
diàn xìn
  • telecommunication;telecom;traffic;telegraphy;electric communication
电信 [diàn xìn]
  • [telecommunications] 在某通信系统范围内传输或接收信息或信号的方式

电信[diàn xìn]
  1. 利用频率变换和频率合成技术,将电信时钟信号频率转换为1MHz整数频率,再利用现有的频标比对器,实现电信时钟信号频率和频率稳定性的高准确度测量。

    Using frequency transformation and frequency synthesis techniques , we transferred electric commumication clock signal to 1 MHz integer frequency . realized high accuracy measurement of electric communication clock signal frequency and frequency sta - bility utilizing existent frequency comparator again .

  2. 这项非凡成就的取得并没有借助于现代电信业这个有利条件。

    This remarkable achievement took place without the benefit of our modern telecommunication industry .

  3. 当时电信业的泡沫正处于极度膨胀时期。

    At the time the telecoms bubble was at its height .

  4. 各家电信公司那时正努力通过宽带业务赢利。

    Telcos were struggling to make money from broadband services .

  5. 无线电信号具有电、磁双重属性。

    A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties .

  6. 这个消息给电信部门注入了一针强心剂。

    The news gave a fillip to the telecommunications sector

  7. 一批投资商从政府手中买下墨西哥电信公司。

    ' Telmex ' was bought off the government by a group of investors .

  8. 英国电信同意将整体价格增幅控制在低于通货膨胀7.5%的水平。

    British Telecom agreed to keep overall price increases to 7.5 per cent below inflation

  9. 法国电信是国有公司成功的典范。

    France Telecom is a textbook model of what can be achieved by a state-owned company .

  10. 未来学家一致认为,随着电信网络资费的降低和效率的提高,这些趋势将会越来越明显。

    Futurists agree that these trends will grow as telecommunications networks become cheaper and more efficient .

  11. 这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。

    The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators .

  12. 下个世纪的电视屏幕将会接入到正在形成的全球电信网络中。

    The television screens of the next century will be linked up to an emerging world telecommunications grid .

  13. 麦克风将声波转换成电信号来传输。

    The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical signals for transmission .

  14. 这个电信局对外营业。

    The telephone office is open for public business .

  15. 德国电信称,此次预购活动不接受来自互联网的预约,只允许消费者到实体店内下单。

    The carrier is allegedly not taking online reservations and only letting customers pre-order the device in-store .

  16. 就在本周,一项调查发现,媒体和电信巨头康卡斯特公司是最令人憎恨的服务商。

    Just this week , an investigation found that media and telecom giant Comcast is the most hated provider .

  17. 如果该调查有所发现的话,这也不会是电信服务商第一次因为其承诺的宽带速度和实际提供给顾客的网速不一致而陷入麻烦中。

    If the investigation uncovers anything , it wouldn 't be the first time a telecom provider got into trouble over the broadband speeds it promised and delivered customers .

  18. 我们需要解决电信网络的不安全性。

    We need to deal with the insecure nature of our telecom networks .

  19. 英国电信(BritishTelecom)公司在一些展位上加设了屏幕和免费WiFi。

    The UK company British Telecom has added screens and free WiFi to some booths .

  20. 三家公司拥有庞大用户基础,基本面稳定,在全球电信服务行业中具有重要影响力。其ADR总体规模不大,即便摘牌,对公司发展和市场运行的直接影响相当有限。

    Given the three companies ' large user base , stable operation , significant influence on the global telecommunications service industry , as well as the small proportion of ADRs in their total shares , the act of delisting will have very limited impact on their market operation and development , according to the spokesperson .

  21. 麦克风将声波转化成电信号进行传播

    The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical singals for transmission .

  22. 这给电信公司提供了如何保护海底电缆的新思路。

    And this gives telecoms companies fresh ideas on how to protect submarine cables .

  23. 电信业是一个服务型的行业。

    Telecommunication is an industry of service .

  24. 日益复杂的现代电信系统

    the increasing complexity of modern telecommunication systems

  25. 将天然气工业,电信业和部分采矿业收归国有的举措吓跑了投资者们。

    That boosted government revenues in the short term , but is now jeopardizing them . Morales

  26. 随着电信市场竞争的加剧,全球固话业务被移动分流

    Along with the accelerated competition in telecom market , mobile services divests part of fixed telephone services .

  27. 据摩根士丹利资本国际的数据,涨幅居后的包括公用事业和电信类股,分别涨了约%和12%

    The laggards include utilities and telecommunications , up about % and 12 % respectively , to MSCI .

  28. 三大电信运营商将自10月1日起推出“当月流量不清零服务”,即月底未用的套餐内剩余流量不会清零。

    China 's top three major telecom operators will launch rollover data services on Thursday , meaning unused data at the end of the month will no longer just disappear .

  29. 最后,提出了MM电信企业管理创新新思路。

    Finally , MM telecommunications enterprise management innovation of new ideas .

  30. VIP21世纪日本电信发展的主要方向

    VI P A Major Vision of Japan Telecommunications Services in the 21st Century