
yě shēng shēng wù
  • wildlife
野生生物[yě shēng shēng wù]
  1. 抗议者打着“救救我们的野生生物”字样的横幅。

    Protesters carried a banner reading ‘ Save our Wildlife ’ .

  2. 开发这一地区将会危及野生生物。

    Development of the area would endanger wildlife .

  3. 蒂姆摄影经验丰富,在过去13年里一直以拍摄野生生物为业余爱好。

    An old hand at photography , Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years .

  4. 世界野生生物基金会的JeffPrice同样呼吁进行更多的快速分析。

    Jeff Price , from the World Wildlife Fund , similarly calls for more rapid analyses .

  5. 澳大利亚绿党领袖参议员BobBrown称,政府再次将经济利益放在了野生生物前面。

    The Greens leader , Senator Bob Brown , says the government has again put economic interests ahead of wildlife .

  6. 无独有偶,总部在美国的国际野生生物保护学会(theWildlifeConservationSociety)最近也对玻利维亚新发现的一种猴子的命名权进行了网上拍卖。

    BIOPAT is not alone : the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society , for instance , recently auctioned the name of a new Bolivian monkey species online .

  7. 环境、野生生物与旅游部的高级野生生物官员IsaAlidi说他们怀疑这种疾病起源于安哥拉和纳米比亚的上游。

    Said they suspected that the disease originated upstream in Angola and Namibia .

  8. 博茨瓦纳环境、野生生物与旅游部的高级野生生物官员ShaftNengu说,博茨瓦纳正在通过联合国粮农组织与泰国开展研究合作。

    Shaft Nengu said Botswana has been collaborating on research with Thailand through the UN Food and Agriculture Organization .

  9. 在蒙大拿州,渔业、野生生物和狩猎区(国家公园)部,迈克尔·J·马德尔领导一项灰熊管理项目。

    " I have had bears that range into Alberta and have been lost ," said Michael J.Madel , who runs the Grizzly Bear Management Program for the Montana Department of Fish , Wildlife and Parks .

  10. 库克林和国际野生生物保护学会(WildlifeConservationSociety)中国分会的龟鳖专家吕顺清渴望再找到一只雌性斑鳖,于是让全国所有动物园都把各自的大型软壳龟鳖的照片寄给他们。

    Desperate to find another , Dr. Kuchling and Lu Shunqing , a turtle specialist from the Wildlife Conservation Society 's China branch , had asked every zoo in the country to send them photographs of any large softshell turtles in their possession .

  11. Geoghegan研究的最初目标是发现南非野生生物公园周围的哪些家畜感染了牛结核病。

    Geoghegan 's research initially aims to discover where bovine TB occurs in domestic livestock around South African wildlife parks .

  12. KWS说气候变化和生态失调可能已经导致了最近野生生物种群因传染病致死数量不断增加。

    The KWS says climate change and ecological disturbances could have caused a recent increase in deaths in wildlife populations from infectious diseases .

  13. 例如,NEPAD(非洲联盟的非洲发展新伙伴关系)、食品企业Mars和世界野生生物基金会正在与专家合作对主粮作物的基因组测序。

    For example NEPAD ( African Union 's New Partnership for Africa 's Development ), the food company Mars , and WWF are working with experts to sequence the genomes of staple crops .

  14. 在规模宏大的国家公园TamanNegara,大量野生生物繁衍生息。这个国家公园位于马来西亚半岛中心附近。

    The wildlife is especially thick in Taman Negara , a huge national park located near the centre of the peninsula .

  15. 肯尼亚野生生物局(KWS)说气候变化是造成东非人类和野生生物冲突不断增加的原因,而且它增加了动物疾病传播的风险。

    The Kenya Wildlife Service ( KWS ) says climate change is to blame for increasing conflicts between humans and wildlife across East Africa , and is heightening the risk that animal diseases will spread .

  16. Keesing认为这可能是因为人类和野生生物之间更多的互动(诸如人类猎取野生动物的肉)促进了这种转移,而非生物多样性本身。

    Keesing thinks that it could be greater interaction between humans and wildlife , such as hunting for bush meat , that fosters the jump into humans & not biodiversity itself .

  17. SusanCasey-Lefkowitz:“尤其是管道位于最珍贵的水系之下。这种水系不仅对野生生物非常重要,对我们的社会也非常重要。例如,黄石河在灌溉方面发挥着关键的作用。所以它能够满足沿途许多农民和社区的需求。”

    SUSAN CASEY-LEFKOWITZ : " Especially when they are running under some of our most precious river systems that are important not just for wildlife , but also for our communities . The Yellowstone River is critical for irrigation for example . And so it serves the needs of a lot of farmers and communities along its path . "

  18. 树木为城市里的野生生物提供良好的庇护所。

    Urban wildlife also benefit from the shelter provided by trees .

  19. 野生生物专家预测,完全清理污油可能需要5年的时间。

    Wildlife officials said a clean-up could take up to5 years .

  20. 西半球自然保护和野生生物养护公约

    Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation on the Western Hemisphere

  21. 当地的野生生物和工业共存是可能的。

    It is possible for local wildlife to coexist with industry .

  22. 这就意味着野生生物的空间将会越来越少。

    This means there will be less space for the wildlife .

  23. 贵州省野生生物资源开发利用与保护

    Development , Utilization and Protection of the Wild-life Resources in . Guizhou

  24. 亚当:主要原因似乎是要保育野生生物。

    Adam : well the main one seems to be wildlife conservation .

  25. 对野生生物来说空间将愈来愈少。

    There will be less and less space for wildlife .

  26. 我们发现品牌木炭对野生生物的益处。

    We find out which brand of charcoal benefit wildlife .

  27. 许多人都非常关心动物和野生生物的保护。

    Many people are concerned about animals and wildlife conservation .

  28. 对我们来说保护野生生物是很有必要的。

    It 's necessary for us to protect the wildlife .

  29. 药用植物通过收集野生生物种群和栽培植物来提供。

    Medicinal plants are supplied through collection from wild populations and cultivation .

  30. 还有无论死活,野生生物的走私。

    Then there 's the smuggling of wildlife , dead or alive .