
jiān bīng
  • vanguard;point man;pioneer;trailblazer;pathbreaker;trail-blazer
尖兵 [jiān bīng]
  • (1) [point]∶行军时在部队前方担任警戒的小分队

  • (2) [pioneer;pathbreaker;trail-blazer;vanguard]∶工作时在前面开创道路者

  • 工程尖兵

尖兵[jiān bīng]
  1. 不过,微软内部有一位尖兵正蓄势待发,它就是Xbox360。

    There is a white knight inside Microsoft : the Xbox 360 .

  2. 应如何提早准备,成为外销/贸易尖兵?

    How to prepare beforehand for internation trade & exportation ?

  3. 我们继续前进,轮流搜寻敌人的踪迹(担任尖兵?)

    We continued pushing ahead , rotating the ones working the trail .

  4. 他们带来的新闻尖兵不好。

    The news brought by the scouts was not good .

  5. 他对当尖兵的紧张心理也渐渐习惯了。

    He was getting used to the tension of being a point .

  6. 一队突击队员在军行之初担任尖兵。

    A team of Rangers were walking point at the outset of the operation .

  7. 反思:我是否基督的尖兵?是否愿意跟随神的羔羊?

    A THOUGHT : 'Am I a soldier of the cross , a follower of the Lamb ?

  8. 我感觉这次修身养性的田间散步马上就要毁在两军对垒的地产尖兵手里了。

    I sensed our peaceful walk in the country was about to be hijacked by warring property militias .

  9. 这些小尖兵毫不犹豫做出这样的牺牲,只因本能驱使它们勇往直前。

    These little soldiers make this sacrifice without a second thought , as they are driven by instinct alone .

  10. 没问题,先生.我们有许多种型的日本车.如果你喜欢,日本尖兵如何。

    No problem , sir . We have many Japanese models . We have a Nissan Centra , if you like .

  11. 在T细胞被送到战斗之前,这些免疫系统尖兵必须完成严格的学习过程。

    Before T cells are sent into battle , these sentinels of the immune system must complete a rigorous educational process .

  12. 但也许他最大的成就,是从进攻尖兵转变成防守干将,从而赢得了两枚总冠军戒指。

    But perhaps his greatest accomplishment was switching from an offensive force to a defensive presence to get his two rings .

  13. 他让大家都熟知自己的宗教事务尖兵约书亚。迪布瓦,每天都给他发一份祷告书。

    He lets it be known that his point man on religious affairs , Joshua DuBois , sends him a devotional text each day .

  14. 一个家伙的工作就像尖兵、一个向导,所以他可以保留最后一张王牌。

    One guy would even work as a scout , as a guide , so that he could keep the last car in the caravan .

  15. 它肩负着为企业生产科研提供信息的重任,在企业生产和科研工作中起着耳目、尖兵和参谋的作用。

    They provide information for the production and research work of enterprises and play the important roles of ears , eyes , vanguards and advisers for enterprises .

  16. 第9装甲连某排排长&柳本·索拉洛夫中尉:坦克团成一路纵队在公路上前进,第7连充当尖兵。

    A platoon commander in9th Armored Company – first lieutenant Ljuben Solarov : The Tank Regiment forms in column on the road , with7th company at the front .

  17. 不过布袋莲也能吸收污水中的化学废料,对环境保护有相当大贡献,是大自然重要的环保尖兵!

    Not only the heavy metals , Water Hyacinth can also remove toxins , such as cyanide , a process which is environmentally beneficial in areas that have endured gold mining operations .

  18. 巴基斯坦各地民众都迷上了一部黄金时段播出的电视剧《迅雷尖兵》,剧情再现了现实生活中发生在斯瓦特的交战情节。

    People across Pakistan were glued to a series on prime-time TV called Beyond the Call of Duty , which was supposed to consist of real-life stories of soldiers battling militants in Swat .

  19. 特种作战部队是军中的精英,是各国完成现代条件下各种特殊军事行动任务的尖兵,因此受到了各国政府和军界的普遍重视。

    The special military troops are the picked troops of the military , which can finish sorts of special military actions in today conditions for all the countries , so are important for the governments and armies .

  20. 布拉德利的大部分职业生涯都是一名身材矮小的(6尺2寸)进攻型后卫,他还曾是凯尔特人队的防守尖兵,但自从2016-17赛季离开波士顿后,他的表现一直不尽如人意。

    Bradley , who has played most of his career as an undersized ( 6 '2 " ) off-guard , was a defensive standout for the Celtics , but hasn 't been as consistent on that end of the floor since leaving Boston after the 2016-17 season .