
  • 网络Louis Vuitton;LVMH
  1. 在路易·威登、吴季刚(JasonWu)、汤姆·福德(TOMFORD)与圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)的时装秀上,有许多性感的礼服都闪闪发光,所以多多留意一下商店里的类似选择吧。

    Sexy dresses sparkled down the runways of Louis Vuitton , Jason Wu , Tom Ford and Saint Laurent , so keep an eye out for similar options in stores .

  2. 法国酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团(LVMHMoetHennessyLouisVuittonSA)旗下的品牌宇舶(Hublot)正在打造能够使自己的腕表与众不同的新材料。

    Hublot , owned by France 's LVMH Mo ë t Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA , is creating new materials to distinguish its wristwatches from the pack .

  3. 路易威登的母公司LVMH酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团在周一发布声明确认死讯,并没有公布死亡原因。

    LVMH Mo & # 235 ; t Hennessy Louis Vuitton , the parent company of Louis Vuitton , confirmed the death in a statement on Monday without specifying a cause .

  4. 想象一下,你正在面试两个能力、资历相当且都非常适合这项工作的人,但是一个人穿着HM的服装,另一个穿了路易·威登(LouisVuitton)的服装。

    Imagine this : You 're interviewing two people for a job . They 're equally competent , capable , and qualified & but you can see that one is wearing an outfit from HM and the other 's clothes are clearly from Louis Vuitton .

  5. 想象一下,你正在面试两个能力、资历相当且都非常适合这项工作的人,但是一个人穿着H&M的服装,另一个穿了路易·威登(LouisVuitton)的服装。

    Imagine this : You 're interviewing two people for a job . They 're equally competent , capable , and qualified - but you can see that one is wearing an outfit from H & M and the other 's clothes are clearly from Louis Vuitton .

  6. Bonavia也同样对待了马克·雅克布为路易·威登最新设计的裙子。这次,去壳的胡桃被用来表现羊毛裙装外套毛茸茸的效果。

    Marc Jacobs'latest line for Louis Vuitton also got the Bonavia treatment , though in this case , shelled walnuts were used to create the woolly effect of the statement coat-dress .

  7. 罗迫欧大道是世界上最棒的购物街之一,从迪奥、卡迪亚、JimmyChoo到路易·威登,只要你说得出来,那里就有,你会逛到累得筋疲力尽,这里的人都这么说。

    Rodeo Drive is one of the best shopping streets in the world , everybody from Dior to Cartier to jimmy Choo to Louis Vuitton . You name it , they are there . You 're gonna shop until you drop . That 's what they say here .

  8. 可是,路易·威登却躲过了这一劫,撑过了整个占领期,甚至整个战争期。

    But Louis Vuitton thrived throughout the entire occupation and war .

  9. 还是会叫“路易·威登”这个法国时尚标杆的名字呢?

    Will she be named after French Fashion house giant Louis Vuitton ? !

  10. 路易·威登的“低保真”作品:风干牛肉钱包系列作品。

    Lo-fi Louis : Miss Wu also fashioned a Vuitton wallet in the meat product .

  11. 事实上,从很多方面来看,这都是一座现代化的城市,经常可以看到路易·威登等奢侈品的专卖店。

    In fact , for the most part , the city isa modern metropolis dotted with luxury shops such as Louis Vuitton .

  12. 路易·威登公司隶属于酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团,其所播放的广告显示几个工人使用针线和其他制作技艺制作皮包。

    Louis Vuitton , part of the LVMH group , ran advertisements showing workers using a needle and thread and other artisanal techniques .

  13. 据英国广告监察部门称,奢侈品品牌路易·威登误导大众&暗示其昂贵的皮包是手工制作而成。

    The luxury goods brand Louis Vuitton misled the public by suggesting its expensive leather bags were hand-made , according to the British advertising watchdog .

  14. 快进至3个月以后,他心爱的新灵感女神麦当娜头戴路易·威登绿松石帽子现身时装学院庆典的红毯。

    Fast forward three-months , and his favourite new muse , Madonna , hit the Costume Institute Gala red carpet with a turquoise LV headpieces atop her head .

  15. 不管是他为路易·威登设计的作品还是他自己于1986年创立的品牌马克·雅各布,他所展示的每个系列都改变了我们看待时尚的方式。

    He changes how we see fashion with each collection he shows , be it his work for Louis Vuitton or his own baby , the Marc Jacobs line , which he started in1986 .