
  1. 真的是除了感动还是感动啊,萍水相遇而已,但是老人却这般的关心!

    I was so moved , meeting by chance , while she is this caring to me !

  2. 我不知道是什么原因使我开始信任她。她毕竟只是一个萍水友伴,一个我在坐火车途中相遇的人。

    I don 't know what made me start confiding in her . She was a chance acquaintance , after all , someone I 'd met on a train journey .

  3. 或许她不过和我们一般无二,一起交谈不过是萍水交情,因为城市太大,夜深,或者一起抽烟,看起来也就像朋友。

    Maybe she was just like us , talked together was no more than talking , because the city was too big , the night was too heavy , smoking together , may then seemed like friends .

  4. ~(35)S-甲胺磷在模拟共生体系中按指数回归消失,它在萍、水、鱼和稻草上的半衰期分别为1.25、2.8、6.2和2.2天。

    The half-life of 35S-methamidophos on the Azolla , water , fish and straw are 1.5 , 2.8 , 6.2 and 2.2 days respectively .