
  • 网络Telecom operators;Carriers;Service Provider;TELCO;ISP
  1. 但IP网尽力传输的本质,一直困扰着电信运营商。

    However , best effort transfer which is the nature of IP network has troubled ISP for a long time .

  2. 由于终端分布广泛,电信运营商可以方便地通过它发布各种收费信息服务,比如最近的小灵通广告,这些给电信运营商带来了很大的增值业务空间。

    Because terminals distribute abroad , ISP can release various charged information service by it , for an example , the recently advertisement of phs , these bring big increment operation room to isp .

  3. 这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。

    The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators .

  4. 三大电信运营商将自10月1日起推出“当月流量不清零服务”,即月底未用的套餐内剩余流量不会清零。

    China 's top three major telecom operators will launch rollover data services on Thursday , meaning unused data at the end of the month will no longer just disappear .

  5. 系统集成商和电信运营商之间是商对商,或企业间的业务(BusinesstoBusiness)关系。

    The relationship between SI and telecom operation is a kind of business to business relationship .

  6. F5BIGIP负载均衡解决方案在电信运营商中的应用

    Application of F5 BIG IP Load Balance Solution in Telecom Carriers

  7. P2P带来的挑战和电信运营商的应对策略分析

    P2P Network 's Challenges Analysis and How Telecommunication Carrier Can Deal with It

  8. 3G技术环境下我国电信运营商市场营销战略研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of Chinese Telecommunication Operators under the Circumstances of 3G Technology

  9. 3G时代电信运营商市场营销策略模型设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Telecom Operators ' Marketing Strategy Model in 3G Era

  10. 中国的电信运营商,不仅面临着来自国内同行的竞争,还面临着加入WTO以后来自国外运营商的更具威胁的竞争。

    Not only Chinese telecom operators are facing the competition from other domestic operators , but also aboard operators after entering WTO .

  11. 电信运营商如何应对IPTV市场的挑战

    How the Telecommunication Operator to Deal with the Challenges of IPTV Market

  12. 构建了一种基于电信运营商的ASP平台构架,提出了ASP基础服务平台的概念和促进ASP产业发展的运作模式。

    A framework of the ASP based on that value chain and its operation mode are put forward .

  13. 它拥有全球最大的银行中国工商银行(ICBC)、全球最大的电信运营商中国移动(ChinaMobile)。

    It has the world 's biggest bank , Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , and the world 's largest telecoms operator , China Mobile .

  14. 在TSP网络中部署电信运营商级(telecommunicationscarrier-grade)应用程序时需要执行上述测试。

    This is required for deploying telecommunications carrier-grade applications within the TSP network .

  15. 第三,为3G时代电信运营商的营销实践提供具有可操作性的理论模型和方法。

    Third , we will provide the operational theory and method for marketing practice of telecom operators in the 3G era .

  16. NGN在综合电信运营商中的应用

    Application of NGN in Full-Service Operators

  17. 随着电信运营商的重组和3G牌照的发放,中国电信业已进入全业务运营时代。

    While reconstructing of telecom operators and releasing of 3G license , Chinese telecom industry has entered the whole business operation times .

  18. 近日,获得3G牌照的三大电信运营商纷纷下调手机上网资费。

    Recently , the three biggest telecommunication operators , which have obtained the3G licences , have reduced the WAP charges one after another .

  19. MSAP(Multi-ServiceAccessPlatform)即多业务接入平台,主要解决电信运营商SDH传输网络的接入问题。

    MSAP , multi-service access platform , is mainly to solve the problems of telecom operators in the access to SDH transmission network .

  20. 监管电信运营商的中国工业和信息化部(ministryofindustryandinformationtechnology)旨在促进国内技术创新,加强电信和it基础设施,提升网络设备和其它电子产品的需求。

    The Ministry of industry and information technology , in charge of the telecom operators , aims to foster domestic technological innovation , strengthen the telecom and it infrastructure and boost demand for networking equipment and other electronics products .

  21. 综合账务系统作为BOSS系统的重要组成部分,是电信运营商提高服务质量、减少话费纠纷、提高经营管理效率的重要工具,是整个BOSS系统业务的核心。

    The account system , which is the tool of developing the service , reducing the dissension and developing the management of telecom , is the core of BOSS .

  22. 建设新一代业务运营支撑系统(BOSS)是电信运营商提升全方位竞争力的必由之路。

    Building a new generation of Business Operation Support System ( BOSS ) is the only way for operators of Telecom to promote their competitive ability all the round .

  23. 在TSP网络中开发和部署电信运营商级系统有一些特殊的可用性、稳定性和健壮性要求。

    There are special availability , reliability and robustness requirements for developing and deploying telecommunications carrier-grade systems in the TSP network .

  24. 本文以电信运营商全业务经营大环境和V市移动分公司自身具体经营情况为研究背景,重点阐述V市移动分公司的市场类员工满意度的现状、存在的问题。

    The thesis takes the full-service environment and specific operation of V City Branch Company as research background , focuses on the satisfaction status and problems of marketing employees .

  25. 随着中国电信运营商的重组、3G移动通信技术在中国全面商用,移动通信业的竞争进一步加剧。

    With the restructuring of China telecommunications industry and cosmically commercial use of 3G technology , the competition in the communication market is becoming fierce .

  26. CA的信任模型采用通过桥CA连接电信运营商CA群和银行CA群的交叉认证策略,群内部亦实行交叉认证。

    CA trust model used the cross-certification through the bridge CA which linked the telecom CA and bank CA , the inside of each group also implemented the cross-certification model .

  27. 因此,客户关系管理(CRM)成了电信运营商增加收入和利润,提高客户满意度、忠诚度的有效工具。

    Therefore , the customer relationship management ( CRM ) became telecom operators and increase revenue and profit , improve customer satisfaction and loyalty of effective tools .

  28. 此测试与已经非常严格的电信运营商级测试结合,帮助WebSphereApplicationServerV7成为了市场上最为稳定的SIP应用服务器。

    This testing , combined with our already rigorous telco carrier grade testing , helps WebSphere Application Server V7 be one of the most stable SIP application servers on the market .

  29. 丹麦的一家电信运营商TDC就为其宽带连接业务绑定了这种服务。

    TDC , a Danish telecoms operator , has bundled such a service with its broadband connections .

  30. 由于VoIP市场的进入障碍很低,不但是6大电信运营商,即便规模小的通信业企业也可以提供VoIP服务,所以在中国内提供VoIP服务的公司很多。

    Because it is easy to enter the market of VoIP , there are many VoIP providers in China , including the 6 main companies .