
  • 网络absolute reference
  1. 您可以将它写成一个绝对引用或者完全没有前缀。这种情况下,我们假设JAR文件同应用程序JAR在同一个目录下。

    You could also write this as an absolute reference or without a prefix entirely , in which case it would be assumed that the JAR files were in the same directory as the application JAR .

  2. 谈Excel中的相对引用和绝对引用

    Relative Quotation and Absolute Quotation in Excel

  3. 以一个方案和一个冒号开始的URI引用是绝对引用;否则,该引用就是相对引用。

    A URI reference that starts with a scheme and a colon is absolute ; otherwise , the reference is relative .

  4. XSLT的href属性采用了一个URI引用,它可能是绝对引用,也可能是相对引用。

    The href attribute in XSLT takes a URI reference , which may be absolute or relative .

  5. 例如,PHP名称空间的最佳实践之一是,在代码中使用绝对引用完全限定名称空间,而不是相对引用。

    For example , it is a best practice with PHP namespaces to fully qualify your namespaces within your code using with absolute references rather than relative references .

  6. 随后我听到一个年轻的学生对他朋友说:“这电影绝对引用了一大堆著名的话。”

    Then I heard a young student turn to his friend and say ," There sure were a lot of famous quotes in that movie !"

  7. 如果没有为context属性指定值,那么就认为这样的绝对URL引用当前servlet上下文内的资源。

    Without a value for the context attribute , such an absolute URL is assumed to reference a resource in the current servlet context .