
  1. 生产与运作管理之独立需求的库存控制

    Inventory Control of Independent Demand in Production and Operation Management

  2. 讨论了用数学分析及动态规划的方法求解随机性需求库存控制和用数理统计方法求解独立型需求库存控制中的决策变量问题。

    This paper tried to find the solution of the variables of the strategic decision in the inventory control and in the definite demand , by using method of mathematics analysis and dynamic regulation , and in the random demand , by using the mathematical statistics method .

  3. 针对上述三个缺陷及其原因,本文提出了一些行之有效的对策方案,主要包括:建立了独立需求产品的库存控制模型和非独立需求物料的分类管理模型;

    To solve these defects and reasons , we first establish the model to control the stock of independence requirement . Then , we found the model to manage the dependence requirement material by sorting .

  4. 对于多周期具有独立产出率和独立需求的库存系统,利用动态规划方法证明了在一定的条件下最优库存水平关于时间具有随机单调性;

    For the system with multi-period and with independent yield rates and demands in each period , by using the dynamic programming method , we show that the optimal inventory level is stochastic monotone in time period under a certain condition .