
  • 网络Absolute Return;absolute gain
  1. 斯坦恩说,虽然新兴市场债券的收益率不算太高,但也比美国国债好得多。他管理的64亿美元规模的伊顿万斯全球宏观绝对收益基金(EatonVanceGlobalMacroAbsoluteReturnfund)持有马来西亚、菲律宾和墨西哥的债券。

    The payouts might not be astronomical , but they are much better than those offered by Treasurys , Mr. Stein says , whose $ 6.4 billion Eaton Vance Global Macro Absolute Return fund owns the bonds of Malaysia , the Philippines and Mexico .

  2. 通过FFF方法,将该周期因子进行滤波处理以后,基金指数高频绝对收益不再具有明显周期性。

    And after the intraday periodicity factors are filtered through FFF regression , the high frequency absolute return of fund index doesn 't have obvious periodicity any longer .

  3. 其次,对待WTO法律体制,中国应务实地处理绝对收益与相对收益之间的关系;

    As for the statutory framework of WTO , China should appropriately handle the relation between " absolute gains " and " relative gains ";

  4. 收益与交易量以及绝对收益与交易量之间存在双向Granger因果关系(线性或非线性);

    Granger causality tests demonstrate that bilateral causality relation ( linear or nonlinear ) exists between returns ( or absolute returns ) and volume ;

  5. 进而将LW估计首次应用于中国股市,结果表明不同频率绝对收益序列的长记忆强度基本一致;

    Then LW estimation was applied in China stock market . The results present that long memory be generally consistent across various temporally aggregated returns .

  6. 采用Andersen和Bollerslev(1997)的FFF回归方法,对上证综合指数高频数据中的周期性进行了分析,并分析了剔除周期后的绝对收益的长记忆性。

    By FFF regression of Andersen and Bollerslev ( 1997 ), we analysis the periodicity of Shanghai stock index 5-min high frequency data and the long memory characters in filtered absolute returns .

  7. 纯益与股东权益百分比相对收益和绝对收益

    Percent of net income to stockholders relative and absolute returns

  8. 相对收益和绝对收益相反的,扶轮再度透过合作而获益。

    Relative and absolute returns Again , Rotary has won with cooperation .

  9. 制度变迁视角下解决相对收益和绝对收益问题的尝试

    An Attempt to Compromise Relative and Absolute Gains from the Perspective of Institutional Change

  10. 以日绝对收益序列为代表的波动序列具有较强的长记忆性。

    While volatility series represented by daily absolute return series present stronger long memory property .

  11. 同时,封闭式基金、开放式基金的绝对收益率没有表现出明显的差别。

    At the same time , closed-end fund does not show significant difference with open-end fund .

  12. 相对收益和绝对收益

    Relative and absolute returns

  13. 对冲基金过去常常称颂它们无论经济环境如何都能轻易赚取“绝对收益”的本事。

    Hedge funds used to celebrate their ability to rake in " absolute returns " no matter the economic environment .

  14. 封闭式基金的绝对收益率明显高于市场基准,而且投资组合所承担的风险低于市场基准。

    As a whole , the closed-end fund has a higher absolute return rate and a lower risk than the market benchmark .

  15. 新自由主义从相互依赖以获得绝对收益的观点出发解释北约扩大;建构主义则从共同体价值观的内化或社会化的视角去分析北约扩大。

    Constructivism theory analyses the NATO Enlargement in the perspective of internalization and socialization of the sense of value of the community .

  16. 国家主动参与某项国际制度,将会赢得超过其不参与状态的绝对收益。

    When a state chooses to participate in an international institution voluntarily , it will achieve absolute gains which can not be achieved in the situation of non-participation .

  17. 市场中性策略是一种新近出现的、通过中性化市场风险,利用证券之间相对价格的变化来谋求绝对收益的一种投资策略。

    Market neutral strategy is a new investment strategy , which is aimed at making profits by neutralizing the market risk and utilizing the changes of relative prices among securities .

  18. 我们对比分析了各期限债券的风险溢酬,发现相对于其他期限债券,3年期左右债券具有较高的绝对收益和风险调整后收益。

    We analyzed the bond risk premium of different kinds of durations and concludes that the absolute return and risk adjusted return of 3-year bonds is higher then the return of other maturities .

  19. 在此契机下,以追求绝对收益为目标的量化投资策略得到广泛关注,并快速发展。

    At this time , quantitative investment strategies , in the pursuit of alpha return , have been caught more attention . Having learned from experiences abroad , the number of native quantitative trading funds is growing fast .

  20. 本文在比较各种长记忆检验方法优缺点的基础上,采用修正的R/S分析检验我国沪深两股市日收益和日绝对收益序列的长记忆性。

    On the basis of weighing advantages and disadvantages of various methods of testing long memory property , modified R / S analysis is adopted to examine long memory property for daily return and daily absolute return of our stock market .

  21. 区域内的企业以开发短、平、快项目为主,虽然产出的绝对收益较高,但投入产出的相对效率较低,而且产品的科技含量普遍不高。

    The projects processed by enterprises in the region which are characteristic of shortness , easiness and quickness have good profits of output , but the relative efficiency between output and input is low , as well as the contents of science and technology involved .

  22. CH方法和CCK方法都是检验投资者之间羊群效应的方法,CH方法认为,当股市存在羊群效应时,个股收益率的横截面标准偏差CSSD随绝对市场收益率的增大而减小。

    CH method and CCK method both test herding effect in investors , CH method thinks that the cross section with the standard deviation CSSD of stock returns will decrease as the absolute market yield increases when the stock market exists herding effect .

  23. 但需要指出的是,要想使得个股收益率的横截面标准偏差CSSD随绝对市场收益率的增大而减小,只有当大部分的投资者都表现出强烈的羊群行为时才有可能。

    But it should be pointed out that only when most investors have serious herding behavior , the cross section with the standard deviation CSSD of stock returns will decrease as the absolute market yield increases .

  24. 结果表明:三种形式的收益率均存在长程相关性,其中绝对值收益率的相关性程度最强;

    The results show there is evidence of long-rang correlations for the three returns and the intensity of correlation of the absolute returns is the most strong .

  25. 无论如何,赤字的绝对规模与国债收益率之间的联系并不确定。

    In any case , the link between the absolute size of deficits and yields is inconclusive .