
  • 网络HAROLD;harrod;Harald;HARRODSER
  1. 他从正门进入了哈罗德商场。

    He entered Harrods by the main door

  2. 他打了辆出租车去哈罗德百货商店。

    He caught a taxi to Harrods .

  3. 哈罗德的锁骨骨折了。

    Harold had a broken collarbone .

  4. 例如,我喜欢哈罗德发现如何独立思考的那一章。

    I enjoyed , for instance , the chapter in which Harold discovers how to think on his own .

  5. 虽然哈罗德和埃里卡肯定不是很强或令人难忘的人物,但《社会动物》更严重的问题在别处。

    While Harold and Erica are certainly not strong or memorable characters , the more serious problems with The Social Animal lie elsewhere .

  6. 因此,在他故事中的男女主人公哈罗德和埃里卡的童年时期,我们会听到关于儿童发展的科学,而当他们开始约会时,我们会听到关于性吸引力的理论。

    So as Harold and Erica , the hero and heroine in his story , live through childhood , we hear about the science of child development and as they begin to date we hear about the theory of sexual attraction .

  7. 哈罗德百货公司的陈列品是伦敦一景

    The displays in Harrods are one of the sights in London .

  8. 他们用稻草扎出人形,然后装上了尖尖的鼻子和小小的眼睛,就和真的哈罗德一样。

    They made it out of straw and gave it a pointy nose and tiny eyes , like Harold 's.

  9. 然而,他并没发现阿尔弗雷德,眼前的一幕让他惊恐万分:哈罗德正在房顶上,铺着血淋淋的一片肉,在太阳下晒着呢!

    He saw Harold , on the roof of the hut , stretching out a bloody9 piece of flesh to dry in the sun .

  10. 从那天起,每天他们把哈罗德绑在菜园里的一根竿子上,用来吓跑那些麻雀,然后晚上再拿进屋来。

    Day after day , they would tie Harold to a pole in the garden to scare away the birds . They brought it in the house every night .

  11. 后来有一次,托马斯心情不好拿哈罗德出气,这时阿尔弗雷德发誓说自己听到稻草人嘟囔了一声,“你听见了吗?哈罗德出声了!”“不可能,他就是一袋稻草而已。”托马斯回答说。

    A while later , when Thomas was taking out his anger on Harold , Alfred swore he heard the doll grunt3 . " Did you hear that ? Harold grunted4 ! " " Impossible , he 's just a sack of straw , " replied Thomas .

  12. 圣克拉拉大学托马斯e利维活动中心哈罗德j托索馆,美国。

    Thomos e.leovey activities center and Harold j.toso Pavilion University of Santa clara , USA.

  13. 这正是哈罗德百货当前推出MadewithLove活动的理念所在。这场历时2个月的促销活动推出了大量限量版时装以及提供个人定制版服务。

    That 's the thinking behind Harrods " current " Made with Love " campaign , a two-month promotion offering limited-edition products and bespoke personalised services .

  14. 也许最令人不安的结果来自于密歇根大学心理学家哈罗德·W·斯蒂文森进行的研究。

    Perhaps the most disturbing results come from the research carried out by a University of Michigan psychologist , Harold W.

  15. 哈罗德(Harry)爵士很快成立了一个全职的调查团队来揭露丑闻,报道大事。

    Sir Harry quickly founded a full-time investigative unit to expose important scandals and carefully reconstruct major events .

  16. 个性更强的人能更轻易地在心理上压过别人(哈罗德C.绍恩伯格)

    Depending on whose personality is stronger , one can more easily psych the other ( Harold C. Schonberg )

  17. 同时,AlNassma公司正与英国哈罗德百货公司和旧金山的ChocolateCovered商谈产品销售事宜。

    Al Nassma is also in talks with British department store Harrods and San Francisco 's Chocolate Covered to sell its products .

  18. 但正如伟大的新闻记者哈罗德•埃文斯爵士(SirHaroldEvans)所说,新闻就是人物。

    But news is people , as the great newspaperman Sir Harold Evans has said .

  19. 卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)除了拥有哈罗德百货公司(Harrods),还持有蒂芙尼(Tiffany)和保时捷(Porsche)公司的少数股份。

    The Qatar Investment Authority owns Harrods as well as minority stakes in Tiffany and Porsche .

  20. 哈罗德?哈姆(HaroldHamm)成长于俄克拉荷马州(一个小镇,家里穷得叮当响。

    Harold Hamm grew up dirt-poor in a tiny town in Oklahoma .

  21. 她和他的丈夫艾略特和哈罗德一起开了一家玩具公司MATTEL。

    She and her husband Elliott along with Harold " Matt " Matson started the toy company Mattel .

  22. 会议讨论的主题转向通缩,会议参与者包括美联储(Fed)前理事劳伦斯o迈耶、经济学家彼得o希夫、希腊前总理乔治o帕潘德里欧以及政治家出身的摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)雇员哈罗德o福特。

    The discussion which also included former Fed Governor Laurence Meyer , Schiff , the former prime minister of Greece George Papandreou , and politician-turned-Morgan Stanley-employee Harold Ford turned to deflation .

  23. 伦敦高档百货公司哈罗德(harrods)表示,中国顾客在该店的平均消费为3500英镑。

    Luxury London department store Harrods says an average Chinese customer spends 3500 in the shop .

  24. 当过卡车司机的小罗伊•哈罗德•谢勒(RoyHaroldSchererJr),经过长期奋斗,最终登上了自己选择的职业的巅峰。

    Roy Harold Scherer Jr worked as a truck driver on the long haul to the top of his chosen profession .

  25. 英国前首相哈罗德•麦克米伦(HaroldMacMillan)曾经说过,如果人们希望寻找一位道德领袖,他们应当将目光投向大主教,而非政治家。

    Harold Macmillan once said that if people were looking for a moral lead they should look to the archbishops rather than to politicians .

  26. 即便如此,EPB总裁哈罗德•迪普斯特仍认为今年的视频和网络服务有利可图。

    Even so , Harold DePriest , EPB 's boss , estimates his company 's video and internet division will become profitable this year .

  27. 在哈罗德(Harrods)百货顶楼,穿过香水沙龙(SalondeParfums,它像一座荟萃了时髦香水的集市)富丽堂皇的大理石走廊,便可到达他的店面。

    It is approached via the celestial marble corridor of the Salon de Parfums , which sits like a sort of posh perfume souk at the top of Harrods .

  28. 美国军方而后确认在袭击中丧生的美国军官是34岁的老兵少将哈罗德J格林。他在喀布尔担任阿富汗联合安全转型指挥部副指挥官。

    The killed American officer has eventually been identified by the US military as Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene , a 34-year veteran , who was the deputy commanding general of Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan in Kabul .

  29. “现在,财政部已经意识到这是一个重要的问题,但内政部尚未意识到这是他们需要解决的首要问题之一,”哈罗德董事总经理迈克尔沃德(michaelward)表示。

    " Now the Treasury has realised it is important , but the home office are not recognising it is one of the primary issues they need to resolve , " said Michael ward , managing director of Harrods .

  30. 自今年一月取代哈罗德•柯达(HaroldKoda)接任服装学院院长以来,“手工x机械”展将是波顿首次全权负责的展览。

    Manus x Machina will be the first exhibition to fall under Bolton 's full charge since he took over from Harold Koda as the Institute 's curator in charge in January .