首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我们要站得高望得远,看到人生是如此短暂,我们又怎能不去珍惜呢?

    Looking at the big picture , life is short and worthy of cherishing .

  2. 当然爱因斯坦意味的并不仅仅是这些,他已经超越了科学天才的范畴,成为人类文明中德高望重的偶像。

    Yet there is more , and it is why Einstein transcends mere genius and has become our culture 's grandfatherly icon .

  3. 他们或许以为佩戴这个光彩动人的丝绣徽记的人准是她那一伙人中德高望重的人士。

    Conceiving , perhaps , that the wearer of this brilliantly embroidered badge must needs be a personage of high dignity among her people .

  4. 里德是行业中德高望重的前辈,交通部反对他的理由仅仅是认为他可能对外国企业心存感激,现在看来这是十足的狗拿耗子。

    The dot 's objection to Mr reid , a respected veteran in the industry , because he might be beholden to foreign interests looks particularly meddlesome .

  5. 在大学里,刘星为名高望重而且个性迷人的瑞瑟教授苦心钻研宇宙的起源。

    At university , Liu Xing devotes himself to research on the origins of the universe for the eminent and charming Professor Jacob Reiser ( Quinn ) .

  6. 透过近旁两棵高高的松树望去,夜空似浸在牛乳中,好像被特里克茜踢翻了一大桶牛奶泛满了整个天空。

    Between the two tall pines over him , the sky was milky , as though Trixie had kicked a great bucket of milk foaming across the heavens .

  7. 眼下,大多数家庭又都是独生子女,不少父母对自己的子女期望值很高,望子成龙、望女成凤。

    At present , most families are one-child families , thus parents have great expectations of their children , and all expect that their children will become competent and competitive some day .

  8. 他是个二十五岁的青年,高高的个儿,望上去很肥胖,他的气派端庄而堂皇,又很拘泥礼节。

    He was a tall , heavy looking young man of five and twenty . His air was grave and stately , and his manners were very formal .

  9. 他们朝东边看,只见太阳后面有一列山脉。山很高很高,他们不是望不到山顶就是忘了。

    What they saw - eastward , beyond the sun - was a range of mountains . It was so high that either they never saw the top of it or they forgot it .