
nián fèn
  • time;age;a particular year
年份 [nián fèn]
  • (1) [a particular year]∶指某一年

  • 这不是同年份的事

  • (2) [age;time]∶所经历过的年月

  • 年份很久的瓷器

年份[nián fèn]
  1. 不过要注重不同年份用书也有可能不同。

    Want to notice different a particular year uses a book to differ likely also nevertheless .

  2. 具有一定规模的洪水发生的机率通常指的是特定年份超过这一规模的可能性,或者是年超出概率(AEP)。

    The chance of a flood of a certain level occurring is usually referred to in terms of the likelihood of that level being exceeded in a particular year , or Annual Exceedance Probability ( AEP ) .

  3. 2003年是特别好的酿酒年份。

    2003 was a particularly fine vintage .

  4. 为什么我记不起我们结婚的准确年份了?

    Why can 't I remember the exact year we married ?

  5. 这两笔开支不在一个年份。

    These two expenditures were not incurred in the same year .

  6. 这件瓷器的年份比那件久。

    This piece of porcelain is older than that one .

  7. 年轻的无技术人群的就业率下降,而老龄的高技术人群工作年份却越来越长。

    Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people , whereas older skilled folk are working longer .

  8. 年表——那些定义历史的奇异年份

    CHRONOLOGICA —— The Unbelievable Years that Defined History

  9. 更近点的年份,1956年,出现了数字钟。

    More recently , in1956 , came the digital clock .

  10. 2018年的酷暑是自1910年有记录以来英国并列最热的年份。

    The blazing summer of 2018 was the joint1 warmest for the UK since records began in 1910 .

  11. 它还能分辨年份分别为12年、15年或18年的同一种威士忌之间的细微差别。

    It could also pick up subtle distinctions between the same whisky , aged2 12 , 15 or 18 years .

  12. 运动员图像上面印有“奥林匹亚”字样,右下角注有年份“1904”。

    Above the figure of the athlete , the inscription " OLYMPIAD " and on the rock bottom right " 1904 " .

  13. 使用ProcessDesigner来定义一个包含名称和年份字段的工作流。

    Use the Process Designer to define a workflow that contains the name and the year fields .

  14. 哪个年份的波尔多红葡萄酒(redbordeaux)有最高的性价比?

    Which vintage of red bordeaux is the best value ?

  15. 在正常年份,中央政府的支出大致相当于GDP的12%。

    In normal years , central government expenditure is roughly 12 per cent of output .

  16. 2006年GDP增长3.5%,贸易增长8%,是此次危机爆发前最后一年经济健康的年份。

    GDP grew by 3.5 % in 2006 , the last healthy , pre-crisis year , and trade at 8 % .

  17. 用microsoftexcel2003建立数据库,使用VISUALBASIC编程,建立了中国营养体系养分流动与循环数据库和计算机系统,可以实现定量计算我国各个年份养分在各个体系中的流动情况。

    We expand the nutrient flow and cycle research to the entire social circle . We establish database with Microsoft Excel 2003 . We use Visual Basic 6.0 to program .

  18. 梅雨异常年份的东半球中低纬环流特征Java中的异常处理

    Some characteristics of circulation over middle and low latitudes of eastern hemisphere during anomalous droughts and floods in 1981 and 1983 how to handle the exception in Java

  19. 和处理服务提供者时一样,使用Definecustommappingfornamespacetopackage向导选项来将命名空间年份和月份包含在Java包名称中。

    As for the service provider , use the Define custom mapping for namespace to package Wizard option to include the namespace year and month in the Java package names .

  20. 说明你的学位、专业、辅修课程、入学年份和学校名称及所在地。你也可以加上你的GPA成绩。

    State your degree , major , minor , dates of attendance and the school 's name and location .

  21. 南海典型冷暖年份合成SST距平场的时空结构十分相似;

    The fields of composite SST anomalies in abnormal cold and abnormal warm years are similar not only spatially but also temporally .

  22. 对海河流域蒸散发进行了流域尺度的验证,水量平衡计算蒸散发与相应年份的1km分辨率遥感反演ET进行比较,两者的相对误差在18%以内。

    Comparison between ET of Water balance and remote sensing , their errors is within 18 % .

  23. 研究了葡萄品种、年份、酿酒酵母、果胶酶、SO2、澄清剂等对干红葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量的影响。

    The effects of wine variety , vintage , yeast , pectase , SO2 and clarificant on resveratrol content in dry-red wine were studied .

  24. 当排水间距大于150m时,仍可在50%的年份内满足湿地判别准则的湿润条件。

    When drain spacing is larger than 150 m , half year still have wetland hydrology .

  25. 结合安徽省2000-2007年各年份能源消费量和GDP,对安徽省能源及电力生产和消费基本情况进行了预测。

    This paper predicts the primary situation of production and consumption of both energy and electric power in Anhui with the annual amount of energy consumption and GDP from 2000 to 2007 .

  26. 分析得出,在降水丰富的年份发育较弱的土壤干层不仅可以得到恢复,而且恢复的深度可达5m,其恢复的速度也很快。

    So dried layer of soil in Xi ′ an will be reconstructed in plentiful raining year and reconstruction depth can be 5 m.

  27. 以2000年全国普查的人口构成为标准人口构成,使用ExcelVBA编程来计算1991-2003年各年份男性肿瘤的标准化死亡率。

    Standard population composition was defined as Chinese census statistics in 2000 . The male 's SMRs were calculated , using Excel VBA for each year and classification of cancers .

  28. 在氮钾配施的各种处理(NPK、NK)茶叶中,不同年份和不同土壤上生产的茶叶氨基酸、咖啡碱含量都显著高于其它各种处理;

    Higher contents of amino acids and caffeine were observed in N treatments ( NPK and NK ) than those in without N in variable soils and years .

  29. 最高年份(1992年)值为53.8μSv,仅为天然本底值的9%。

    The maximum value of annual effective dose is 53 . 8 uSv in 1992 , which is only equal to 9 % of natural background level .

  30. 2009年香港交易所进行的首次公开发行(IPO)表现平平,尽管在该市场筹集的IPO资金超过了以往任何年份。

    The record of initial public offerings on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2009 has been lacklustre in spite of the market raising more funds than in any other year through such issues .