
  • 网络Independent Contractor
  1. 如果你是独立的合同人,想在你的专业领域找一份工作的话,这些都是在搜索在线工作时很好用的关键词。

    If you 're an independent contractor looking for work in your field , these are good keywords to try when searching for a job online .

  2. 有的个人是作为独立的合同人提供服务的。律师和开业会计师为收费,而非作为雇员提供服务的。

    Some individuals offer their services as independent contractors . a lawyer or a public accountant may offer his or her services to a firm for a fee but is not considered an employee .

  3. 救助费用意指独立的合同救助人,依据海商法可以获得的费用。

    ' Salvage charges'means the charges recoverable under Maritime Law by a salvor independently of contract .