Primary Teacher Standards in Vietnam and its enlightenment

  17. 依靠专业标准提高钢闸门制造及安装质量

    Improvement of the manufacturing and installment of steel gate done to code

  18. 关于构建我国幼儿园教师专业标准的思考

    Thoughts on Constructing Teacher Professional Standards at Kindergartens in China

  19. 《低温噪声源通用技术条件》专业标准技术总结

    《 General specification of cryogenic noise SOURCE 》 speciality standard complied technical summa

  20. 美国社会学科教师专业标准述评

    A Review of Teacher Profession Standards in the Social Subjects in the US

  21. 数字人体通用标准与专业标准体系框架研究

    Study of currency standard and speciality standard system framework of digital human body

  22. 第四,注册会计应严格遵循职业道德和专业标准要求;

    The CPA should follow the occupation morals strictly with the profession standard .

  23. 美国国家层面的科学教师专业标准探析

    The Study of Science Teacher Professional Standards at the National Level in America

  24. 中华人民共和国专业标准复混肥料火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定复合肥料中的钾含量

    Compound fertilizer determination of potassium in mixed fertilizer by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  25. 构建的前提是要按照教师教育的专业标准改造我国的教育经验。

    We should reform our teacher education based on the criteria for different majors .

  26. 中华人民共和国专业标准复混肥料固体钾肥产品中钾含量的放射性测定

    The Measurement of the Content of Potassium in Solid Potash Fertilizer Products by Radioactivity

  27. 而专业标准对于学生事务管理专业化具有标志性意义。

    Meantime , the professional standards show symbolic significance for the university student affairs .

  28. 审阅并最终制定专业标准和规格说明

    Review and finalize discipline standards and specifications

  29. 国际教师专业标准的三种模式及启示

    The Comparison of Three Kinds of Models in International Professional Teaching Standards and its Enlightenment

  30. 粉体混合过程的研究进展中华人民共和国专业标准复混肥料

    The evaluation of powder mixing Compound Fertilizer