
  • 网络real estate title;property right of real estate
  1. 房地产产权保险是美国等国家广泛适用的用于保障交易安全的一个重要保险品种,产权报告是该制度的关键。

    Real estate title insurance is widely used in the United States and other countries and ensure the security for a major insurance types , property rights report is the key to the system .

  2. 之后提出了房地产产权保险的相关配套措施,主要从登记性质的转换、产权信息库的构建作出说明。

    Real estate title insurance made after the relevant supporting measures , the main character of the conversion from the registration of property rights to build the information base explanation .

  3. 房地产产权变动法定公证制度研究

    Discussion on the System of Legal Notarization on the Change of Real Estate Right

  4. 该部分对产权、房地产产权做出了明确界定,阐明了房地产产权保险的对象。

    It make a clear definition of property rights to clarify property , Real Estate Property , the object of real estate title insurance .

  5. 一份罗列所有关系到某个房地产产权、当地土地登记局登记的文件的总结。

    A summary listing of the documents registered in the local land registry office and which affect title ( ownership ) of a particular property .

  6. 其三,税收的辅助制度不健全,主要体现在房地产产权登记和估价制度。

    Third , the auxiliary regulation of tax is not amplify . That is mainly reflect in the real estate system of right register and appraise .

  7. 通过与普通人寿险和财产险的比较,凸出房地产产权保险在保险标的、范围、期间、保险费、保险责任等方面的特殊性。

    By working with ordinary life and property insurance comparison , protruding real estate title insurance in the insurance subject matter , scope , period , insurance premiums , insurance , etc. particularity .

  8. 大概是同样道理,我们长久以来已明白公地的逻辑,可能是自从发现农业或发明私人房地产的产权。

    In an approximate way , the logic of commons has been understood for a long time , perhaps since the discovery of agriculture or the invention of private property in real estate .

  9. 事务所主要从事的领域:房地产、知识产权、境内外融资、投资、环保、国际贸易等。

    The main business involves realty , intellectual property , financing at home and abroad , investment , environmental protection , international trade .

  10. 净值个人房地产或证券产权价值;地产或企业在扣除所有权利主张和留置权后的市值。

    The value of a person 's ownership in real property or securities ; the market value of a property or business , less all claims and liens against it .

  11. 产权保险为明晰产权信息、化解产权风险提供一种有效的商业化的运作机制,对解决中国房地产市场的产权风险问题具有重要的借鉴价值和现实意义。

    Title Insurance provides a valid commercial mechanism for transparent information and risk avoidance , and also has great value for reference and practical significance to solve title risk problems in China market .

  12. 对于北京市民,他们的房子面临着被拆毁的风险,也面临着为了某些房地产开发商房地产权被逼拆迁的可能,王军成了某种程度上的他们英雄。

    To Beijing residents , whose houses are threatened with demolition or who have been forced to relocate to make way for real estate developers , Wang Jun is a kind of folk hero .

  13. 目前资产评估已渗透到企业改制、金融监管、资本市场、房地产市场、知识产权战略实施、林权制度改革等经济生活的各个方面。

    Currently , assets valuation has penetrated into enterprise restructuring , financial supervision , capital market , real estate market , jewelry market , intellectual property rights strategy implementation , the forest right system reform etc. all aspects of economic life .

  14. 针对北京房地产市场交易中存在的产权关系模糊不清的问题,提出了界定房地产交易中产权关系的主要方法和实例。

    To counter the problem of the unclear relation of property right in Beijing real estate purchase , the main method and example that can delimit the relation of property right in the real estate purchase are put forward in the paper .

  15. 房地产交易的本质是房地产产权的交易。

    The nature of real estate trade is real estate property trade .

  16. 房地产股份化涉及房地产公司股份化和房地产资产股份化,房地产资产股份化的顺利实施关键在于房地产产权关系的理顺。

    The sharing of real estate involves the sharing of real estate company and real estate property .

  17. 房地产使用权的供给与需求构成房地产租赁市场,房地产所有权的供给与需求构成房地产买卖市场或房地产产权市场。

    The supply and demand of real estate form the real estate lease market . The supply and demand of real estate proprietary rights form the real estate buying and selling market or real estate rights market .