
rén tǐ yì shù
  • body art
  1. 受足球明星大卫·贝克汉姆(DavidBeckham)和流行歌手谢丽尔·费尔南德兹-维西尼(CherylFernandez-Versini)等人的影响,人体艺术近年来变得更为主流。英国安格利亚鲁斯金大学(AngliaRuskinUniversity)的研究人员探查了这一潮流对传统观念的影响。

    Researchers at Anglia Ruskin University looked into whether the fact body art had become more mainstream in recent years - a trend influenced by the likes of footballer legend David Beckham and pop star Cheryl Fernandez-Versini - had affected traditional stereotypes .

  2. 克孜尔壁画中的人体艺术

    The Body Art In the Wall - painting of Kirgiz

  3. 中西人体艺术反差的文化渊源

    The Cultural Origin of the Sino-Western Differences in the Nude Art

  4. 有十分之一的人纹身(或称作人体艺术形式)。

    One in every ten people have tattoos or a form of body art .

  5. 人体艺术审美中的性态度

    Sexual Manner of Appreciating Body 's Art

  6. 而苏紫紫则把人体艺术看做一种正当合法的艺术表现形式。

    Su , however , sees nudity in art as a legitimate form of expression .

  7. 人体艺术的审美功能

    Feature of Aesthetic Art about Human Body

  8. 试论西方人体艺术造型美的历程

    The western artistic forms of human body

  9. 在希腊文明的全盛时期,人体艺术发展到顶峰。

    In the florescence of Hellenic civilization , the art of appreciating body went to its summit .

  10. 民族文化中的民族舞蹈与传统体育通属于人体艺术形态,有着深厚的民族群众性基础。

    Belonging to formation of human art , national dance and traditional physical culture have a solid national mass foundation .

  11. 非常强调宗法观念和血缘继承关系的中国古代,则本能地反对伤风败俗、诲淫诲盗的人体艺术。

    Meanwhile , ancient China , stressing patriarchal idea and blood relations , repelled the nude as something immoral and obscene .

  12. 有纹身的食客也会遭到拒绝,在日本,这种人体艺术经常会让人联想到黑社会组织。

    Tattooed diners will also be turned away , body art in Japan is often considered a link with underworld groups .

  13. 巫、性、美的价值统一与裂变&兼论人体艺术的起源和异化

    The Unification and Breakdown of the Value Embodied by Sorcery , Sex and Beauty & the Origin and Variation of the Nude

  14. 人体艺术尽管不是什么新鲜事儿,但每当进入公众视野之时,通常都会引起不小的轰动。

    Nudity in art is nothing new . But , whenever it raises its head , it usually causes something of a stir .

  15. 她的行为引发公众热议。而苏紫紫则把人体艺术看做一种正当合法的艺术表现形式。

    Her actions have certainly sparked a heated debate . Su , however , sees nudity in art as a legitimate form of expression .

  16. 本片将展示世界上最伟大的人体艺术背后的秘密,包括去除文身的高技术。

    The secrets behind the world 's best bodily works of art are revealed , including a high tech technique to remove the unwanted tattoo .

  17. 杰西卡是一位自由职业者,做过各种推广工作,但她真正热爱的是人体艺术,不论是作为模特还是艺术家。

    Jessica does various kinds of freelance promotion tasks , but her real love is body art , both as a model and as an artist .

  18. 被视为有创造性和表现力的人体艺术,他们认为纹身师都是品德修养极高的艺术家。

    In the eyes of Europeans and Americans , TATTOO is a creative and expressive body art , and tattoo artists are of high moral character .

  19. 从古希腊时期一直到现代派艺术,西方人体艺术在表现恐怖情感方面不仅源远流长,而且颇有独到之处。

    Western body art has a long and unique tradition in the expression of fear , a tradition that started from ancient Greece and continued into modern times .

  20. 有人说,人体艺术一方面挑战我们对于人体形态的认知,同时也提供了一个可以完全、公开地讨论与身体有关事物的机会。

    Some say nudity in art challenges our attitudes to the human form , and also gives us a chance to discuss body-related matters maturely and out in the open .

  21. 西方服装文化是一种多源性的文化,在其形成过程中,将服装视作一门特殊的人体艺术,注重形式,认为形式即内容。

    On the contrary , Western dress culture , which has multiple origins , looks on the dress as a special art of human body , pays much attention to the dress form , and equates form with content .

  22. 挪威人与自然的亲密关系造就了挪威人的单纯和不羁。他们对人体艺术大胆而由衷的追求,使他们与自然景观融为了一体。

    The fundamental relationship that Norwegians have with nature makes them open and uninhibited with respect to nudity . here , the human body is displayed with spontaneity and directness , like one of the many natural elements that blend in with the landscape .

  23. 谈人体语言艺术在图书馆服务工作中的作用

    On the Impact of Body Language Art upon Library Service

  24. 丰富多姿异彩纷呈&西方人体绘画艺术的造型美

    Poly Postures and Rich Colors : The Plastic Beauty of Western Human Body Pictorial Art

  25. 舞蹈是人体的艺术,以动作性、抒情性、节奏性、造型性形成艺术特色。

    Dances , the art of human body , shape their artistic characteristics with movements , expressions , rhythms and figures .

  26. 体育舞蹈是一种优美的人体动态艺术,是向大学生实施审美教育的重要途径。

    Athletic dancing is a graceful body art of movement . It is a significant way of aesthetic education for the undergraduates .

  27. 它是人体的艺术,对于纹身的个人来说,它象挂在博物馆里的绘画一样富有意义和表现力。

    It 's body art for humans that can be as expressive and meaningful to the tattooed individual as any painting hanging in a museum .

  28. 本工作室的宗旨是在中国和世界传播爱足文化,提倡爱足之道,树立爱足之风,推广人体美学艺术。

    The purpose of our studio is to preach foot-love culture , advocate foot-love habit , set up foot-love fashion and develop human body beauty art .

  29. 通过对文艺复兴至18世纪西方人体绘画艺术语言流变的考察,从中梳理出一条宗教价值向审美价值发生位移的脉络,揭示出其中的文化嬗变意味。

    Based on the investigation into the Renaissance to the change of language about western painting in 18th century , which reveals the evolution of culture .

  30. 具有生物性功能的人体成为艺术题材、审美对象,需要某些要素的参与,形式化、意味的积淀是基本要素,而性觉的参与也是不容忽视的。

    The human body , basically biological , has become a subject of the art because of its indispensable elements of formalization and accumulated flavor , and the involvement of sexual sense .