
  • 网络The Word;Word of God;holy word;Logos
  1. 圣言、隐喻和意义的诠释

    Holy Word , Metaphor and the Interpretation of Meaning

  2. 这都因他记念他的圣言,和他的仆人亚伯拉罕。

    For he kept in mind his holy word , and abraham , his servant .

  3. 这是使你重获自由的上主圣言。

    This is the Word of God that sets you free .

  4. 老一代人将他的教导当作圣言。

    His teachings is accept as oracle by the older generation .

  5. 永生圣言亲自发言教导的人,不会费心建构理论。

    He to whom the Eternal Word speaks is free from theorizing .

  6. 带来“人言”的知识却对“圣言”无知。

    Knowl-edge of words , and ignorance of the Word .

  7. 耶稣的十二信徒齐聚一堂,聆听圣言,然后便是大快朵颐。

    They gathered together , listened to a sermon and really chowed down .

  8. 播种的人撒的是圣言。

    What the sower is sowing is the word .

  9. 切莫忘记主圣言。

    I will not forget God 's Word .

  10. 但是,这并不意味着圣经中的每句话都具有权威或不可触摸的圣言。

    But this does not mean that every sentence is a definitive and untouchable Word .

  11. 陆毅神父知道其意&他听到天主圣言并实践之。

    Luis knew what that meant – he heard the Word of God and did it .

  12. 罗3:2凡事大有好处.一是神的圣言交托他们。

    Great in every respect . First of all , that they were entrusted with the oracles of God .

  13. 然后你就可以和他交谈,倾听他的圣言,就像你现在和我交谈一样。

    Then just speak to him and listen in the same way you 're doing with me right now .

  14. 因耶和华和他的圣言,我像醉酒的人,像被酒所胜的人。

    I am like a drunken man , like a man overcome by wine , because of the Lord and his holy words .

  15. 你全能的圣言,在天上的王座,如无情的战士,降到这应毁灭的地上。

    Thy almighty word leapt down from heaven from thy royal throne , as a fierce conqueror into the midst of the land of destruction .

  16. 六年之后,伊萨,此位被佛陀选派来弘扬圣言的人,已经成为一位圣典佛经的完美弘法者。

    Six years after , Issa , whom the Buddha had selected to spread his holy word , had become perfect expositor of the sacred writings .

  17. 点出圣光守护后的荣耀圣言不会再阻止牧师的盾的施放,或者被盾覆盖了。

    The presence of the Word of Glory effect from the paladin talent Guarded by the Light will no longer prevent casting or get overwritten by Power Word : Shield .

  18. 你赐给我们父的名、父的生命、并父的荣耀,你也赐给我们圣别的圣言。

    You have given us the Father 's name , the Father 's life , and the Father 's glory , and You have given us the sanctifying holy word .

  19. 今天的练习是进一步学习放下自己铭刻在世界上的种种想法,并且在那儿见到了上主的圣言。

    The idea for today is another step in learning to let go the thoughts that you have written on the world , and see the Word of God in their place .

  20. 愿她教导你们去领受天主的圣言,去珍藏它,并且在你们的心中默想它(参路二:19),正如她一生所作的一样。

    May she teach you to receive the word of God , to treasure it and to ponder on it in your heart ( cf Lk2:19 ) as she did throughout her life .

  21. 葛培理牧师答道,耶稣爱所有的罪人,人人都需要得到聆听圣言的机会,因此他宁愿取消布道会,也不愿为强制将黑人隔离出来的白人听众布道。

    He replied that Jesus loved all sinners , that everyone needed a chance to hear the word , and therefore that he would cancel the crusade rather than preach to a segregated audience .

  22. 我亲爱的青年朋友们,你们要爱天主的圣言,并且要爱教会,这将会给你们机会获得一个非常有价值的宝藏,并且会教导你们怎样去欣赏它的财富。

    My dear young friends , love the word of God and love the Church , and this will give you access to a treasure of very great value and will teach you how to appreciate its richness .

  23. 论到那些先知,我心在我里面忧伤,我骨头都发颤;因耶和华和他的圣言,我像醉酒的人,像被酒所胜的人。

    Mine heart within me is broken because of the prophets ; all my bones shake ; I am like a drunken man , and like a man whom wine hath overcome , because of the lord , and because of the words of his holiness .

  24. 然后伴着野兽和它的子孙们的话语,如圣语所言,他们会按照自己的想法建立了一个新的世界。

    And they built a new world in their own image as promised by the sacred words , and spoke of the beast with their children .