
  • 网络Key Account;vip;major account;Vol
  1. CM公司大客户需求调查研究

    The Requirements Investigation and Research about VIP Demand of CM Company

  2. 本文重点介绍了NGN企业/大客户应用解决方案和NGN固定/移动解决方案。

    This article introduces the schemes of NGN enterprises / VIP applications and NGN fix / mobile network applications .

  3. 要吸引大客户,我们就得拿出更好的创意。

    We need to produce better creative if we want to attract big clients .

  4. 对于英国来说,美国是仅次于德国的第二大客户。

    After Germany , America is Britain 's second-biggest customer

  5. 基于Domino的大客户管理系统Web方式改造实践

    Rebuilding for Web Mode of an Important Client Management System Based on Domino

  6. 基于J2EE架构大客户文档流转系统简介

    Introduction of architecture background and significance of documents flow system

  7. 基于大客户的长春邮政CRM系统的开发

    The Development of Changchun Post CRM System Based on Large Customer

  8. Z公司系统设备领域大客户管理探索

    Key Account Management 's Search about System Equipment 's Business in Z Corporation

  9. 基于CRM的供电公司大客户管理信息系统研究

    Research on Key Account Management Information System Based on CRM in Power Supply Company

  10. 本论文结合了CRM理论和电信企业大客户管理业务要求,能够为中国电信企业实施VIPCRB系统提供理论和实践性参考,帮助电信企业成功的引入大客户关系管理系统。

    This thesis can help telecommunications enterprise succeed in introducing VIP relationship management system .

  11. 随着Internet技术的发展,原有的基于c/s结构的电信大客户管理系统已不能满足用户的需要。

    With the development of Internet technology , the original important client management system based on c / s can not meet the needs of users .

  12. 美国康菲石油与澳大利亚originenergy有成立一家合资企业,但它的处境更不稳定,因为它尚未签下一个大客户。

    Conoco , which has a joint venture with origin energy of Australia , is in a more precarious position because it has not yet signed up a big customer .

  13. Vijayaraghavan称联合航空(UnitedAirlines)便是他们其中一个大客户。然而该航空公司拒绝对此文章置评。

    Mr Vijayaraghavan names United Airlines , for example , as among his big clients , but the airline declined to comment for this article .

  14. 采用客户关系图构建大客户经理的KPI体系

    Use zhe customer relational graph to construct zhe KPI system of key account manager

  15. 试论KN涂料公司大客户经理的绩效考核

    Discussion on the performance evaluation of key customer manager in KN coating company

  16. 本文从CM公司的实证分析出发,运用科学的市场调查方法,对CM公司的大客户的需求进行深入分析以后,系统的制定出一套适合CM公司为大客户提供针对性服务的措施。

    This thesis make up useful measures for CM company to keep VIP customers basing on empirical analysis . And the thesis is composed of five chapters .

  17. 利用MSTP技术实现大客户接入方案

    Achieve Large Account Access Solution with MSTP Technology

  18. 论文包括五个部分:第一部分介绍了电信行业和CM公司发展的历程以及提出大客户需求问题的原因。

    The chapter 1 introduces the development of TELECOM industry and CM company , and specially explains the reasons why we will study the requirements of VIP customers .

  19. 现对这三家运营商进行了SWOT分析,论证了各自理应进入的大客户细分市场的原则;

    Based on SWOT model , this paper examined principles adopted by the three telecom carriers to enter the segment of major accounts .

  20. 基于GPRS和CDMA无线公网技术的新一代大客户负荷管理终端和通信前置机是构建大客户负荷管理系统的关键。

    The new large-client load management terminal and communication front-end processor based on GPRS and CDMA is the most important part of large-client load management system .

  21. 为了保持在市场竞争中的优势,CM公司必须充分了解各种类型的大客户的需求,提供有针对性的服务,保住大客户市场。

    In order to keep the advantages in market compete , CM company must deeply learn about the demands of VIP and then provide pertinence service to hold VIP customers .

  22. 论文专门单列一个章节对HB大客户营销体系实施进行了应用验证,提出了体系的实施保障措施。

    A special chapter was separated to test and verify the VIP marketing system of HB company and gave out system guarantee methods .

  23. 在大客户管理(CRM)信息系统设计时,加入与三个快速通道对应的功能模块,来实现大客户管理主要功能的规范化。

    When CRM ( customer relationship management ) system design , joins with the function module of " Three Expresses " to realize the KAM main function standardization .

  24. 最后给出了ST公司半导体电源部中国市场营销策略,包括:产品策略,渠道策略,促销策略和大客户战略联盟策略。

    Finally , four marketing strategies are being used into the practice in ST Power B.U , including : production strategy 、 sales-channel strategy 、 promotion strategy and strategic-alliance strategy .

  25. 据预测,IBM将帮助改造广发银行运行不畅的IT系统。许多中国的银行IBM的大客户,但IBM在销售上也有难念的经。

    IBM , which has a huge business serving banks but has had its own sales challenges in China , will presumably be of help transforming Guangdong 's lousy [ 5 ] IT systems .

  26. 公司称,康泰纳零售连锁店(ContainerStore)等大客户,以及超过90%的其他客户都续签了包年合同,公司2011年的收入达到了1500万美元。

    With big clients like the container store and more than 90 % of customers renewing their annual contracts , according to the company the Silicon Valley firm says it pulled in $ 15 million in 2011 .

  27. 首先对中国NGN的现状和发展进行了评估,指出在中国企业大客户NGN应用市场业已成熟;

    This thesis first presented evaluation on status quo of NGN development in China , and pointed out that large business market of NGN was mature .

  28. 主要为完善原有张家口市市区城市主干光缆网络,以满足新建模块局、大客户、3G基站的光缆接入需求。

    Mainly for improving the existing urban trunk cable network zhangjiakou city , in order to meet the new modeling Block bureau , big customers , 3G base station fiber-optic access requirements .

  29. 贝莱德还成立了一个名为blackrocksolutions的部门,该部门最初负责内部风险控制,目前则有向美联储等精选的大客户提供专业支持。

    It also created BlackRock solutions , a unit that started out as an internal risk management arm that now sells its expertise to select large clients such as the Fed .

  30. 本文以凯斯机械公司(CMS)为对象,对大型机械企业的大客户管理模式进行了分析研究。

    This paper takes Case Machinery Shanghai ( CMS ) as an example , conducts the mode research on key account management ( KAM ) for the large-size machinery business .