
  • 网络russell's paradox;The Russell Paradox
  1. 有些听我们讨论的人无疑对这些悖论中的一个,即罗素悖论,是熟悉的。

    Some of the people following our discussion are no doubt familiar with one of those antinomies under the name of Russell 's paradox .

  2. 罗素悖论研究观点综述

    A Generalization of the View-Points on Research of Russell 's Paradox

  3. 在20世纪初,由于罗素悖论的猛烈冲击,惊醒了沉睡数世纪的Q、R,即时引发西方众多今哲奋力解悖。

    In the early 20th century , the heavy impact of Russell paradox wakened up Q and R which had slept for several centuries ; many western paradox researchers strove to resolve them but failed .

  4. 关于悖论的统一模式&纪念罗素悖论发现100周年

    On the Unified Schema of Paradoxes

  5. 指出简单类型论已经消除了罗素悖论,但为什么罗素要引入很少有人接受的分支类型论呢?

    We know that the simple theory of types have already eliminated Russell paradox , but why Russell introduced the theory of order types .

  6. 数学基础理论中的千古悬案科学哲学芝诺悖论、贝克莱悖论和罗素悖论新解

    The Suspending Critical Defects in the Foundation of Mathematics the Philosophy of Science A New Exploration on Zeno 's Paradox , Berkeley 's Paradox and Russell 's Paradox

  7. 所以这就是像是音乐界的罗素悖论。所有不包含自身的集合本身是否属于该集合?

    So it 's like the musical equivalent of Russell 's Paradox , the question of whether the set of all sets that don 't contain themselves as members contains itself ?

  8. 浅析了数理逻辑中存在性不能作为谓词的原因、背景,阐明存在量词引入的合理性和必要性,指出存在量词的引入是技术上的改进,并未真正解决数学基础存在的固有问题-罗素悖论。

    This paper dissected the necessity for introduction of the Existential Quantifier into Mathematical Logic , which is only a technical improvement , but not a real solution to the natural problem in mathematics foundations of the Russell Paradox .

  9. 语言转向发源于20世纪初的逻辑分析学派,它的发生基于自然科学的发展,尤其是数学史上的罗素悖论与物理学史上相对论的提出;

    The linguistic turn originates the school of Logic Analysis at the beginning of 20th century , which was based on the development of natural science , especially on Russell Paradox in mathematics history and the theory of relativity in physics history .

  10. 罗素悖论并不是集合论唯一的困境,但只有它在《数学原理》中占了很大篇幅,这本1910年的权威著作,从原始逻辑中推导数学。

    The Russell paradox was by no means the only problem with the theory of sets , but it alone consumed a large part of Principia Mathematical , the weighty volumes which in 1910 set out their derivation of mathematics from primitive logic .

  11. 我们有必要对蒋星耀先生的悖论的统一模式定理及其分析悖论的方法再作进一步的讨论,并对理查德悖论、罗素悖论、说谎话悖论等悖论的成因提出新的分析方法。

    The author of this paper thinks it necessary to discuss the " Unified Scheme of Paradox " and the method of paradox analysis , and put forwards methods of analysis into the cause of Richard ′ s paradox and Russell ′ s paradox .

  12. 逻辑学创新的若干成果:只要把矛盾律理解成思维的规则,就可认定理发师悖论、罗素悖论等一批悖论都是矛盾谬论。

    In the essay , I put forward some new points in the view of logic innovation : If we regard the law of contradiction as a thinking rule , we can conclude a group of paradoxes such as the barber paradox only are conflicting fallacies .

  13. 给出六大类新的罗素型悖论。

    Some new paradoxes of Russell Type are given , Six classes are obtained .

  14. 罗素(Russell)悖论的一种推广与循环集悖论的一种推广

    Generalization of Russell 's Paradox and Circular Sets Paradox

  15. 罗素发现,康托悖论和集合论悖论是很类似的。

    Russell noticed that Cantor 's paradox had an analogy in the theory of sets .

  16. 罗素指出的解决悖论的三个必要条件,可作为令人满意解决悖论的共同标准。

    We may use the three necessary contradictions proposed by Russell as the common criteria for the satisfactory solution of paradoxes .