
ɡè rén jiǎn lì
  • resume;vita;personal resume;biodata
  1. 如此一来,这份求学经历便会成为个人简历的一段真实记录。萨内蒂认为,这其中的价值几乎与学习两年的MBA课程不相上下。

    Put the fact on your resume and Zanetti thinks it will have nearly the same value as going to an MBA program for two years .

  2. 我旳个人简历上写有我旳通讯地址和联系电话号码。

    My address and telephone numbers are written on my resume .

  3. 申请书连同完整个人简历和两份推荐信必须在6月12日以前送达校长处。

    Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th .

  4. 即便在经济衰退开始之前,约有60%的人事经理在接受人力资源管理协会(SocietyforHumanResourceManagement)采访时表示,他们在求职者的个人简历中碰到过各种各样的谎言。

    Even before the recession got underway , over 60 % of hiring managers told the society for human resource management they were finding all sorts of untruths in job applicants ' CVs .

  5. 其中绝大多数孩子都是凭“硬实力”得到录取的,因为他们有着优异的SAT考试成绩以及满是各种荣誉的个人简历。

    Most of these kids have " earned " their places , in the sense of having high-performing SAT tests and curriculum vitae packed with accolades .

  6. 如果你确实希望在网上完成,要确保你的线上表现,从LinkedIn到你的个人简历各方面都保持一致。

    If you do go the online route , ensure your digital presence matches across the board , from LinkedIn to your online CV .

  7. 要记得把你在LinkedIn上的简介、个人简历或是其他职业简介都更新一遍,特别是如果你的新年计划中有跳槽这一条时。

    Ensure your LinkedIn profile , r é sum é and other professional resources are up-to-date , especially if your New Year 's resolution includes searching for a new job .

  8. 糟糕透顶的个人简历和在社交网络上的古怪举动都会毁掉一个人的职业生涯。

    Atrocious resumes and social network antics will kill your career .

  9. 众所周知,个人简历对于寻找工作至关重要。

    As everyone knows , CVS are essential for this task .

  10. 请允许我提醒您为我写一份个人简历。

    May I remind you to write a resume for me ?

  11. 我的个人简历写有我的通讯地址和电话号码?

    My address and telephone number are written on my resume .

  12. 这是他的履历表、个人简历,所有的东西。

    It 's his cv , personal history , everything .

  13. 在这种情况下,把个人简历复制粘贴到邮件正文。

    In these cases , paste your resume into your email message .

  14. 提名的总经理、销售经理和服务经理的个人简历。

    Resumes for proposed general manager , sales manager and service manager .

  15. 随信附上个人简历,期待与您的面谈!

    Enclosed resume , and look forward to your interview !

  16. 申请书(说明附件),附上个人简历。

    Letter of application ( Cover Letter ), attach with current resume .

  17. 下面是博采玩家的个人简历的信息。

    Below is the information currently in your player profile .

  18. 首先,用人公司会看你的申请表,包括你的个人简历。

    First , the company will evaluate your application form including your resume .

  19. 我忘记在我的个人简历里写上我的会计经历了。

    I forgot to include my experience as an accountant in my resume .

  20. 现附上反映我的学历和工作经历的个人简历。

    I have enclosed a resume of my educational background and employment history .

  21. 有意者请将个人简历寄至本公司人事部。

    Please send your resume to our personnel department if you are interested .

  22. 那还得寄一份个人简历呀。

    He needs to send us a resume .

  23. 现寄上个人简历表。

    I am enclosing a personal data sheet .

  24. 你必须交一份个人简历。

    You 're required to submit a resume .

  25. 个人简历应该表明自己的能力会如何满足雇主的需要。

    A resume should show how your abilities meet the needs of an employer .

  26. 兹随函附上我的个人简历和我的大学毕业证书复印件一份。

    You may find inclosed my resume and a photocopy of my college diploma .

  27. 收拾橱柜,整理硬盘文件,更新个人简历。

    Cleaning out your closet . Defragging your hard drive . Updating your resume .

  28. 怎样才能写好求职信的个人简历部分?

    How can you write a good personal statement section of an application form ?

  29. 个人简历短的传记性或自传性描述。

    A short biographical or autobiographical account .

  30. 带上几份个人简历,以及你参与过的论文或报告。

    Bring copies of your resume and any papers or presentations you 've worked on .