
  1. 上海未来百年海平面上升预测及影响浅析

    Forecasting the relative sea level rise in Shanghai for the next hundred years and analyzing its effects

  2. 没有人知道,上海未来10年的转型是快还是慢。

    No one knows whether the transformation of Shanghai in the next decade will play out in fast or slow motion .

  3. 上海未来的天空轮廓线第一座摩天大厦是1998年竣工的420米高的金茂大厦,这座88层高的大楼因不锈钢宝塔形设计获得了一致赞赏。

    The first of the three , the88-floor , 420-meter Jin Mao Tower opened in1998 to laudatory reviews for its stainless steel pagoda-like design .

  4. 然而报告显示,上海未来几年将加快增长,会有越来越多的公司把总部从新加坡迁到上海。

    However , the report suggests Shanghai will see much faster growth in the next few years , with increasing numbers of companies relocating from Singapore .

  5. 对上海未来公共交通的发展趋势作了简要叙述,优化的公共交通线网、新型的公交车辆、先进的计算机管理网络和科学的车辆维修制度将大大提高城市公共交通的供应水平和服务质量。

    Optimized public transport networks , new type vehicles , advanced computer management net and scientific vehicle maintenance system will greatly improve the transit service quality in Shanghai .

  6. 环球金融中心与其说是一幢建筑,不如说是一件巨型雕塑更为合适。代表上海未来、楼高580米的最高建筑上海中心在不远的将来也将出现在陆家嘴。

    However , the height record it has set will be broken by the upcoming Shanghai Center , a giant building that will reach a new height of580 meters .

  7. 把农民工子女教育和上海未来人口问题联系在一起,其实这是对未来城市人口质量的担忧。

    This shows that the necessity to combine the education problems of the next generation of migrant workers with the issue of re-urbanization is our worries about future citizen 's quality .

  8. 从以人为本的理念出发,上海未来体育运动的发展规划不仅要考虑城市建设的需要,更重要的是要满足广大市民的需要。

    From the citizen-oriented concept , the future of the sport development plans must consider not only the needs of the urban construction , more importantly , to satisfy the needs of the public .

  9. 然而,金钱就是上海的未来。

    But money is Shanghai 's future .

  10. 有一点非常清楚:香港和上海的未来都系于中国。

    One thing is pretty clear : the future for both Hong Kong and Shanghai is tied to China .

  11. 为了把握上海科技未来发展形势,上海市科学技术委员会开展了技术预见。

    To grasp the future position of science and technology , Science and Technology Committee of Shanghai developed the technological forecasts .

  12. 但是,它适时地对自身的产业结构进行了战略性的调整,并据此实现了经济发展的再度复兴。这一过程对于上海的未来发展具有重要借鉴意义。

    However , it has made timely strategic adjustments in its industrial structure , and thus realized its second economic boom .

  13. 论文的研究成果直接为上海市未来海堤高程的设计提供依据,文中采用的水文序列一致性修正方法和潮位与波浪组合频率的计算方法可推广应用于其它类似地区。

    The achievements of this paper will directly provide guidance for design criterion for Shanghai 's coast engineering , and the methods about consistency correction and design value combines tidal level and wave are applicable to other similar region .

  14. 由一家法律公司塞斯律师事务所(Eversheds)所做的调查发现,上海将在未来十年内取代伦敦的位置。

    A survey of executives this month by Eversheds , a law firm , found that Shanghai could overtake London within the next ten years .

  15. 普华永道(pwc)的分析师认为,如果全球经济没有进一步恶化,上海股市在未来6个月内将再举行8宗a股发行活动,而深圳将有46宗,香港有32宗。

    Analysts at PwC believe that , providing the global economy does not deteriorate further , Shanghai will host another eight A-share offerings over the next six months , its mainland rival Shenzhen a further 46 and Hong Kong an extra 32 .

  16. 曾有人将上海誉为未来之都!

    People have called Shanghai the city of the future !

  17. 至于上海房市的未来,陈预计房价走势会企稳。

    As for the future of the Shanghai housing market , Chen expects prices to hold steady .

  18. 政治安全方面,主要是美国因素和成员国内部的热点问题的存在制约了上海合作组织未来的发展。

    In political safe aspect , American factor and the inner hot problems of member countries limit the development of SCO .

  19. 上海经济在未来要保持持续增长的态势,在很大程度上依赖于产业结构协调性的程度。

    If the economy of Shanghai wishes to keep the situation of lasting growth in the future , it should depend on the intensity of industrial structure coordination to a great extent .

  20. 希望这次“蓝厅论坛”能够汇聚在座各位的智慧和力量,在总结历史经验的基础上,用心描绘出上海合作组织未来发展的蓝图。

    We hope that today 's Lanting Forum will benefit from your wisdom and strength , sum up past experience and on that basis draw a blueprint for SCO 's future development .

  21. 论文最后就市场结构的三个主要方面对物流企业战略选择以及上海物流业未来的发展提出自己的意见和建议。

    Finally , I put forward my own comments and suggestions on strategic choice for the logistics enterprises and the future development of logistics industry of Shanghai from the three main aspect of market structure .

  22. 用相关分析方法对华东地区尤其是上海附近地区未来发震的可能性进行了分析,并估算了两地区延迟相关的平均概率。

    A study on the possibility of earthquakes occurrence in the future in East China , especially in the neighboring region of Shanghai has been undertaken by using the correlative analysis method , and the delayed correlation average probability in the both regions has been estimated .

  23. 考虑环保因素和负荷不确定性因素,上海某地区未来年的网络规划结果对比分析,说明了考虑环保因素和负荷不确定性因素规划的必要性和有效性。

    Considering the environmental factors and load uncertainty , calculate the future results of years of network planning in a district of Shanghai , and compared it with the traditional deterministic model . The result shows the necessity and effectiveness to plan environmental factors and the uncertainty .

  24. 再次,本文应用SWOT分析模型,分析了上海港集装箱运输未来发展的外部环境及内部条件,并使用层次分析法对SWOT模型进行定量分析,得出上海港集装箱运输未来应采取的发展战略。

    Moreover , basing on the situation of container transportation and SWOT analysis model , the text analyzes the external environment and internal conditions for the future development .

  25. 探讨了上海现代都市农业未来的四个功能定位:城市的生态环境服务功能、产业化组织和示范带动功能、农业观光旅游和文化教育等服务功能、优质无公害农产品生产功能。

    Then it discusses four functions of modern urban agriculture of Shanghai in the future .

  26. 最后则是从地域文化身份的角度对上海双年展的未来走向提出了自己的拷问。

    Final I interrogate with torture the future route of Shanghai Biennale with region culture status angle .

  27. 即将进行的改造工作还标志着上海向全球化、未来发展以及成为国际大都市梦想的宏伟计划又迈进了一步。

    The forthcoming transformation also marks a further step for the city 's ambitious plans towards globalization , future development and the dream of becoming an international metropolis .

  28. 此外,论文还从房地产发展空间、市场需求和供给、房地产价格等几方面对上海房地产市场未来几年的发展趋势做出了预测。

    In the end the paper made a forecast on the development space , the need , the supply and the price of real estate in Shanghai in the future .

  29. 建设上海国际金融中心是上海市未来发展的战略规划,同时也是国家长期发展战略规划的重要组成部分。

    Construction of Shanghai International Financial Center is a strategic plan for Shanghai 's future development and an integral part of state long-term development strategy .

  30. 尽管上海人如此喜爱他们的包子,但《上海未来:重建现代性》(ShanghaiFuture:ModernityRemade)一书的作者安娜•格林斯潘(AnnaGreenspan)说,在中国,各种街头小吃都正面临威胁。

    But for all that Shanghai loves its buns , street eats of all varieties are under threat in China , says Anna Greenspan , author of Shanghai Future : Modernity Remade .