
zhōnɡ diǎn
  • hour;time;time to do or happen
钟点 [zhōng diǎn]
  • (1) [hour]∶小时,钟头

  • 他迟到了一个钟点

  • (2) [time]∶某个特定时间

  • 到钟点了,我们快走吧

钟点[zhōng diǎn]
  1. 在那个钟点接到我的电话,他一点也兴奋不起来。

    He was none too thrilled to hear from me at that hour

  2. 我等了他一个钟点了。

    I 've been waiting an hour for him .

  3. 我不想受按钟点回家的束缚。

    I don 't want to be tied to coming home at a particular time .

  4. 我们按照海报上告示的钟点,准时进入会场。

    We went to the meeting hall at the time as announced in the poster .

  5. “钟点爸爸”的出现主要是由于很多家长忙于工作,没有时间接送和陪伴孩子;部分单亲家庭的孩子缺少父爱、父教,需要提供亲情服务。

    Hourly dads are needed because many parents are too busy to take care of their children or children from single-parent families ( of a single mother in particular ) may need someone to spend time with them like a father .

  6. 专家认为“钟点爸爸”的出发点是好的,市场也有一定的需求,但任何人都无法代替父母,靠“钟点爸爸”来弥补孩子的情感缺失之作法不可取。

    Experts said that this idea was created with good intentions2 , and there is demand in the market . But parents are irreplaceable in a child 's life , you cannot randomly3 hire someone to act as his / her father .

  7. n.敲击;鸣,响;敲击的钟点vt.敲击教堂的钟声唤醒了我们。

    stroke The strokes of the church bell awakened us .

  8. Vicki和郑贵东在本期节目中就此话题进行访谈,了解到一些英国人在青少年时曾从事过的一些钟点工。

    Vicki and Oliver discuss this topic and chat to some people to find out what jobs they did when they were teenagers .

  9. 成都市钟点女工幸福感结构研究

    Research on the Structure of SWB of Chengdu Female Hour-paid Worker

  10. 你们确定了晚会的钟点和日期吗?

    Have you fixed the time and date for the party ?

  11. 那一块四毛七宛如警世钟点醒我

    That $ 1.47 tip was a wake up call reminding me

  12. 我想商店在这个钟点是关门的。

    Think the shop is closed at this time of day .

  13. 一连赌了好几个钟点现在正好是十点半钟。

    Gamble away for hours It is just half past ten .

  14. 你能肯定这个钟点儿它还开着吗?

    Are you sure it 's still open at this hour ?

  15. 一般来说,到现在这个钟点,他已经上床睡觉了。

    Baloney . He 's usually in bed by now .

  16. 我不常在那个钟点来这儿。

    I don 't usually come here at that time .

  17. 公共汽车隔多长时间一班?现在这个钟点隔多长时间来一班车?

    How often does this bus run at this time of day ?

  18. 我还想到了莉莲,我父母雇的钟点工。

    I also thought about Lillian , our parents'part-time maid .

  19. 两名运动员直到钟点都跑的不分前后。

    The two sportsmen ran neck and neck until the very end .

  20. 在那钟点去按你家门铃我觉得不合适。

    I didn 't feel comfortable ringing your bell at that hour .

  21. 房角漏范围从0.5到4个钟点,并呈现4种不同的形态。

    The extent of cyclodialysis cleft varied from 0.5 to 4 hours .

  22. 此次争论的焦点是钟点工的最低工资。

    That debate is over the minimum wage paid to hourly workers .

  23. 一个钟点过后他倒在奥安的山沟里。

    An hour later , he fell in the ravine of Ohain .

  24. 效率工资及其在农村钟点工问题中的应用&以武功县普集街乡永丰村打蒜时节的钟点工市场为例

    Efficiency Wage and its Application in Hour Labor in Countryside

  25. 经费按编次和款次分列他们向顾客按钟点收费。

    Appropriation part and section They charge customers on an hourly basis .

  26. 大致在半个钟点以前,就已有一大片乌云遮着天空。

    For the last half-hour a large cloud had covered the heavens .

  27. 一座每个钟点和每刻钟报时的大理石钟。

    A marble clock which struck the hours and quarters .

  28. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。

    He trudged three hours in the snow to get back home .

  29. 辛楣俩去了一个多钟点才回来。

    Hsin-mei and Li returned more than an hour later .

  30. 预订中心暂时不提供钟点房的预订服务。

    The reservation center does not accept the half-day room reservation now .