
jiān dāo
  • sharp knife;dagger;sticker
尖刀 [jiān dāo]
  • (1) [sticker]∶用来刺穿的工具或武器,有别于劈砍

  • (2) [sharp knife;dagger]∶比喻作战时最先插入敌人阵地的队伍

尖刀[jiān dāo]
  1. 曾子就把家里的肥猪捆住,拿出雪亮的尖刀,准备杀猪。

    Zeng Zi tied up their fat pig , took out a shining sharp knife and prepared to kill it .

  2. 他手里挥动着一根大金属管子和一把尖刀。

    He was swinging a large metal pipe and a sharp knife .

  3. 她手持尖刀向他刺去。

    She went for him with a knife .

  4. 由于Eclipse的流行性和开源特性,它已经在IDE领域成为一把尖刀&拥有数百种插件,既有免费的,也有商业的。

    Because of its popularity and open source nature , Eclipse has the edge over other IDEs in this regard & hundreds of plug-ins , free and commercial , are available .

  5. 各组达到预定时间后,戊巴比妥钠40mg/kg腹腔注射麻醉成功后取出脊柱,小尖刀及眼科剪仔细剥离L4/L5椎间盘组织,固定、脱钙、制作石蜡切片,运用H.E染色技术观察椎间盘组织的形态结构。

    At the scheduled time , 40mg / kg sodium pentobarbital were injected intraperitoneal , removed the spine , and use small sharp knife and ophthalmic scissors to excise the L4 / L5 intervertebral discs , then fixed , demineralization , did paraffin section .

  6. 我心里就有一把悲伤的尖刀。

    I 've had this knife of sadness in my heart .

  7. 在我面前是把尖刀刺上去的人们。

    And before me are the men who put them there .

  8. 自制尖刀治疗屈指肌腱狭窄性腱鞘炎

    Treating peritendinitis of flexion finger tendon stenosis with self-made sticker

  9. 再多个五秒钟,尖刀就会

    In five more seconds , that shiv would have been

  10. 丹:他们收集海报、玩偶、尖刀

    DAN : They collect all the posters , or dolls , or stickers

  11. 所有的人手里都拿上了一把旧尖刀,把自己武装起来,一起出了门。

    All having armed themselves with old pointed knives they went out together .

  12. 她感到绝望&一种令人寒心,难忍的绝望,象一把邪恶的尖刀深深地扎进了她的心窝。

    Despair-cold , sharp despair-buried deep in her heart like a wicked knife .

  13. 磨制的适合手握的大尖刀。

    A large sharp knife with a handle shaped to fit the grip .

  14. 这窟窖不知道有哲学,它的尖刀从来没有削过一支笔。

    This cavern knows no philosophers ; its dagger has never cut a pen .

  15. 小老婆的回答如一把尖刀插在商人的心上。

    The answer cut like a sharp knife right into the merchant 's heart .

  16. 军队像尖刀一般插入那城镇。

    The army knifed into the town .

  17. 被围的尖刀班继续进行战斗。

    The besieged advance squad battled on .

  18. 医生成功地对一名15岁男孩施救,从其头部取出一把长约20英寸的尖刀。

    Doctors have successfully operated on a15-year-old boy to remove a20-inch sword from his head .

  19. 尖刀班出奇制胜,捣毁了敌人指挥部。

    The bayonet squad made a surprise attack and wiped out the enemy 's command post .

  20. 警方补充表示已经拘留该男子,并在现场查获一把尖刀。

    They added that they had detained the man and seized a knife at the scene .

  21. 你不了解,一份在不友好的环境下的工作,有时候会像一把尖刀,深深地伤害到我。

    You didn 't know that an unkind work sometimes could cut my heart like a knife .

  22. 他心里却只要哭,他觉得吴荪甫的微笑就像一把尖刀。

    He felt more like crying , for Wu sun-fu 's smile cut him to the quick .

  23. 他是个俊美的十八岁青年,有双灰色眸子,举止优雅,瘦得像把尖刀。

    He was a handsome youth of eighteen , grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife .

  24. 它的颈部有一处伤口,好象是尖刀割破的。

    At its neck was a wound , which appeared to have been produced by a sharp blade .

  25. 那感悦你的心神的笛子,不就是曾受尖刀挖刻的木管吗?

    And is not the lute that soothes your spirit , the very wood that was hollowed with knives ?

  26. 我身后是一座纪念碑,象征着突击队员像尖刀一样猛刺向峭壁的顶端。

    Behind me is a memorial that symbolizes the Ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs .

  27. 一把明晃晃的长尖刀在她手中挥舞着。我们也能像任何男人一样去杀人!

    A long sharp knife shone brightly in her hand . 'We can kill as well as any man ! '

  28. 保罗·弗莱雷的对话式教学如一把尖刀指向传统课堂。

    Paulo Freire ' steaching via dialogues , just like a sharp knife , is pointing to the traditional classroom teaching .

  29. 用来削水果或蔬菜的皮的小尖刀。我用斧头将篱笆桩顶端削尖。

    A small sharp knife used in paring fruits or vegetables . I tapered the end of the fence post with an ax .

  30. 用尖刀切开神经根的外膜,测量根袖的长度及外膜的厚度。

    Incise the epineurium of nerve root with sharp knife , then measure the length of nerve root and the thickness of epineurium .