
  1. 红龙虾,橄榄园和池莉对此结论没有争论,但告诉CNN他们提供人们选择卡路里和钠摄入。

    Red Lobster , Olive Garden and Chili 's did not dispute the findings , but told CNN they offer options to people watching calories and sodium intake .

  2. 池莉写实小说的思想倾向及艺术特色

    Ideological Trend and Artistic Style in Chi Li 's Realistic Novels

  3. 试论池莉市民小说中的大众庸常价值取向

    On the Popular Value Inclination in Chi Li 's Civil Novels

  4. 论池莉市民小说的大众文化性

    The Mass Cultural Features of Civic Novels Written by Chi Li

  5. 论池莉小说创作中爱情观的演变

    The Development of the Love View of Chi Li 's Novels

  6. 新写实小说的思想内涵和叙事方式&以池莉和方方的小说为例

    Connotation and Recounting Ways of " New Realistic Novel "

  7. 池莉对婚姻爱情悲剧观念的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thinking of CHI Li 's Tragic Consciousness of Love and Marriage

  8. 池莉小说的市井特色和民间精神

    The Civilian Features and National Spirit in the Novels of Chi Li

  9. 现代爱情的建构&从池莉的部分小说谈起

    Construction of Modern Love : from Some of the Stories by chili

  10. 池莉是以新写实主义登上文坛的。

    As a new realist , Chili goes into the literary world .

  11. 平民情怀与消解虚幻神话&池莉小说主题透视

    Feelings of the Common People and the Deconstruction of the Illusory Mythology

  12. 论池莉小说创作的审美价值与艺术风采

    On the Aesthetic Value and Artistic Colors of Chi Li 's Novels

  13. 这也从另一个角度反映了池莉创作的旺盛生命力。

    This also reflects that Chi Li has vigorous creativity .

  14. 论池莉小说创作的大众化倾向

    On Popularized Trend Toward the Creativeness of Chili 's Novel

  15. 解读池莉小说创作的主体意识

    On Subject Awareness of Creation in Chi Li 's Novels

  16. 从池莉小说创作的嬗变过程看新写实小说

    On " the New Realistic Novel " from Chili 's Creation Process

  17. 论池莉小说中女性意识的发展演变

    On the Development of the Female Consciousness in ChiLis novels

  18. 大众文化挤压下的选择&池莉现象透析

    The Choice under the Oppression of Mass Culture & Analyzing Chili Phenomenon

  19. 论池莉小说中的知识分子形象

    The Image of Intellectuals in Chi Li 's Novels

  20. 池莉爱情小说中情感的价值取向

    On Emotional Value Orientation in Chili 's Love Novel

  21. 池莉小说中的母性意识与文化立场

    Consciousness of Maternal Instinct and Cultural Position in Zhi Li ′ s Novels

  22. 池莉小说婚恋世界的艺术建构

    Artistic Construction of the Love and Marriage World in Chi Li 's Novels

  23. 池莉小说女性意识叩探

    Study of Female Consciousness in Chi Li 's Writings

  24. 池莉是一位深受普通读者喜欢的小说家。

    Chili is a popular novelist like ordinary readers .

  25. 首先,对池莉创作的文化背景进行分析。

    First , we will start from the analysis of her cultural background .

  26. 其次,梳理池莉都市小说写作的文化背景。

    Second , combing the urban novels of who writing the cultural background .

  27. 突破与困惑&谈池莉的小说创作

    Breakthrough and Confusion : On the Reception of Chi Li 's Novels Composing

  28. 池莉一直坚持平民书写,其作品的艺术价值并不算太高。

    Her works are not of high artistic accomplishment .

  29. 池莉小说相关电视剧与原作之比较

    Contrasts Between Chi Li 's Fictions and Correlated Teleplays

  30. 扫描池莉小说的女性意识

    A Scan on Feminism in Chi Li 's Novels