
  • 网络ecological conservation;ecosystem conservation
  1. 河北省农田环境问题与生态保育

    Environment Problems and Ecological Conservation and Improvement for Hebei Province 's Farmland

  2. 论中国农田生态保育

    Ecological Conservation and Improvement for China 's Farmlands

  3. 关爱生命从头开始安徽红色旅游环境分析及生态保育对策

    Environment Analysis and Ecology Protects Countermeasures of Red Tourism in Anhui

  4. 新疆塔里木河水资源开发利用与生态保育对策

    Water Resource Utilization and Ecological Protection of the Tarim River in Xinjiang

  5. 森林生态保育政策的引导是林地增加的最主要的驱动力;

    The forest protection policy was the main driving factors of woodland increase ;

  6. 先秦两汉时期人们对生态保育非常重视。

    People from pre-Qin to Han Dynasties attached great importance to Ecology Conservation .

  7. 景观技术在京北山区生态保育工程中的应用

    Application of landscape technique to eco-conservation projects in mountainous regions of northern Beijing

  8. 新疆生态保育与重建区划图的设计与编制

    Design and Establishment of the Regionalization Map of Ecological Conservation and Reconstruction in Xinjiang

  9. 作为全球生态保育的基石,保护区管理和设计成为研究热点。

    The nature reserve , as a cornerstone of global ecological conservation , has become the focus for ecological management and design programs .

  10. 生态保育方面突出保护华东植物濒危物种、生物多样性,恢复原生环境;

    The Botanical Garden puts emphasis on the protection of endangered species of East China plants and biodiversity and the restoration of habitat .

  11. 此外,有些帝王还拥有自己的苑囿,在苑囿里采用独特的管理体制,于某种程度上也促进了生态保育。

    Besides , some monarches had their own gardens , in which they adopted special managements . In some way , it redounded to Ecology Conservation .

  12. 在诸多案例中,有些堆石护岸工法虽已达生态保育目的,但一经台风或豪雨,常造成严重之冲蚀或破坏;

    As shown in many cases , some stone pavement methods have enabled ecological conservation , but resulted in serious erosions after a rainy season or typhoon season .

  13. 依据浮岛景观性质和研究目标,遵循规划指导思想,应用景观生态学的相关原理,将景区划分为:生态保育区和生态体验区。

    Follow the planning and guiding ideology , based on the nature of the floating island landscape and research objectives , the relevant principles of landscape ecology , Will be scenic area is divided into : the conservation areas and ecological experience zone .

  14. 本文拟就昆虫商业性利用,益虫资源利用,昆虫在休闲、教育利用,生物多样性研究及高科技应用等方面进行探讨,期使台湾昆虫资源在兼顾生态保育下能永续利用。

    This paper discussed on the insect resources in commercial use , utilization of benefit insects , the role in ecotourism and education , the researches of biodiversity and the application in high-technology industries . It is expected to achieve a balance between the substantial utilization and conservation .

  15. 整合出了旅游容量、旅游LAC、突发性灾害防御系统和护林防火系统相结合的旅游地生态环境保育措施。

    It also settled and synthesized the tourism capacity , tourism LAC , and the preserving measures for ecological environments which might both defend against sudden accidents and avoid forest fire .

  16. 基于功能与空间格局的区域生态系统保育策略

    A strategy for ecosystem conservation based on function and spatial pattern

  17. 东北地区生态环境保育与绿色社区建设

    Eco-environment Protection and Construction of Green Community in Northeast China

  18. 生态环境保育对策研究&以三洲田旅游区为例

    Study on A Measure of Protecting Ecology and Environment & Sanzhou-tian Tourism Area As an Example

  19. 同时,百喜草是一种土壤优化作物和生态环境保育作物。

    Paspalum notatun Flugge has been proved to be a soil conserving crop and soil building crop as well .

  20. 作者讨论了这些研究成果对于今后开展外生菌根菌研究的重要意义以及在森林生态系统保育方面的潜在应用价值。

    We discuss the relevance of these findings to further functional investigations of EcM fungi and to potential implications in the conservation and management of forest ecosystems .

  21. 从而探讨森林景观分布格局的形成机制、分布规律及其空间格局的动态变化,为区域天然林生态系统的保育、恢复与可持续经营提供理论依据。

    The formation , distribution law and the dynamic spatial pattern of forest landscape distribution pattern were studied , which could provide the theory for the restoration and sustainable of the natural forest ecology system of study area.10 .

  22. 在生态相似性营养保育策略的指导下,研究了武汉植物园迁地保护的樟科Lauraceae和木兰科Magnoliaceae21种珍稀植物的营养状况,以及它们所生长土壤的营养条件。

    Based upon the plant nutrient conservation strategy " ecogical similarity " of ex-situ conservation , the nutrient status and the soil condition of 21 kinds of ex-situ conservation rare plants of Magnoliaceae and Lauraceae in Wuhan Botanical Garden were studied .

  23. 对于政府为改善私有生态重地的保育情况而推出的两项建议方案,本会大致上表示欢迎。

    In general , we welcome the two options proposed by the government to better conserve the ecologically important sites under private ownership .

  24. 我们建议修订法例,禁止在海岸公园内商业捕鱼,以改善海岸公园的生态环境及加强保育海洋生物。

    We propose to introduce legislative amendments in order to ban commercial fishing in marine parks , so as to improve the ecosystems in marine parks and offer better protection for marine organisms .

  25. 优化区域景观结构,构建生态安全格局,保育和恢复必要的区域生态过程已成为应对城市化环境问题的重要共识。

    The optimization of regional landscape structure , construction of the ecological security pattern as well as conservation and restoration the necessary regional ecological processes have become an increasing consensus on coping urbanization environmental problems .

  26. 农地整理工程对农田生态的影响及其生态环境保育型模式设计

    Influence of Farmland Consolidation Engineering on Farmland Ecology and Its Model Design of Eco-environmental Care

  27. 通过科学分析,为基础的旅游策略与生态环境策略以及关于生态保育的原则,提供了一个真正的城市绿心设计。

    The planning also provides a real green urban design through tourism tactics , ecological tactics and ecological protect principal .

  28. 从区域经济合理布局与定位的角度,探讨鄂尔多斯高原生态恢复的对策,为鄂尔多斯高原生态保育提供理论依据。

    In this paper , the measures for regenerating the ecology in the Ordos Plateau are discussed based on the rational distribution and orientation of the regional economic development , and the theoretical basis is provided for regenerating the ecology in the plateau .

  29. 因此,在开展耕地整理时,必须遵循可持续发展的基本原理,必须注重景观生态环境的保护,使之趋向生态环境保育型土地整理方向发展。

    So , in the practice of farmland consolidation , the principle of sustainable development must be kept in mind and more attention should be paid to protection of landscape ecological environment .

  30. 由于西北地区东部整体生态环境脆弱,城市快速发展与生态恢复、保育的矛盾日益突出,探讨生态导向的中小城市总体布局显得尤为迫切。

    Because the whole ecological environment in the eastern region of northwest China is frangible , the fast urbanism is in contradiction with ecological resumption and protection . It is very instant to discuss the urban master layout towards ecology .