
  • 网络Fundamental of Ecology;Foundation of Ecology
  1. 系统地阐述了原生动物在水生生态系统中的地位与作用,重点介绍了原生动物评价水体污染的生态学基础及其优点和PFU原生动物群落特征及其在水质监测应用中的优势。

    This paper makes a systematic exposition on the aspects of ecological basis and application of PFU protozoan community .

  2. 水稻高产形成的分子生态学基础及其应用研究

    Molecular ecological basis of high-yielding formation of rice and its application

  3. 高职院校生态学基础实验教学改革实践

    Reform and Practice of Ecological Experimental Teaching in Higher Vocational Education

  4. 板栗茶树间作模式的生态学基础

    Ecological Basis of the Intercropping Pattern of Chinese Chestnut with Tea

  5. 区域绿地系统建设的生态学基础

    The Ecological Fundamental in Construction of Regional Green Space System

  6. 湖泊渔业可持续发展的生态学基础及一个范例

    Ecological Theories for Sustainable Fishery in Lakes and An Example

  7. 渤海渔业资源增殖与管理的生态学基础

    Ecological bases of marine ranching and management in the Bohai Sea resource

  8. 生态系统管理学的概念框架及其生态学基础

    A conceptual framework and the ecological basis for ecosystem management

  9. 害虫预测预报的生态学基础和应用技术研究进展

    The ecological basis and applied technologies on forecasting insect pests population dynamics

  10. 循环经济的生态学基础及实践模式分析

    Ecological Basis of Recycle Economy and Its Practical Model

  11. 荒溪近自然管理的景观生态学基础&欧洲阿尔卑斯山地荒溪管理研究述评

    Principles of landscape ecology in near natural torrent management

  12. 土地生产力可持续增进的生态学基础

    The Ecological Basis for Sustainable Enhancing Productivity of Land

  13. 试论沙漠化过程及其防治措施的生态学基础

    Ecological Elements of Desertification Process and Its Rehabilitating Measures

  14. 本文主要对建立在生态学基础上的非线性偏微分方程组进行一些研究。

    This dissertation is devoted to nonlinear partial differential systems established in ecology .

  15. 加强恢复生态学基础理论研究,制定科学的工程评估和监测标准;

    Strengthening research of ecological restoration , framing the standard of evaluation and inspection ;

  16. 论体育的人类生态学基础

    On the Human Ecology Basis of Physical Education

  17. 改治结合根除蝗害的系统生态学基础

    System ecological basis of " combining reconstruction with control " on eradicating locust calamity

  18. 玉米地膜覆盖增产的土壤生态学基础

    Soil ecological basis for plastic-sheet-covered Maize increasing yields

  19. 这些特性,是它在栽培条件下,能够获得较高产量的生态学基础。

    These biological characters are the ecological base for higher productivity under cultivated conditions .

  20. 论立体农业的生态学基础

    On The Ecological Basis of Stereo - Agriculture

  21. 外来种入侵的生物学与生态学基础的若干问题

    Fundamentals of invasive species biology and ecology

  22. 可见,李茶间作模式具有较好的生态学基础。

    In short , there was a better ecological basis for this kind of intercropping pattern .

  23. 池塘施肥混养多品种鱼的生态学基础

    Ecological basis of mixed breeding various species of fish with the application of fertilizers in ponds

  24. 生态技术是建立在现代生态学基础之上,有助于增进人与自然和谐统一、促进人类社会的可持续发展的技术。

    Is helpful to promote the harmony of human and nature ; promote the sustainable development of human society .

  25. 栗茶间作具有较好的生态学基础,是一种可持续发展的茶园经营模式。

    Therefore chestnut and tea intercropping with good ecological basis is a sustainable development management mode for tea garden .

  26. 结果表明,麻竹地理变异的生态学基础是表现为较明显的南北地理变异。

    Results showed that ecology foundation of geographical variation of Dendrocalamus latiflorus appeared more significant north and south geographical variation .

  27. 本文对球孢白僵菌持续控制重要森林害虫马尾松毛虫的生物多样性和生态学基础进行了研究。

    In this dissertation , the biodiversity and ecological bases of sustainable control of Dendrolimus punctatus by Beauveria bassiana were studied .

  28. 作物水分-产量响应关系及其生理生态学基础研究是生物节水理论的重要内容。

    Yield response to water and its ecophysiological mechanisms research of the crop are important study content of biological water saving theoretics .

  29. 自然天敌群落的重建是自然天敌保护和持续利用的生态学基础的一个重要组成部分,对天敌的保护利用和天敌效能的提高有十分重要的意义。

    It is one important part of the ecological basis for conserving and utilizing natural enemies , which is of important significance to their conservation and efficacy enhancement .

  30. 目前本区榆树林生态系统退化严重,群落更新不良,分布范围不断缩小,亟需开展榆树林种群和群落生态学基础研究。

    At present , the elm woods had degraded seriously such as the community regeneration slowly , the distribution area shrinkage and need to carry out population and community ecology basic research .