
  • 网络KDDI;Telstra;telenor;Carrier;telecom
  1. 如果componentname是sis,则这是您为其设置属性的通告程序、网关或电信公司的名称。

    If the component_name is sis , then this is the name of the notifier , gateway , or carrier that you are setting a property for .

  2. 对电信公司来说,调整网络的费用可能比调整设备更低,尤其是在用户所用设备并非由该电信公司提供的情况下。

    It may be cheaper for the carrier to modify its network than to modify its devices , especially if customers are using devices not supplied to them by the carrier .

  3. 各家电信公司那时正努力通过宽带业务赢利。

    Telcos were struggling to make money from broadband services .

  4. 一批投资商从政府手中买下墨西哥电信公司。

    ' Telmex ' was bought off the government by a group of investors .

  5. 这给电信公司提供了如何保护海底电缆的新思路。

    And this gives telecoms companies fresh ideas on how to protect submarine cables .

  6. IP网络和业务的发展对传统电信公司的冲击及对策

    The Influence of IP Network and Service to the Traditional Telecom Company

  7. 在这种情况下,C电信公司应该改变经营理念,适应电信市场竞争环境的变化,才能在竞争中处于不败之地。

    In this situation , C Telecom should change its management conceptions and adapt to the changing of telecom market .

  8. 但这是在主要的电信公司开始表示将停售盖乐世Note7之前。

    But that was before major telecom companies began saying they would stop offering the Galaxy Note 7 .

  9. 并简要介绍了本论文的研究对象MS电信公司的发展现状;

    Combine the synopsis introduced the research object of this thesis the development present condition of the MS telecommunication company ;

  10. 为此,研究G电信公司的核心竞争力和战略定位,寻求转型对策。

    To research the core of competitiveness and strategic positioning of G Telecom Company , and look for the countermeasure of the transformation .

  11. 谷歌(Google)、英特尔(Intel)和电信公司最近几个月基本都面临着反垄断相关调查。

    Google , Intel and telecommunications providers in general have all faced antitrust-related probes in recent months .

  12. 美国IPTV监管政策有望向电信公司倾斜

    American IPTV Regulation Policy will be Inclined to Telecom Companies

  13. 通过对客户价值的识别进行客户细分,并根据客户价值及细分结果提出了C电信公司客户维持的方案。

    And based on the customer value and subdivision result , it presents a customer maintenance scheme to enhance the core competence by implementing the customer relationship management .

  14. 玩游戏需要一些电信公司或ISP的支持。

    Access to the game is supported through some Telco or ISP .

  15. 宁夏电信公司于2007年建成IPTV业务平台。

    Ningxia Telecom Corporation Ltd had built IPTV business platform in year 2007 .

  16. IP业务量正呈爆炸式增长,各电信公司、网络运营商都在积极建设下一代宽带网络。

    To meet the demands of the explosive growth of IP traffic , various telcos and network operators are vigorously constructing the next generation broadband networks .

  17. 希望通过本文的研究,为湖南电信公司CRM系统的建设提供一定的参考借鉴。

    I sincerely hope the study of this article can provide reference for the directors of Hunan telecom CRM system .

  18. GL市电信公司实施客户关系管理战略研究

    Research of Customer Relationship Ship Strategy in GL Telecom Company

  19. 目前,苹果公司尚未透露通信巨头中国移动公司(ChinaMobile,占有70%的市场份额)或中国电信公司(ChinaTelecom,占有10%的市场份额)销售iPhone手机的具体时间安排。

    No word yet from apple when the device will be available for giant China Mobile ( CHL ) ( 70 % share ) or China Telecom ( CHA ) ( 10 % ) .

  20. 对中国电信公司而言,无线接入网(PHS)是今后一个新的业务增长点。

    In this kind of case , PHS is a new growth point for China Telecom .

  21. 例如,我可以想象合资电信公司EverythingEverywhere的员工在2010年公司更名为EE后的痛苦。

    For instance , I can only imagine the pain of staff at " Everything Everywhere " before that 2010 telecoms joint venture was renamed EE .

  22. 12月韩国三星公司(Samsung,aSouthKoreanconglomerate)被勒令支付赔偿华立(Holley,一家中国电信公司)。

    In December Samsung , a South Korean conglomerate , was ordered to pay compensation to Holley , a Chinese telecoms firm .

  23. PCCW目前正在为多个国家的电信公司提供建议,协助他们成功开通IPTV。

    PCCW is now advising telecoms firms in several countries about how to emulate its successful roll-out of IPTV .

  24. 三月份,法国电信公司新任CEO斯特凡·理查德(StephaneRichard)概述了公司计划改善员工工作环境的方法。

    In March , France Telecom 's new boss Stephane Richard outlined ways the company planned to improve employee working conditions .

  25. 出售预付标志的商蓝标电信公司(BlueLabelTelecoms)开创了一条联系部落首领与流行福音歌者的新路,以帮助提高其产品销售量。

    Blue Label Telecoms , which sells pre-paid tokens , has blazed a trail in forming relationships with tribal chiefs and popular gospel singers to help sell its products .

  26. 最后我录用了一位专业人士,他曾在一家大型电信公司担任CEO的行政助理,之前的薪酬高达60000美元。

    I ended up hiring a pro who had been the executive assistant to the CEO of a large telecom company and had been earning $ 60,000 before that .

  27. ST公司(陕西电信公司,简称ST公司)目前面临着NGN网络转型、降低运营成本、提供多样化业务种类等提高企业核心竞争力的众多挑战。

    Shaanxi telecom ( ST company ) is facing the challenge of NGN network transfer , lowering the operation expenses , enhancing diversification and heightening the core competence .

  28. 据日本媒体报道,主营办公室安保和保洁的大成公司将同无人机制造商“蓝色创新”和电信公司NTTEast联手研发这款无人机。

    According to Japanese media , office security and cleaning firm Taisei will develop the device with drone maker Blue Innovation and telecommunications company NTT East .

  29. BBC新闻–美国互联网公司雅虎将以近50亿美元现金被卖给美国电信公司威瑞森。

    BBC News - US internet firm Yahoo will be sold to American telecoms firm Verizon Communications for nearly $ 5bn in cash .

  30. 但在号称已解决问题的新手机起火的报道出现后,美国和澳大利亚的电信公司表示将停售盖乐世Note7,三星随即将其停产。

    But production was halted after telecommunications companies in the United States and Australia said they would not offer the Galaxy Note 7 following reports of fires involving new phones in which the problem was supposedly fixed .