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  1. 她们知道这表示贝丝已病得很重。

    The girls knew this meant that Beth was very ill .

  2. 我父亲已病了很久。

    My father has been sick for a long time .

  3. 她已病了好久了。

    She has been ailing for a long time .

  4. 第二阶段,既孕防病,已病早治。

    The second phase , already pregnant , has been sick treated early prevention .

  5. 他已病了一个月。

    He has been ill for a month .

  6. 到我上个星期五去看她时,她已病了两个星期了。

    She 'd been ill for two weeks when I saw her last friday .

  7. 鉴于他已病了一个星期,他来的可能性不大。

    Seeing that he 's been ill all weak , he 's unlikely to come .

  8. 他被送医院时已病了一周了。

    He had been ill for a week when he was sent to the hospital .

  9. 他已病了好几年,可病情突然恶化了。

    He hadn 't been well for years , but he suddenly got a lot worse .

  10. 她已病了两周,医生说好她现在健康有所好转。

    She has been ill for two weeks . The doctor says she is coming along nicely now .

  11. “未病”的涵义应指健康、亚健康、已病防变等内容;“上工治未病”是最先进的医学观。

    The connotation of the undiseased includes health , sub-health and stopping the progress of disease , et al .

  12. 这个小姑娘当时已病得无法出席审理,死后,她的遗体被送去美国冷冻了起来。

    The girl was too ill to attend the hearing and has since died , with her remains being taken to the United States and cryogenically frozen .

  13. 《黄帝内经·素问》第二篇《四气调神大论》中有云:圣人不治已病治未病。

    Chapter two of " Huang Di Nei Jing . Su Wen " says " Saint does not treat the disease , but preventive treatment of disease " .

  14. 在制药业每天都宣布最新临床试验的大背景下,和黄中国医药科技(HutchisonChinaMediTech)上周宣布已征募病患参加结直肠癌研究的消息,算不上令人振奋。

    Amid daily updates from the pharmaceuticals industry on the latest clinical trials , last week 's announcement by Hutchison China MediTech that it had enrolled patients for a study of colorectal cancer was hardly cause for excitement .

  15. 已对病妇输入纯氧。

    Pure oxygen is being fed to the woman patient .

  16. 世界卫生组织已就该病的临床治疗和管理制定和分发指导。

    WHO has developed and distributed guidance on clinical treatment and management of the disease .

  17. 我国急性脑梗死(Acutecerebralinfarction,ACI)的发病率在目前较高的水平上仍然有逐年上升的趋势,已成为常见病之一。

    The incidence of acute cerebral infarction in China is still an increasing trend of current high level , which has become one of the common diseases .

  18. 世界卫生组织(WHO)已确认该病的病原体为一种新的冠状病毒,命名为SARS冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)。

    World Health Organization announced that SARS is due to an infection with a novel coronavirus which was termed SARS associated coronavirus ( SARS-CoV ) .

  19. 星期三发表的所谓SCOUT研究的最终数据表明西布曲明增加已患心脏病的患者的心脏病发作和中风的风险。

    Final data from the so-called SCOUT study , published on Wednesday , showed Meridia increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes in patients who already have heart disease .

  20. 另有一些报道认为:对于已患心脏病的人,饮食中含有n-3fa也有治疗的作用。

    Several studies have reported the therapeutic benefits of dietary n-3fa to individuals with existing heart disease .

  21. 位于波士顿的布莱根妇女医院(BrighamandWomen’sHospital)的预防医学主任乔安·曼森(JoAnnManson)博士表示,针对鱼油的大型临床试验只侧重于那些已患有心脏病或风险非常高的人。

    Dr. JoAnn Manson , the chief of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women 's Hospital in Boston , said the large clinical trials of fish oil focused only on people who already had heart disease or were at very high risk .

  22. 研究证明,这两种外膜蛋白均存在菌体表面并具有良好的免疫原性,已成为恙虫病东方体亚单位疫苗的重要候选分子。58kDa蛋白是恙虫病东方体的热休克蛋白,属于Hsp60家族。

    Both 47 - and 56-kDa proteins are considered as the major surface proteins of Ot , which has a potential importance in development of subunit vaccine against scrub typhus .

  23. 很多国家已将危重病护理医学设为一个独立的专业。

    Many countries have established critical care medicine as an independent specialty .

  24. 心脏病介入治疗已成为心脏病治疗中非常重要和有效的手段。

    Heart disease interventional therapy has become a very important method in heart therapy .

  25. 由于各种疾病、创伤及交通事故等造成的骨组织损伤,已成为常见病和多发病。

    Bone tissue damage caused by various diseases , injury and accidents , has become a common and frequently occurring disease .

  26. 米歇尔·哈里斯是该信托医院的可持续发展经理。她表示,那些已住院的病患依然可以玩这一游戏。

    Michelle Harris , the trust 's sustainability manager , said the game could still be played by those already in hospital .

  27. 全面的行动要求采用综合措施,采取针对高危或已罹患该病的个体的战略,力图减少全体人口的风险。

    Comprehensive action requires combining approaches that seek to reduce the risks throughout the entire population with strategies that target individuals at high risk or with established disease .

  28. 既然你已从心脏病中康复过来了,这么暖和的天,为什么不下床到医院的花园中散散步呢?

    Since you have recovered from the heart attack , why don 't you get up and have a walk around the garden in the hospital in such a mild day ?

  29. 随着人口的增长,社会老龄化问题日益严重,缺血性脑血管病的发生率逐年上升,已成为老年病防治的重点疾病之一。

    With population growth , the aging society is coming , As the incidence of the ischemic cerebrovascular disease ( ICVD ) is increasing year by year , it is becoming the focus on prevention and treatment .

  30. 传染病报告的迟报率8.06%,已报传染病卡片中职业、实验诊断和住址的填写缺项率分别为12.10%,10.48%和7.26%。

    The rate of delay in report of infectious diseases was 8.06 % and the rate of missing in filling " occupation ", " test and diagnosis " and " address " in the card was 12.10 % , 10.48 % and 7.26 % respectively .