
fù jiā fèi lǜ
  • Additional Rate;after charge;loading rate
  1. 理想的做法是在设定附加费率时进行国际协调。

    International co-ordination of surcharge rate setting is desirable .

  2. 工商业污水附加费率

    Trade effluent surcharge rate

  3. 协调设定附加费率也可以确保共同的达标进程,而不是由每个国家自行设定过渡性的规则。

    Co-ordinated rate-setting also ensures a common convergence process , in place of each country setting its own transition rules .

  4. 过渡期附加费率的灵活性,也将增强欧元区的凝聚力,缓和单一货币所导致的僵硬。

    Rate flexibility in the transition would also reinforce the cohesion of the euro area , reducing the rigidity imposed by a single currency .