
dú lì dǒnɡ shì
  • independent director
  1. 1月22日,四家上市公司发布公告称,他们的独立董事宋常因涉嫌内幕交易和短线交易被证监会立案调查。

    Four listed companies announced on Friday that their independent director Song Chang is under investigation1 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for suspected insider trading and short-swing trading .

  2. 独立董事(IndependentDirector)作为公司利益的保护者,在现代市场经济中发挥着越来越来重要的作用。

    As the protector of the interest of the company , the independent director plays a more and more important role in the modern market economy .

  3. 你首先需要一个强大的独立董事会,其次需要一批富有经验并且爱岗敬业的员工。

    You need , firstly , a strong independent board of directors and secondly , an experienced and dedicated staff .

  4. SPV的组织文件通常要求,只有在SPV的独立董事一致同意的情况下才可以提出破产申请。

    It is the requirement that the organizational document of SPV ordinarily that the independent directors should submit the application for bankruptcy by consensus .

  5. SPV构建主要涉及组织形式的选择,独立董事制度,实质合并的防止以及政府支持等问题。

    SPV mainly related to building the choice of organizational form , the independent director system , " substantive consolidation " and government support problems and so on .

  6. 此后不久,迈克尔?戴尔就去请教另一家私募基金了(据信是KKR集团)。到了8月14号,他又将这一意向正式通报了戴尔重量级的独立董事阿历克斯?曼德尔。

    Michael Dell soon would reach out to another private equity firm ( believed to be KKR ) for advice , before formally advising Dell 's lead independent director , Alex Mandl , on August 14 .

  7. 独立董事在股权激励方案的制定过程中并没有有效地保护投资者利益。

    Independent directors do not protect the investors in the scheme .

  8. 独立董事的独立性是通过具体制度的设计和安排来保证的。

    The independence is guaranteed by concrete system design and arrangement .

  9. 独立董事制度:涵义、作用与设立障碍

    The System of Independent Directorate : Significance , Function and Problems

  10. 英美独立董事任免机制研究

    Research of Appointment and Removal of US and UK Independent Director

  11. 独立董事与公司治理绩效的灰色关联分析

    Grey Relative Analysis on Independent Director and Performance of Corporate Governance

  12. 独立董事制度:功能释放条件及优化对策

    Independent Director Systems : Function Release Terms and Optimized Countermeasure

  13. 关键词:公司治理,独立董事,内部人控制

    Keywords : Corporate governance , Independent director , Insider control

  14. 建立规范的独立董事选聘机制;

    Setting up the standard employment and the select mechanism ;

  15. 独立董事监督的有效性与实证分析

    Efficacy and Practical Analysis of the Supervision of Independent Director

  16. 独立董事制度及其有效性的经济法律分析

    The Economics and Law Analysis on the Effectiveness of Independent Director System

  17. 第四章探讨了独立董事责任的限制和免除问题。

    The fourth chapter discusses the limitation and elimination of directorial liability .

  18. 不对称信息条件下独立董事激励合约的设计

    A design of incentive contracts of independent directors under asymmetric information condition

  19. 日本引进独立董事制度的经验及启示

    Experience and Revelation from the Introduction of Independent Director System of Japan

  20. 盈余管理程度与独立董事比例负相关。

    Earnings management is negatively correlated with the proportion of independent directors .

  21. 第二章阐述了独立董事制度的概念;

    Chapter two explains the concept of the independent director 's system ;

  22. 独立董事制度的本土化

    Perspectives of Laws and Economics on Independent Director System : Localization Issues

  23. 试论我国上市公司独立董事制度

    On the Independent Director System of Listed Companies in China

  24. 如何进一步健全上市公司独立董事制度?

    Is independent director system inconsistent with the listed company 's reality ?

  25. 论独立董事与监事会关系之建构

    On the Construction of the Relationship between Independent Director and Supervisory Committee

  26. 基于监督约束机制的独立董事制度研究

    The Study of Independent Director System Based on Regulation and Restriction Mechanism

  27. 结果表明:独立董事比例与上市公司自愿披露程度正相关。

    The results indicate that Rind is positively correlated with the latter .

  28. 独立董事制度发挥有效作用需要若干条件。

    The practice of independent director system is based on some conditions .

  29. 此外,现行激励机制也制约了独立董事效用的发挥。

    In addition , encourage mechanism also restrained the utility of ID .

  30. 建立与完善我国上市公司的独立董事制度

    Establishing and Perfecting Independent Director System in China Listing Company