
  • 网络junior college;Specialized institution
  1. 其次,分析了专科大学发展的历史及现状。

    Secondly analyze the history and the status of the junior college in Korea .

  2. 从《基本要求》看专科大学英语课程设置

    English Course Design for Three-year Colleges According to " Fundamental Requirements "

  3. 师范高等专科学校开设大学文科数学的研究报告

    The Research Report on the College Liberal Arts Mathematics Offered in the Teachers College

  4. 你上过哪个专科学校或大学?

    Which school or college did you attend ?

  5. 教育部已经写了一封长达19页的信给接受联邦财政的学校系统,专科学院和大学。

    The Education Department has written a nineteen-page letter to all school systems , colleges and universities that accept federal money .

  6. 政府最近发出一封信给学校,专科学院和大学,告诉他们这种暴力行为是性别歧视的一种形式。

    The government recently sent a letter telling schools , colleges and universities that such violence is a form of sex discrimination .

  7. 有一半以上的工作岗位要求至少有电子或半导体制造专业的大专学位(即由专科学校或社区大学授予)。

    More than half the jobs require at least an associate 's degree ( ie , one granted by a technical or community college ) in electronics or semiconductor manufacturing .

  8. 自1925年到1949年,它分别赞助了国立北平图书馆、武昌文华图书馆专科学校、北京大学图书馆、清华大学图书馆、科学社明复图书馆等图书馆,有力地推动了我国图书馆事业的发展。

    From 1925 to 1949 , the Foundation aided respectively the library of Beijing University , the library of Qinghua University , Boone Library School and the library of Science Technology Society . These aids pushed the development of libraries in China at that time .