
yě shòu
  • beast;wild animal;wild beast;savage
野兽 [yě shòu]
  • [wild beast;wild animal] 家畜以外的兽类,天性凶猛,尤指食肉的野生哺乳动物

野兽[yě shòu]
  1. 三年的丛林生活把他变成了野兽。

    There years'jungle life had turned him into a wild beast .

  2. 再告诉父亲约瑟夫被野兽吃了。

    And tell our father that a wild beast ate him .

  3. 参加一次我们的观察野兽徒步旅行,实地看一看非洲吧。

    See the real Africa on one of our walking safaris .

  4. 干这种事的人是畜生,是野兽。

    The person who did this is an animal , a brute .

  5. 他在家人眼前被野兽活生生地戳死了。

    He was gored to death in front of his family .

  6. 迪斯尼出品的电影《美女与野兽》赢得了众多好评。

    Disney 's ' Beauty And The Beast ' has won rave reviews

  7. 所有的大型野兽都聚集在这里,鸟类尤其丰富。

    All the big game congregate here , and birdlife is particularly prolific .

  8. 接着野兽突然袭击了他,最后把他咬死了。

    The animal then turned on him and he was savaged to death .

  9. 这人是个畜生,是个野兽。

    This man is an animal , a beast

  10. 他哈哈大笑以宣泄情绪,声音如野兽般尖厉,眼泪都笑出来了。

    His laughter was cathartic , an animal yelp that brought tears to his eyes .

  11. 他遭到野兽的袭击。

    He was attacked by wild animals

  12. 有些野兽是可以驯养的。

    It is possible to domesticate some wild animals .

  13. 他们住在山洞里,猎取野兽,采集果子。

    They lived in caves , hunted animals and gathered fruit .

  14. 原始社会的人用粗糙的石器猎取野兽。

    Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements .

  15. 你必须提防野兽。

    You must keep a good watch for wild animals .

  16. 这头野兽凶得很,应该关到笼里去。

    This animal is dangerous and should be caged in .

  17. 他是看上去像野兽一样的男人。

    He looks like a beast of a man .

  18. 山中有野兽。

    There are wild beasts in the mountains .

  19. 我们一走近,野兽全都跑开了。

    Our approach drove away the wild animals .

  20. 他的行为像一头凶恶的野兽。

    He behaved like a ferocious animal .

  21. 斯德哥尔摩综合症的故事:美女与野兽在一起。

    The Stockholm Syndrome6 Story : Beauty and the Bestiality .

  22. 侵略军简直象一群野兽。

    The aggressor troops are not many degrees removed from the brute .

  23. 它打击着那些野兽,激怒着它们。

    It buffeted the beasts , enraging them .

  24. 他只管拉上买卖,不管别的,像一只饿疯的野兽

    If he could get a fare nothing else mattered-he was like a ravening beast .

  25. 众兽之王淡淡地看了一眼,心里一点也不介意,因为小狗是一只年纪轻轻不懂事的野兽。

    The king of beasts looked on , not minding in the least , for puppy was a young and foolish beast .

  26. 我很害怕,转身向船跑去,那个身影又出现了,跑得和野兽一样快。

    Frightened , I turned back towards the boats , but the figure appeared again and moved with the speedof an animal .

  27. 再往狐狸身后一看,“呀,是一只大老虎!”大大小小的野兽都吓得撒腿就逃。

    But when they looked behind the fox : " Oh , a big tiger ! " The wild animals , large and small , all fled for their lives .

  28. 当我还只有六岁的时候,在一本描写原始森林的名叫《真实的故事》的书中,看到了一副精彩的插画,画的是一条蟒蛇正在吞食一只大野兽。

    Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book , called True Stories from Nature , about the primeval forest . It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal .

  29. 他说:“这狗想逮的是獐子、驼鹿、野猪之类的大野兽,它的目标不是老鼠。如果你一定要让它捉老鼠,只要将它的后脚夹起来就可以了。”

    The person from Qi said , " This dog can catch bucks1 , deer , and wild boars . Mice are not its target . If you really want it to catch mice , just bond2 its real legs and it will catch mice . "

  30. 她跟着猎狗,欢呼雀跃,追赶着无害的动物。他们一起渡过了一段美好时光。虽然她奉劝了他许多次不要捕杀像狮子和狼这样的野兽,但年轻人只是嘲笑她的想法。

    and over hills and valleys . She cheered hunting dogs and pursued animals of a harmless sort . They had a great time together . However , she warned him many times not to chase wild beasts like lions and wolves , but the young man just laughed at the idea .