
  1. 我不知道今年会不会有秋寒。

    I wonder if we 'll have early froststhis year .

  2. 本周,他乐观实用主义在秋寒料峭的莫斯科接受检验。

    This week his optimistic pragmatism was tested in a chilly , autumnal Moscow .

  3. 秋寒阵阵的山上,石头小路向山顶蜿蜒,白云缭绕的地方,还住着几户人家。

    With autumn wind bursting forth on the mountain , the small rock road zigzags up to the mountain peak where there are still a few households enshrouded among the clouds .

  4. 从那改变一生的机遇起,莱斯开始了在广播、政治、演讲和电视等方面的成功的职业生涯。(编译:秋暮寒供稿:任长秀)

    From that fateful beginning , Les went on to a successful career in broadcasting , politics , public speaking and television .