- prairie dog

" Any of various other animals , such as the prairie dog . "
There was less food for birds and also for the prairie dog , a kind of animal which lives in holes in the ground .
Chipmunks and prairie dogs are kinds of squirrels .
And for those of you who don 't know , prairie dogs are not actually dogs .
Prairie dogs , unlike many ground squirrels , live together in big burrows on the western prairies .
So the prairie dog makes a call that means coyote , then one that means large , and then another one to indicate its speed .
Prairie dogs may be able to tell you about a hawk at circling over head right now , but they never show any inclination to describe the one they saw last week .
Now maybe you could say that the prairie dog 's message is built from smaller parts , like say for example , our prairie dogs spot a predator , a big coyote approaching rapidly .
I mean I mention this cause like in my biology class last year , I kind of remember talking about a study on prairie dogs , where , I think the researchers claimed that the warning cries of prairie dogs constitute language , because they have this , different parts of speech .