
nǎo lì láo dònɡ
  • mental work;brainwork;cerebration;headwork
脑力劳动 [nǎo lì láo dòng]
  • (1) [brainwork]∶精细的、有目的的、有训练的心理活动

  • 那种若没有它任何哲学家都无从工作的基本的脑力劳动

  • (2) [mental work]∶以消耗脑力为主的劳动,如管理国家事务、组织生产以及从事政治、文化和科学研究等活动

  • 脑力劳动者

  1. 人类社会的经济发展正在由马克思时代的以体力劳动为主的工业经济向现代的以脑力劳动为主的知识经济时代发展。

    The economic development of mankind social is changing from the industry economies age which principle is manual labour toward to the knowledge-based economy age that modern brainwork as its principle .

  2. 结论办公室紧张的脑力劳动对眼底动脉硬化可能有一定影响。

    Conclusion The tension of office brainwork may have an effect on ocular fundus arteriosclerosis .

  3. 脑力劳动与体力劳动引起的饥饿感觉是完全一样的。

    Working with one 's head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as muscular work .

  4. 这减少了您的脑力劳动,以便集中精力关注主要工作&一个可以正常运行和工作的Web应用程序。

    This reduces your mental burden , thus helping you keep your eyes on the prize & a running and working Web application .

  5. 就像亚当•斯密(AdamSmith)的工厂管理者产品分为18个部分,因此公司逐渐地将脑力劳动的内容化为非常小的一部分。

    Just as Adam Smith 's factory managers broke the production of pins into 18 components , so companies are increasingly breaking the production of brain-work into ever tinier slices .

  6. 糖尿病家族史、吸烟、年龄、性别、高血压家族史、饮食习惯(高盐、高脂肪、高热量饮食)、职业(脑力劳动为主)、缺乏体育锻炼是MS的危险因素。

    Family history of diabetes , smoking , age , sex , habitual diet ( high salt , high-fat and high calorie diet ), job ( mental labour ) and lack of exercise were risk factors of MS.

  7. Logistic回归分析显示,家族史、脑力劳动、杀虫剂、饮酒指数、抑郁史与帕金森病有显著正关联,吸烟与帕金森病有显著负关联。

    Conditional Logistic regression analysis showed family history of PD , mental labor , insecticide , alcohol index and history of depression were positively related with PD , whereas smoking had a negative relationship with PD .

  8. Perham建议,如果要进行一项具有挑战性的脑力劳动,就应该找一个安静的环境。

    When performing a challenging mental task , do it in silence , Perham recommended .

  9. 麻省理工大学的托马斯•马隆(ThomasMalone)认为自动化、全球化和解除管制等变化可能是更大变化的一个部分:这是劳动力分配到脑力劳动的应用。

    Dreaming spires , meet pin factory Thomas Malone of MIT argues that these changes - automation , globalisation and deregulation - may be part of a bigger change : the application of the division of labour to brain-work .

  10. 情报研究是一项创造性脑力劳动。

    Information Analysis ( IA ) is a creative mental work .

  11. 此项教育的目的在于实现脑力劳动与体力劳动相结合。

    This education aimed at combining brain work with manual labour .

  12. 不是讲脑力劳动、体力劳动吗?

    Don 't we talk about mental labour and manual labour ?

  13. 信息时代为脑力劳动违法者(:指依靠智力和知识进行犯罪活动的人)开了大门。

    The information age has opened the door to white-collar crime .

  14. 你愿意从事体力劳动还是脑力劳动?

    Do you like working with your head or your hands ?

  15. 你知道脑力劳动有多消耗能量吗

    And do you know how many calories the brain burns ?

  16. 脑力劳动对创造商品价值起多大的作用?

    What role does mental labour play in creating goods value ?

  17. 脑力劳动工作测量的可行性研究

    A Study of the Feasibility of Work Measurement on mental Work

  18. 工业工程课程的脑力劳动评测的教学改革

    On Reform in Education of Mental Work Evaluation of Industrial Engineering Course

  19. 在土木工程中,桥梁设计大概是艰苦的脑力劳动了。

    Bridge design is probably the hardest brain work in civil engineering .

  20. 不论脑力劳动,体力劳动,都是劳动。

    All work , be it mental or manual , is labour .

  21. 潜力、潜能、潜在的资源脑力劳动和体力劳动

    Potential energy , power , resources , etc mental and manual labour

  22. 也关乎脑力劳动的终结。

    We 're also talking about the end of most intellectual work .

  23. 本项研究为脑力劳动工作测量提供了一定的依据。

    Work measurement on mental workers can be supported through this research .

  24. 我们感到疲惫不堪,在繁重的脑力劳动之间需要休息。

    We feel exhausted and need-breaks between demanding mental tasks .

  25. 脑力劳动机械化与科学技术现代化

    Mechanization of Mental Labor and Modernization of Science and Technology

  26. 知识产品的生产已支配了物质产品的生产而居于主导地位,脑力劳动已上升为人类劳动的主要形式。

    The mental labor has already become the main form of human labor .

  27. 计算机时代的脑力劳动机械化与数学机械化

    Mental labor mechanization and mathematics mechanization in computer era

  28. 该假定得到验证为脑力劳动的工作测量提供了理论依据。

    The validation of the assumption supports the measurement of mental work theoretically .

  29. 随着社会的发展,人们的物质生活得到了很大的提高,体力劳动大为减少,而逐步为脑力劳动所替代。

    With the development of society , our material life is improving largely .

  30. 这里的人事部门,在脑力劳动和工程实践之间划出了非常清楚的界线。

    Its division of labour drew a firm line between brain and hand .