
  1. 鸟儿飞来飞去,然后落在池塘边上。

    The birds flew around and then resettled on the pond .

  2. 我们整天都在池塘边消磨。

    We lazed by the pool all day .

  3. 有几头牛在那池塘边饮水。

    Some cattle were drinking at the pool .

  4. 于是他们下定决心,不顾一切来到附近的池塘边,准备投水自尽。

    Thus resolved and desperate , they rushed in a body towards a neighbouring pool , intending to drown themselves .

  5. 春日的池塘边,蜂飞蝶舞。

    In spring bees fly and butterflies dance around the pond .

  6. 下午她在池塘边唱「小猪之歌」。

    In the afternoon she sang oink song by the pond .

  7. 那只青蛙沿着池塘边跳跃。

    The frog hopped along the shore of the pond .

  8. 她坐在池塘边的躺椅上,懒散地打发这个下午。

    She lazed away the afternoon in a deckchair by the pond .

  9. 她曾经住在破损的石阶伸到水面的池塘边。

    SHE dwelt here by the pool with its landing-stairs in ruins .

  10. 我就像池塘边最美丽的那朵花。

    I felt like the prettiest flower at the pond .

  11. 孩子们在池塘边比赛。

    And children playing in the side of the pond .

  12. 她的房子建在一个美丽的池塘边。

    Her house is built near a beautiful pool .

  13. 我走到一个池塘边。

    While I was out by a small pond .

  14. 我爷爷在池塘边喂鸭子。

    My grandfather fed the ducks by the pond .

  15. 我不是告诉过你别在池塘边玩耍吗?

    Didn 't I tell you weren 't to play near the pond ?

  16. 在池塘边,对裸体有着严格的要求。

    At the pond , strict nudity was enforced .

  17. 蓝果树;在潮湿的产地特别是沼泽和池塘边的每年落叶的乔木。

    Tupelos : deciduous trees of moist habitats especially swamps and beside ponds .

  18. 凤梨花静静开在池塘边。

    The pineapple flowers bloom by the pond softly .

  19. 大热天的时候,这位年轻的漂亮公主就会到池塘边玩耍。

    On hot days , the pretty young princess plays near the pond .

  20. 这个社区在一个大池塘边上的大片树林里面。

    The colony was in this huge wooded area that bordered a big pond .

  21. 请把削了皮和配成对的梨准备好放在池塘边的没有准备好的梨旁边。

    Please prepare the paired pared pears near the unprepared pears near the pool .

  22. 被发现逗留在池塘边的年青蓝宝石紫蓝底过背金。

    Found parked near the side of a mud pond , young Sapphire Golds .

  23. 走着走着,他来到了一个池塘边,也就是麦戈雷格先生往铁罐里灌水的地方。

    Presently , he came to a pond where Mr. McGregor filled his water-cans .

  24. 可萨姆却在这个春日从那个僻静的池塘边上发现了一个。

    Sam had found one on the lonely pond on this day in spring .

  25. 他的爸爸正在池塘边钓鱼。

    His father is fishing in the pond .

  26. 那边那个池塘边如何呢?

    How about by that pond down there ?

  27. 这只鹅在池塘边走来走去。

    The goose walked around the pond .

  28. 凯西和艾凡在池塘边做好野餐准备。

    At the pond 's edge , Kathy and Evan set up for their picnic .

  29. 我悠然地生活在宁静的池塘边,和大家一起享受着秋的宁静。

    I lived near the quite pond and enjoyed the quietness of the autumn with everyone .

  30. 他太累了,在池塘边的一个长椅上坐了下来。

    And when he was tired , he sat down on a chair by a pool .