
  • 网络skydive;sky diving;parachuting;sky-diving
  1. 遗愿清单并不都是高空跳伞和蹦极之类的活动。

    Bucket lists aren 't all about skydiving and bungee jumping .

  2. 又或许塞满了香槟杯或高空跳伞设备。

    Or maybe they 're full of champagne glasses or skydiving equipment .

  3. Day很怕高空跳伞。

    Day chickened out of sky diving .

  4. 在Instagram上搜索#selfiestick,你看到的不是高空跳伞的照片,而是一般人上传的更高品质的日常生活照。很多情况下,人们使用自拍杆只是想让镜头塞下更多的人。

    A quick Instagram search for \# selfiestick doesn 't return sky-divers and base jumpers , but regular people uploading performance-enhanced selfies of everyday activities . In most cases , the appeal seems to be simply fitting more people into the frame .

  5. 这个周末我想去试试高空跳伞。

    I 'm going to try sky diving this weekend .

  6. 那位爱冒险的女子喜欢玩高空跳伞。

    The adventurous woman likes to go skydiving .

  7. 跳伞塔跳伞和高空跳伞

    Parachuting from tower and from a great height

  8. 我女朋友喜欢高空跳伞。

    My girlfriend loves sky-diving every time .

  9. 她也热爱游泳、潜水、爬山等户外运动,就连高空跳伞她也爱。

    She also has a passion for outdoor sports such as swimming , scuba diving , hiking , and even sky diving .

  10. 二战期间,飞行员出身的老布什在飞机被击中后,完成第一次高空跳伞。

    He made his first jump as a Navy pilot when his plane was shot down over the Pacific during World War II .

  11. 今天,一个昵称是菲尔的人在24英里的高空跳伞,最终安全降落在墨西哥的沙漠。

    A name with nickname Fier jump out of capsule 24 mile above the earth today . He landed safely in desert of Mexico .

  12. 定点跳伞明显比同类运动如高空跳伞更危险,如今很多人把它称为边缘极限运动或特技。

    BASE jumping is significantly more dangerous than similar sports such as skydiving from aircraft , and is currently regarded by many as a fringe extreme sport or stunt .

  13. 即使在成为其中一员之后,依然要坚持训练,训练时间甚至还有所增加。所进行的训练项目包括从3000英尺的高空跳伞解救被劫持的邮轮等。

    They require even more training after their time being " regular " SEALs , including scenarios like parachuting from 30000 feet in order to gain control of a hijacked cruise liner .

  14. 据报道,在飞行员詹姆斯•索罗克姆于2500英尺高空跳伞离开飞机后,后面跟着的赛斯纳飞机上的一名飞行员用遥控设备操纵飞机向地面降落。

    After pilot James Slocum parachuted out of the plane at 2500ft , the jet was guided into the ground by a pilot in a following Cessna via a remote-control device , the reporters reported .

  15. 上周,许多人非常惊讶地获悉,艾伦•尤斯塔斯无畏地从平流层上一跃而下,成功超越了奥地利跳伞运动员菲利克斯•鲍姆加特纳创造的高空跳伞世界纪录。

    Many people were surprised last week to learn that Alan Eustace had successfully outdone Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner by setting a new world record for high-altitude skydiving with his death-defying jump from the edge of the stratosphere .