
  1. 哈那看出这12年有什么变化吗?

    Ah . See anything different over the past 1 2 years ?

  2. 我坐在前往罗哈那的火车上,随后上来了一个女孩子。

    I was on the train to Rohana , and then a girl got on .

  3. 他母亲哈那是一位出色的喜剧演员,嗓音甜美动人。

    Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer . A wonderful mimic , she had a sweet , charming voice .

  4. 一直到罗哈那,车厢里只有我一人,后来上来一个少女。

    I had the comparment on the train to myself up to rohana , and then a girl got on .

  5. 哈,那你真的被人解雇了吗?

    So it 's true , you are getting the sack .

  6. 啊哈,那最古老的职业应该是渔夫。

    Aha , so then the oldest profession would be fishermen .

  7. 哈!那你可以把他甩掉了。

    Uhh ! Then you 're well rid of him .

  8. 啊哈,那对你来说倒是个问题。

    DAMON : Ah . That can be a problem ... for you .

  9. “那么他就是病了。”“病了?哈!那我怎么看见一位绅士红光满面呢?”

    " Then he 's ill . "" ill ? Ha ! If ever I saw a gentleman in the pink ?"

  10. 安格斯:他还需要时间来填词作曲,哈!那太有趣了。

    Angus : he ? Ll need time to write his own songs , too . ha ! That should be interesting !

  11. “哈!”那声音听起来既像在笑又像在叫。

    ' Ha ! ' It was a cross between a laugh and a bark

  12. 啊哈!我们清楚那意味着什么,海丝特·白兰!

    Aha ! we know what that means , Hester Prynne !

  13. 哈波斯警官,那掠食者刚威胁你吗?

    Officer Hopps , were you just threatened by that predator ?

  14. 达西先生完全是当初在哈福德郡的那副老样子,用他往常一贯的矜持态度,向柯林斯太太问好。

    Mr. Darcy looked just as he had been used to look in Hertfordshire , paid his compliments , with his usual reserve , to Mrs. Collins ;

  15. 噢,要是光光就凭这点理由,我才看不起那些住在德比郡的青年人呢,他们住在哈福德郡的那批知已朋友们,也好不了多少。

    Oh ! if that is all , I have a very poor opinion of young men who live in Derbyshire ; and their intimate friends who live in Hertfordshire are not much better . I am sick of them all .

  16. 达西先生完全是当初在哈福德郡的那副老样子,用他往常一贯的矜持态度,向柯林斯太太问好。尽管他对她的朋友伊丽莎白可能另有一种感情,然而见到她的时候,神色却极其镇定。

    Mr. Darcy looked just as he had been used to look in Hertfordshire , paid his compliments , with his usual reserve , to Mrs. Collins ; and whatever might be his feelings towards her friend , met her with every appearance of composure .

  17. “哈,哈,哈!”那老妖婆咯咯地笑着,还向牧师一劲儿点着戴高帽的头。

    " Ha , ha , ha !" cackled the old witch-lady , still nodding her high head-dress at the minister .