
  • 网络prairie vole;Microtus ochrogaster
  1. 严格地讲,我们成瘾于爱情,Young博士评述道,就如同草原田鼠。

    We are literally addicted to love , Dr Young observes . Like the prairie voles .

  2. 在Emory大学与Young博士一同工作的StevenPhelps去年发现,草原田鼠各个体间抗利尿激素受体的脑内分布,存在着很大的差异。

    Last year , Steven Phelps , who works at Emory with Dr Young , found great diversity in the distribution of vasopressin receptors between individual prairie voles .

  3. 女人会说,但愿男人都像草原田鼠。但是,要是希望男人都是马匹的话,女人都愿是戈黛娃夫人了(LadyGodiva)。[14]

    If only all men were just like prairie voles , we say , but if wishes were horses we would all be Lady Godiva .

  4. ChristieFowler和她的同事在佛罗里达州大学的研究中发现,把草原田鼠暴露给异性可使其大脑产生新的神经细胞&在对嗅觉记忆至关重要的一些区域尤其如此。

    Christie Fowler and her colleagues at Florida State University have found that exposure to the opposite sex generates new nerve cells in the brains of prairie voles & in particular in areas important to olfactory memory .

  5. 本文总结了橙腹田鼠(Microtusochrogaster)和草原田鼠(M.pennsylvanicus)25年的种群统计学研究结果和结论。

    In this paper I summarize the results and conclusions of a 25-year study of demography of the prairie vole ( Microtus ochrogaster ), and meadow vole ( M. pennsylvanicus ) .

  6. 在本文中,我们探讨了如何利用单配制的草原田鼠(Microtusochrogaster)作为研究模型揭示pairbond形成的神经调控机制。

    In this review , we discuss how the monogamous prairie vole ( Microtus ochrogaster ) has been used as a model system to provide tremendous insight into the neural regulation of pair bond formation .

  7. 鼠类很少安定,但是草原田鼠却喜欢那样!

    Rodents aren 't really known for settling down , but prairie voles do just that !

  8. 他们认为草原田鼠通过一个由气味做媒介的性烙印过程使配偶彼此沉溺于对方。

    They argue that prairie voles become addicted to each other through a process of sexual imprinting mediated by odour .

  9. 雄性草原田鼠和雌性伴侣关系迅速恶化&它们对伴侣的热情减退,对伴侣追求者的敌意也下降了。

    The bond with their partner deteriorated immediately as they lost their devotion and failed to protect their partner from new suitors .

  10. 但与草原田鼠相反,家鼠决不会学习把性与某个特定的雌性个体关联起来。

    But , in contrast to the prairie vole , at no time do rats learn to associate sex with a particular female .

  11. 草原田鼠作为一种社会性生物,它是仅存3%的一夫一妻制哺乳动物中的一类。

    The prairie vole is a sociable creature , one of the only 3 % of mammal species that appear to form monogamous relationships .

  12. 换句话说,不过就一剂注射,研究者们便能让草原田鼠落入情网,不管草原田鼠的感觉如何,反正它们会产生与爱相类似的神经反应。

    In other words , researchers can make prairie voles fall in love or whatever the vole equivalent of this is with an injection .

  13. 科学家能增加草原田鼠相关受体的表达,以加强动物对同伴的依附能力。

    Scientists can increase the expression of the relevant receptors in prairie voles , and thus strengthen the animals ' ability to attach to partners .

  14. 问题是:人类&据称是3%实行一夫一妻制的哺乳动物中的另一物种,是否也具有和草原田鼠相似的大脑结构?

    The question is , do humans ( another species in the 3 % of allegedly monogamous mammals ) have brains similar to prairie voles ?

  15. 野生的草原田鼠属于单配型生物,但当实验组给草原田鼠服用药物,脑中阿片类物质分泌被抑制以后,它们开始寻找其他的伴侣。

    Prairie voles are monogamous in the wild , but when given a drug that blocks opioid in their brains , they seek out other partners .

  16. 人类是靠个性特征来记住某一个人的。那么草原田鼠会构造一个嗅觉形像去记住伴侣吗?这与性愉悦是否存在关联呢?

    Could it be that prairie voles form an olfactory image of their partners the rodent equivalent of remembering a personality and this becomes linked with pleasure ?

  17. 如果这些荷尔蒙的释放被阻断,草原田鼠的性生活便成了短暂的艳遇,它们就会像生性放荡的山区堂兄那样去尽享受风流韵事。

    If the release of these hormones is blocked , prairie-voles ' sex becomes a fleeting affair , like that normally enjoyed by their rakish montane cousins .

  18. 当雌性草原田鼠交配时,在大脑奖赏系统中枢,多巴胺水平会有50%的上升,而这已完全足够让这些女士们产生上面提到的那种快感。

    Sure enough , when a female prairie vole mates , there is a 50 % increase in the level of dopamine in the reward centre of her brain .

  19. 这就证实了,在忠诚的草原田鼠大脑内,与奖赏与强化相关联的区域中,具有一种催产素和抗利尿激素的荷尔蒙受体,然而山区田鼠却没有。

    It turns out that the faithful prairie vole has receptors for oxytocin and vasopressin in brain regions associated with reward and reinforcement , whereas the montane vole does not .

  20. 这些发现大多是通过对草原田鼠的大量研究发现的。草原田鼠和配偶相伴一生,终日体贴地为对方梳理打扮,双宿双栖,极力避免发生外遇,生活作风相当正派。

    Much of this was discovered through extensive study of prairie voles , who mate for life , spend a great deal of time tenderly grooming each other and nesting together , and studiously avoid meeting other potential partners .

  21. 锡林郭勒草原布氏田鼠体蚤和巢蚤数量动态及蚤类群落演替

    Studies on dynamics of body and burrow fleas of Microtus brandti and succession of their community

  22. 内蒙古草原布氏田鼠的最大同化能

    Maximum energy assimilation rate in brandt ′ s vole ( microtus brandti ) from Inner Mongolia Grassland

  23. 美国中部和加拿大南部广大的草原地区典型的确田鼠。

    Typical vole of the extended prairie region of central United States and southern Canada .