
  1. 美国商界的一大疑团是:电信监管机构会不会让今年2月宣布的康卡斯特(Comcast)/时代华纳有线(TimeWarnerCable)合并交易顺利完成。

    One of the big mysteries in corporate America is whether telecom regulators will allow theComcast / Time Warner Cable merger , announced in February , to close .

  2. 通过介绍WTO电信监管基本规则、我国电信监管面临的挑战,提出后WTO时代改善电信监管的相关措施。

    After introducing the basic rules of WTO telecom regulation and the challenges faced by our telecom supervision , this article puts forward relevant measures to improve the telecom supervision in post WTO period .

  3. 移动号码携带(MNP)是一项被各国电信监管部门普遍采用的产业规制政策,目前全世界已经有67个国家和地区引入了MNP。

    Mobile number portability ( MNP ) is a popular regulation policy in telecommunication market which has been taken by 67 nations and areas .

  4. 同时结合我国VoIP管制现状及因绕监管的因素,对我国电信监管部门就VoIP管制提出了策略建议。

    Meanwhile , combined with the status quo of VoIP regulation in China and the factors that disturb the regulation , it puts forward some strategies and suggestions to telecom regulation department in China on VoIP regulation .

  5. 苹果公司与印度电信监管机构(TRAI)的分歧在于,后者希望所有手机制造商都能安装政府批准的防骚扰应用,以帮助应对垃圾邮件和骚扰电话问题。

    At the heart of its latest tussle with the government is India 's pervasive problem with spam and nuisance calls -- one the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ( TRAI ) is trying to counter with an app that it wants all phone makers to install .

  6. 电信监管改革:问题、成因与未来的任务

    Reform of Telecom Regulation : Problems , Causes and Future Tasks

  7. 电信监管系统海量目标名单查找算法

    Search Algorithm for Mass Target List in Telecom Supervise System

  8. 电信监管:无为与有为?

    The telecom regulation : how to strike the balance ?

  9. 希望该文有助于一个新型电信监管体系的建立。

    Hope this paper helps one to establish a new telecommunications regulatory system .

  10. 电信监管体制改革:困境中求突破

    Telecommunication regulatory system reform : seek breakthrough tn plight

  11. 二则,依法成立独立的电信监管机构。

    And , an independent telecommunications regulatory body .

  12. 国外电信监管机构解决人才问题的思路和做法

    Human Resource Policy of Foreign Telecom Regulators

  13. 全球电信监管体制的发展趋势

    Developing Trend of Global Telecom Regulation System

  14. 电信监管的经济模型分析

    Research on Economic Models of Telecommunication Regulation

  15. 我国电信监管重构问题研究

    Regulatory Reconstruction in Chinese Telecommunications

  16. 我国电信监管体制也必须进行适时的改革,以和电信市场的动态变迁均衡。

    Telecom control system in china must be reformed timely to keep in balance with dynamic change in telecom market .

  17. 北京的电信监管机构对他们的计划依旧三缄其口,但已经有越来越多的迹象显示可能的行动。

    Beijing 's telecoms regulators remain tight-lipped about their plans , but there have been increasing signs of likely action .

  18. 俄罗斯电信监管机构在本周早些时候宣称,微信不符合俄罗斯信息法的相关规定。

    Russia 's telecom watchdog announced earlier this week that WeChat is not in compliance with Russia 's information laws .

  19. 并认为,一个完整的电信监管框架,应该包括问责主体、对象、范围、程序、责任、机制等六个方面。

    An intact telecom regulation frame should include interrogatory main body , object , range , procedure , responsibility and mechanism .

  20. 促进电信监管体系的完善,形成统一协调的监管思路和政策措施;

    The management and supervision system of Chinese telecom industry should be improved to form unified and harmony guiding principles and policy measures ;

  21. 近两年来,苹果公司与印度电信监管机构始终在一项新规定上存在分歧,该规定要求苹果手机安装印度政府批准的防骚扰应用。

    For almost two years , Apple has battled India 's telecom regulator over a demand that it allow the use of the government 's anti-spam app .

  22. 另一方面,对在电信监管上所出现的改变,亦做出了描述,并从不同角度分析了电信监管所存在的主要问题的成因。

    At the same time , it also describes the emerging changes in telecommunications regulation and in various angles analyzes the causes of major problems prevailing in telecommunications regulation .

  23. 加强电信监管、建立有效的电信监管体系、形成公平有序的市场竞争环境是目前急需解决的问题。

    It is an urgent thing for China to strengthen telecommunication regulation in order to build up an effective telecommunications regulation system , as well as a fair and orderly telecommunication market .

  24. 政府层面的建议主要有:法律政策环境、电信监管体制改革、投融资改革、国际环境和知识产权等5个方面。

    Insofar as government policies are concerned , they focus on four major aspects such as the policy circumstance , the telecommunication regulations , the investment & finance system reformation , and international circumstance .

  25. 因此,如何与时俱进、创新电信监管政策对促进电信业公平有效竞争的形成、创建和谐社会,具有非常重要的作用。

    It is significant to do research on how to keep up with the times , innovate the regulation policies , promote the formation of the fair and efficient competition and found a harmonious society .

  26. 从根本上说,应深化电信监管体制改革,打破垄断,引入竞争,形成电信市场的有效竞争格局。

    Radically speaking , the central government should deepen the reform of telecom regulation system , break monopoly , introduce competition system , and ultimately the efficient competitive situation in telecom market will come into being .

  27. 在此基础上,为我国电信监管部门提出加强网络质量和竞争行为的监管力度、加强非对称管制监管力度、加快《电信法》修订进程和谨慎推行网络中立等建议。

    Based upon that , the article proposed strengthening regulation on network quality and competitive behavior , enhancing asymmetric regulation , facilitating revision on Telecommunication Law , and cautiously implementing Network Neutrality rules to telecommunication regulatory agencies .

  28. 作为电信监管部门的工信部称,新政策发布之前,公众抱怨运营商收费过高,但提供服务的速度和质量却过低。

    The Ministry and Industry and Information Technology , also the industry regulator , said on that the new directive follows public complaints that despite the high fees charged by the carriers , the speed and quality of the provided services remain poor .

  29. 中间件的研究与发展为开发分布式应用提供了有效的支持,但随着应用的深入,在许多分布式系统中,比如军事指挥系统、电信监管系统、多媒体系统等等都提出了对实时的需求。

    Middleware is a very effective and high performance framework for distributed application integration within heterogeneous environment . But with the development of applications , a growing class of large scale scenarios require real-time support , such as military command and control system , telecommunication monitor system and multimedia system .

  30. 浅论中国电信市场监管政策

    A Discussion of the Monitoring Regulations Regarding China 's Telecommunication Market