
tiān hòu
  • weather;witterung
天候 [tiān hòu]
  • [weather] 在一定的时间内,某一地方的大气物理状态,如气温、气压、温度、风、降雨等

天候[tiān hòu]
  1. GPS系统可以在全球范围内为用户提全天候的、连续精确的位置、速度、时间等信息,在定位、导航等领域已经得到了广泛的应用。

    GPS can provide precise position & velocity and time information all weather worldwide .

  2. GPS具有高精度、全天候、实时定位与导航功能,是目前海上航行的主要导航设备。

    As a main ship navigation device , GPS has high precision , all weather , real time orientation and navigation feature .

  3. 抚养孩子是全天候的事,应该仔细考虑如何将它与事业协调起来。

    Fostering is a full-time job and you should carefully consider how it will fit into your career

  4. 必须指出的是,增加工作灵活性,但并不鼓励员工全天候工作。

    It 's important to note that the increased flexibility didn 't encourage them to work around the clock .

  5. 菲利斯·摩恩说道,瞬息万变的经济、不确定的未来,再加上一周七天,一天二十四小时全天候的连接,这就是过度劳累的原因。

    Add a rapidly changing economy and an uncertain future to this 24 / 7 connectivity , and you 've got a recipe for overwork , according to Phyllis Moen .

  6. 报告发现,如果年轻人不快速、全天候地回复社交媒体的帖子,他们就会感觉自己的人际关系出现了漏洞。

    The report found that youngsters felt their friendships could be at risk if they did not respond to social media posts quickly , and around the clock .

  7. 报告称,他们还面临着全天候回复信息的压力,这在中学尤为明显,因为这个阶段拥有手机的年轻人更多。

    The report said they also faced pressure to respond to messages at all hours of the day — especially at secondary school when more youngsters have mobile phones .

  8. 这里有经验的法律顾问全天候值班。)来自超越目标英语第4册

    We have experienced counselors available day and night . )

  9. GPS是一种全天候的、高精度的连续定位系统。

    GPS is a all-weather , high-accuracy and continuously-positioning system .

  10. 全球定位系统(GPS)能够提供全天候,实时的绝对位置定位,其误差不会随时间而累积。

    Global Position System ( GPS ) can provide 24-hour , real-time absolute localization .

  11. CollectionServices性能数据收集器拥有最小的开销,旨在全天候运行。

    Collection Services is the performance data collector with minimal overhead and is intended to be run24 / 7 .

  12. 她说:有了TrueUniversity之后,我们每年会举办一次活动,这是件好事,然而创业是全天候不停歇的事业。

    With True University , it was great to have annual event , she says . But entrepreneurship is a 24 / 7 business .

  13. GPS具有全球覆盖、全天候、高精度、三维卫星导航定位的特性。

    GPS is based on wireless and possess capability of global , round-the-clock , precise and three-dimensional satellite navigation .

  14. 本文研究了如何在DSP中利用计算机视觉技术实现全天候疲劳驾驶实时监测系统。

    This paper studies how to realize the all-weather system based on DSP by using the technology of computer vision .

  15. 情侣VIP电影厅、自助餐厅全天候开放。

    Lovers movie hall and buffet restaurant are open in24 hours .

  16. 银行ATM系统提供24小时全天候服务,延长了银行网点的营业时间。

    ATM system is the true 24 hours service system . It extends bank service time .

  17. 利用GPS定位的高精度、全天候、实时性好的特点,实时准确地跟踪车辆位置。

    The vehicle location can be tracked quickly and accurately by the GPS positioning , which is precise , all-weather and real time .

  18. ATM(AutomaticTellerMachine)自动柜员机系统是一种能够高强度、全天候、长时间连续正常运转的精密系统。

    ATM ( Automatic Teller Machine ) system is an exact system which can run round-the-clock under high strength without a break .

  19. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)可以有效获得大面积的高分辨率的雷达图像,且具有全天候、全天时的成像特点,这些优点使得其在民用和军事的各个领域应用十分广泛。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) has been widely applied to gain large-area and high-resolution images , all-day and all-weather .

  20. GPS系统芯片是利用GPS基本原理设计而成的全天候实时定位导航设备。

    The GPS system chip is an equipment used for location and navigation round-the clock , and it is designed based on GPS basic theory .

  21. GPS具有精度高、速度快、全天候、测点之间无需通视等优点,成为当今先进的监测手段。

    GPS has been proved to be a state-of-the-art monitoring tool because of its high-precision , high-speed , all-climate working and dispensing with intervisible measuring stations .

  22. GPS以其高精度、全天候、自动化等诸多优点在变形监测领域得到了广泛的应用,成为大坝、大桥、滑坡以及高层建筑物变形监测中极其重要的测量手段。

    GPS is widely used in deformation monitoring for the dam , the bridge and the tall building because of high accuracy , round-the-clock and automation .

  23. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)以其高分辨率和全天候工作的特点成为检测这些自然灾害的重要手段。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) with the ability of all-weather and high resolution has become an important means of natural disasters observation .

  24. 因为GPS定位与其它定位方法相比,具有实时性、全天候、精度高等优点,其定位技术业已成熟,被广泛应用于导航、测绘、通讯等众多领域。

    With its real-time , all-weather , high precision features , GPS has been widely used in navigation , survey , mapping , communications and other fields .

  25. 合成孔径雷达(SAR,syntheticApertureRadar)能够全天候长时间的对同一地区进行远距离的监测。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) can do detections to a region all day , all the time , all-weather and also with long distance .

  26. 它定义了一些常用的查询方言,并且具有足够的可扩展性,允许定义新的方言(请参阅下面的全天候Web场景)。

    It defines some common query dialects that can be used , but is extensible enough to allow for new ones to be defined as well ( see the24x7 web presence scenario below ) .

  27. 合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,下简称SAR)是一种高分辨率成像雷达,具有全天候、多极化数据获取能力,近年来得到了快速发展。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) is a kind of high-resolution imaging radar and has abilities of all-weather , multi-polarization which has development rapidly recent years .

  28. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)具有全天候、大范围、有一定穿透力等优点,被选作本文空间定位研究的对象。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) is a hot point of research because SAR can observe all-weather and all day , and penetrate some object .

  29. GPS以其高精度、全天候和高效率的特点完全可以胜任设备定位以及数据传输的需求,这对于企业发展具有深远的影响。

    GPS is fully capable of positioning and data transmission equipment demand with its high precision and efficiency and all-weather , which has far-reaching impact on the business development .

  30. 目前,GPS动态测量技术以其全天候、全天时等优良特性已经成功应用于诸多动态测量领域。

    For the moment , GPS kinetic surveying has been applied in many realm of surveying successful because of the advantages such as all-weather , all-time and so on .