
  • 网络sky Lake
  1. 福建省天湖山煤矿区处于闽西南坳陷东条带,推覆构造极其发育,以F31和F1两条推覆断层表现最为突出。

    The Tianhushan coalmine area is situated at the east strip of the southwestern Fujian depression , nappe structures are quite developed , especially the F31 and F1 nappes have stood out .

  2. 美丽的天湖,肥沃的水质,养育美味的花鲢。

    Beautiful days Lake , fertile water , delicious rearing of Hualian .

  3. 因而素有“海上天湖”之称。

    They are known as " the sky lakes on the sea " .

  4. 你怎能不相信这雪山天湖,就是冰肌玉骨仙女的栖息地。

    You have to believe the lake by the snowy mountain is home to the pure and noble fairy maiden .

  5. 海拔4700米的纳木错“天湖”,成为天鹅、鹭鸶、沙鸥等珍贵水禽的天然栖息地。

    With an elevation of 4,700 meters , Namco Lake has become a natural habitat for rare water birds like swans , egrets and sand birds .

  6. 介绍了天湖水电站压力钢管的整体水压试验的全过程及发现的问题与对策。

    This paper introduces all the process of the hydraulic test of whole penstock of the Tianhu hydropower station , and it gives the questions and countermeasures .

  7. 概述了天湖水电站的厂房布置及主厂房在施工、运行交叉应用工况下的主要结构设计情况。

    This paper introduces briefly the layout of the power house and the main structure design condition of the main power house under the circumstances of construction , operation and cross application .