
fù jiā xiǎn
  • Additional insurance;accessory risk
  1. 再额外多付一些钱的话,你或许就能买到附加险。

    You 'll probably be able to buy supplemental insurance at an extra cost

  2. 我们未把任何附加险计算在报价内。

    Our price were calculated without insurance against any extraneous risks .

  3. 请给我说说怎样选择附加险,好吗?

    Would you please tell me how to select additional risks ?

  4. 但那就属于附加险对吗?

    But that 's an additional risk item , isn 't it ?

  5. 破碎险属于一般附加险。

    Risks of breakage are classified under extraneous risks .

  6. 不。战争险是一种特殊附加险,必须单独投保。

    No. War Risk is a special additional risk , and it has to be arranged separately .

  7. 一般附加险是以上三种基本险不包括的任何一种风险。

    General Additional Risks can be any risk that is not covered under the three basic insurance covers .

  8. 如果要求附加险,额外保险费将由买方支付。

    Should additional insurance coverage be required , the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer 's account .

  9. 同时,卖方将根据商业综合责任险和机动车责任险的相关政策,制定该公司投保这两项附加险。

    Also , Seller will name Company as an additional insured on its Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability policies .

  10. 一切险就是水渍险加上附加险,附加险即不是由于海上运输本身的特性所带来的风险。

    All Risks means WPA plus additional risks , or extraneous risks , risks not incidental to transport by sea .

  11. 信用证应规定所需保险的类别以及相应投保的附加险别。

    Credits should stipulate the type of insurance required and , if any , the additional risks which are to be covered .

  12. 钩损险是一种附加险别。在低速碰撞中私家车和运动型多用途车的保险杠间会下钻上骑,造成昂贵的损失。

    Hook damage be an additional Insurance coverage . Car and SUV bumpers underride and override each other in low-speed collisions , contributing to costly damage .

  13. 意外伤害医疗保险一般不单独承保,而是作为意外伤害死亡残废的附加险承保。

    Accident harm medical treatment is safe and common not alone accept insurance , the additional risk accept insurance that injures dead maimed person as the accident however .

  14. 请注意保险只包括平安险和战争险。如果要求投保附加险,所需额外保险费将由买方支付。

    Kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only . Should additional insurance coverage be required , the extra premium incurred would be for the buyers ' account .

  15. 我方知道按照你方的惯例,你方仅对货物发票金额加一成投保,而附加险的额外保险费由我方承担。

    As we understand that as per your customary practice , you only insure the shipment for10 % above the invoice value , the extra premium for additional coverage shall be for our account .

  16. 我们希望投保水渍险并附加破损险。

    We wish to arrange for wpa and additional coverage against risk of breakage .

  17. 您不想保水渍险和附加破碎险吗?

    Don 't you wish to arrange for W.P.A. and additional coverage against Risk of Breakage ?