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zhōng tóu
  • hour
钟头 [zhōng tóu]
  • [hour] [口]∶钟点,小时

  • 到现在我们干了几个钟头了

钟头[zhōng tóu]
  1. 我们购物的时候,花了1个钟头在人群中挤来挤去。

    We spent an hour jostling with the crowds as we did our shopping

  2. 花了半个钟头才把浴缸上的柑橘粉擦洗掉。

    It took half an hour to clean the orange powder off the bath

  3. 我在飞机上抓紧时间睡了两个钟头。

    I managed to grab a couple of hours ' sleep on the plane .

  4. 马斯特斯用了约20个钟头才到达那所房子。

    It had taken Masters about twenty hours to reach the house

  5. 爬第一座小山花了半个钟头。

    Climbing the first hill took half an hour

  6. 我们东游西逛,瞎扯了两三个钟头。

    We 'd been lounging around , chewing the fat for a couple of hours .

  7. 他的员工学着和他一样每天强迫自己工作13个钟头。

    Members of his staff learn to work the same 13-hour days that he imposes on himself

  8. 为了让画家给自己画像,一个人很有可能连续坐上8个钟头。

    A person may well have been sitting for the artist for eight hours at a stretch .

  9. 他在他的酒店举行了一场历时3个钟头的家庭卡拉OK演唱会,其间高歌了辛纳屈和甲壳虫乐队的一些热门歌曲。

    He held a three-hour family Karaoke session in his hotel , belting out Sinatra and Beatles hits .

  10. 他给内政部长打了个电话,结果你看,不到一个钟头囚犯就给释放了。

    He called the minister of the interior and , lo and behold , within about an hour , the prisoners were released

  11. 辛苦了一整天之后,最不愿意做的事情就是在热烘烘的炉子前再忙活上好几个钟头。

    When you 're busy all day the last thing you want to do is spend hours slaving over a hot stove .

  12. 她开会迟到了一个钟头。

    She came to the meeting an hour later .

  13. 我在工作中趁隙休息了一个钟头。

    In the midst of my work I snatched an hour 's rest .

  14. 我坐在他旁边,苦苦熬了两个钟头。

    Seated beside him , I bore the ordeal for two hours .

  15. 我们下午虽然只干了两个钟头,可是很出活。

    We worked only two hours in the afternoon , but we accomplished a lot .

  16. 她在镜子前花费好几个钟头梳理她的长发。

    She spent hours in front of the mirror , combing through her long hair .

  17. 大夫允许她每天起来两个钟头。

    The doctor allows her up for two hours each day .

  18. 我已经等了六个钟头了,然而你还叫我要耐心点。

    I have waited six hours yet you still counsel patience .

  19. 他折腾了好几个钟头才睡着。

    He tossed about in bed for hours before falling asleep .

  20. 他们一直争辩一个钟头了。

    They have been arguing for the past hour .

  21. 他走了两个钟头才走到。

    It took him two hours to get there .

  22. 估计得走那么三四个钟头才能到。

    I think it will take three or four hours to get there .

  23. 这条鱼买回去才半个钟头就掉秤了。

    The fish lost weight only half an hour after I bought it .

  24. 他按钟头租小船。

    He hired a boat by the hour .

  25. 他讲了足有两个钟头。

    He lectured for a full two hours .

  26. 这出戏演了三个半钟头。

    The play lasted three and half hours .

  27. 一个钟头前做好的凉拌蔬菜仍然鲜嫩可口。

    The salad greens , prepared an hour ago , had retained their crispness .

  28. 你怎么会迟到一个钟头,对此你能作出什么解释呢?

    Can you explain how it came about that you were an hour late ?

  29. 他们争论了几个钟头,结果双方都不太满意。

    They went into it for several hours , without much satisfaction on either side .

  30. 我实足等了两个钟头。

    I waited for two solid hours .