
  • 网络Lowe;Rowe
  1. 软银高管表示,他们仍会坚持并购业务并努力加强服务,以便同排名前两位的无线运营商威瑞森和AT&T竞争。NPR新闻,佩吉·罗威堪萨斯城报道。

    Softbank executors say they still believe in consolidation and they will try to enhance service to compete with the top two wireless carriers , Verizon and AT & T. For NPR news , I am Peggy Lowe , in Kansas city .

  2. 虽然韩亚此次坠机看上去很像英航在希思罗发生的事故,但实际上有两大不同点,罗威表示。

    Although the Asiana crash looks very similar to the BA incident at Heathrow there are two big differences , said Mr Lowe .

  3. 小贼说:“什么人给鸟取这种名字?”鹦鹉回答:“就是那个给他的罗威那犬取名为‘耶稣’的那个人啊。”

    The burglar says " What kind of person names his bird moses ? " The parrot replys " THE SAME PERSON THAT NAMES HIS Rottweiler " JESUS " .

  4. 汽车业分析师、克莱斯勒(Chrysler)中国公司前负责人罗威(BillRusso)表示,伏特有可能成为迄今为止推出的第一款真正大规模生产的电动车。

    Bill Russo , auto analyst and former head of Chrysler in China , says the Volt has the potential to be the first true high volume electric vehicle to launch to date .

  5. 咨询公司Synergistics的罗威(BillRusso)表示:日本人用了几十年的时间,韩国人用了10年,中国人需要的时间可能更短。

    Bill Russo of Synergistics , the consultancy , says : It took the Japanese decades , it took the Koreans a decade , it probably will take the Chinese less .

  6. 高风咨询公司董事总经理罗威(BillRusso)表示,在竞争极其激烈的轿车市场发布一款售价高于多数国产品牌的汽车是错误的。

    Bill Russo , managing director of consulting firm Gao Feng Advisory , says that it was a mistake to launch a car into the ultra-competitive sedan segment at a higher price than most other domestic brands .

  7. 北京汽车咨询公司synergistics总裁罗威(billrusso)表示:“在中国,在进行政治运作之前公布计划,一般不是成功之路。”

    Bill Russo , head of Synergistics , a Beijing auto consultancy , said : " going public before doing the political engineering is generally not a pathway to success in China . "

  8. 一个稚嫩的汽车业跳过常规的混合动力车、一下子实现电气化的构想从来就是不现实的,北京汽车咨询公司Synergistics总裁、曾执掌克莱斯勒(Chrysler)中国业务的罗威(BillRusso)表示。

    It was simply never realistic for a fledgling auto industry to skip conventional hybrids and immediately electrify , said Bill Russo of Synergistics auto consultancy in Beijing , who previously ran Chrysler in China .

  9. 汽车业咨询公司Synergistics总裁、克莱斯勒(Chrysler)前中国区负责人罗威(BillRusso)表示,甚至连北京方面迫使外国汽车制造商创建自主合资品牌的决定,也可能侵蚀市场对非合资中国品牌的需求。

    Even Beijing 's decision to force foreign carmakers to create indigenous joint - venture brands could cannibalise demand for independent Chinese brands , says Bill Russo of Synergistics , a consultancy , who is also a former head of Chrysler in China .

  10. 达罗威巡官是负责该项调查的警官。

    Inspector darroway was the officer in charge of the investigation .

  11. 伯纳黛特,艾米,库萨帕里和沃罗威茨都不想。

    Bernadette , Amy , Koothrappali and Wolowitz didn 't want to .

  12. 我在为沃罗威茨量身定制教学计划。

    Oh , I 'm working on my lesson plan for Wolowitz .

  13. 希瑟荷罗威的文章明天要发表了。

    Heather Holloway article is coming out tomorrow .

  14. 罗威总是在卧室的柜子里存放各种各样的药丸和药剂。

    Rowe always kept a variety of pills and medicines in his bedroom closet .

  15. 蓓姬:沃罗威茨先生是否有参加任何组织呢?

    Page : Do you know of any groups Mr. Wolowitz is a member of ?

  16. 鹦鹉说:“就是那个把罗威那犬起名叫耶稣的那个人!”

    The parrot said , " The same person who named the rottweiller Jesus " !

  17. 这在当今的整体市场中只占很小份额,罗威表示。

    This is a very small share of the overall market today , says Mr Russo .

  18. 罗威容易一些小事都睑,外翻,白内障和癫痫。

    Some minor issues Rottweilers are prone to are entropion , ectropion , epilepsy and cataracts .

  19. 穿越时空的隧道&浅析弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫在《达罗威夫人》中的时间意识

    Traversing the Tunnel of Time and Space : The Time Consciousness of Virginia Woolf in Mrs Dalloway

  20. 莱纳德、沃罗威茨、库萨帕里、博纳黛特和佩妮也是这么说的。

    Huh , that 's exactly what Leonard , Wolowitz , Koothrappali , Bernadette and Penny said .

  21. 西汉姆主教练格兰特则表示他认为霍罗威的首发阵容没有问题。

    The West Ham manager Avram Grant , though , maintains he has no issue with Holloway 's line-up .

  22. 霍罗威其实情绪不好,在看着他的黑池二队被南安普顿淘汰出足总杯了以后。

    Ian Holloway was in defiant mood after watching his second-string Blackpool side tumble out of the Cup at Southampton .

  23. 美国得克萨斯州政府日前透露,该州一位76岁的老妇在自家院子割草时被邻居家6只凶猛的罗威那犬咬死。

    A pack of six dogs mauled a76-year-old woman to death as she worked in her yard , authorities said .

  24. 霍罗威反复宣称,如果必须由联赛来教导他如何选择球员,他宁愿辞职。

    Holloway has repeatedly said he would rather resign than allow the League to tell him how to pick his teams .

  25. 不,我是说你为什么要费尽周折来证明你比沃罗威茨聪明呢?

    No , II mean , why are you going to so much trouble to prove that you 're smarter than Wolowitz ?

  26. 至少他们的球迷绝对认为他们还是应该留在英超。主场球迷们的讥讽让霍罗威有点怒火。

    Their fans obviously think they should still be there , and some of the taunts from the home faithful irritated Holloway slightly .

  27. 但事实上我记录的数据是错的,是罗威茨和库撒帕里还有你这个小毛毛孩儿做出来的。

    when in fact , I was being fed false data at the hands of lowitz , Koothrappali and your furry little boy toy .

  28. 今天,斯普林特公司发生重大变动,据KCUR成员站的佩吉·罗威报道,该公司的收购计划终止,同时首席执行官下台。

    A major shake-up at Sprint today as Peggy Lowe of member station KCUR reports a merge is off and the CEO is out .

  29. 罗威表示:亚洲人对于贷款抱有一种截然不同的心态。他提到,汽车金融在日本的渗透率仍低于50%。

    The Asian mindset about credit is quite different , he says , noting that market penetration in Japan is still below 50 per cent .

  30. 苏格兰中场声称,这是包含在他的合同中的条款里的,只要霍罗威的球队上赛季能够避免降级到英一。

    The Scotland midfielder claimed the cash under a clause in his contract for Ian Holloway 's side avoiding the drop to League One last season .