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zài huì
  • farewell;bye;good-bye;see you again;go well
再会 [zài huì]
  • [good-bye] 再见

再会[zài huì]
  1. 感谢大家的收听以及对民间食府的厚爱以及支持,谢谢,祝大家用餐愉快,明天同一时间再会。

    Thank you all for the listening and dining outlets and support the love of folk , thank you , I wish you a pleasant meal tomorrow at the same time , good-bye .

  2. 好了,约翰,回见,再会。

    Okay John . See you again . Ta-ta

  3. 再见!下星期再会。

    Bye ! See you next week .

  4. 我匆忙地说了声再会便冒着严寒走回了家。

    I said a hurried goodbye and walked home in the cold

  5. “再会了,日后再见。”主席说。

    ' Till we meet again , wherever that is , ' said the chairman .

  6. 我听够了我应该做什么,不该做什么,我现在要离开这个家了,再会吧!

    I 'm fed up with being told what I can do and what I can 't do ; I 'm clearing out . goodbye !

  7. 明早8点见,再会!

    Goodbye . We shall see you at 8:00 tomorrow morning . Cheerio .

  8. n.告别,辞别;再见;再会adj.告别的我们临走之前将有一次告别宴会。

    farewell We shall have a farewell party before we leave .

  9. 上个星期五,世界卫生组织再会见了Uige的传统社会活动家以后报道了进展。

    This past Friday , the W.H.O.reported progress after meetings with traditional community leaders in the city of Uige .

  10. 好吧,我们另一个世界再会了。

    Well , I 'll see you on the other side .

  11. 谢谢大家收听,我们下次节目再会。

    Neil : Thanks for listening and see you next time .

  12. 可我仍然希望我们能在电影里再会。

    I still wish we could meet again in the movie .

  13. 再见了,再会了,干燥水果的疯子。

    CHANDLER : See ya . Goodbye you fruit drying psychopath .

  14. 橄榄山和风吹再会吧,再会!

    And olivet 's breezy * Goodbye , now , goodbye .

  15. 再会先生-谢了理查德非常感谢

    Et monsieur . - Thanks , Richard . Appreciate it .

  16. 他计划于星期五和他们再会晤一次。

    He has scheduled another meeting with them for friday .

  17. 再会了。我那么那么爱你,一点也不遗憾。

    Bye * I love you so much still with no regret .

  18. 我想我们今天就谈到这里吧,再会。

    Shall we call it a day ? See you .

  19. 好,来个大大的悲叹苦乐掺拌的再会

    OK , big , mournful sigh . Bittersweet farewell .

  20. 元老甲再会,勇敢的摩尔人!好好看顾苔丝狄蒙娜。

    First senator . adieu , brave moor , use Desdemona well .

  21. 等风声小点我们再会多带点来的。

    We 'll bring you more when things cool down a bit .

  22. 《再会吧,契普斯先生》的最后一次改写。

    The last rewrite of , 'goodbye Mr chips ' .

  23. 我们稍后再会,到时讨论一下摩立克。

    We should get together later and talk about mallick .

  24. 2000美元可值6个货品然后我们才能再会,劳里。

    2000 for goods worth six and bye-bye , laurie .

  25. 再见,别了,再会,拜拜。

    So Long , Farewell , Auf Wiedersehen , Goodbye .

  26. 没人再会付钱给你路易了。

    No one 's gonna pay you louie 's money .

  27. 史提夫:罗杰,太迟了,再会。

    Steve : It 's too late for that . Bye , Roger .

  28. “再会了,神眷之女。我不再需要你了。”

    " Farewell , revered daughter . I need you no longer . "

  29. 我对朋友和心爱的可人们道了再会,走了出去。

    I said goodbye to friends and sweethearts and passed through the gate .

  30. 过几天我再会给予回复。

    I will be able to give you a reply in several days .